The online racing simulator
This one is next! Selected randomly by T. Soini, who got honor to select number from 1-96, he chose number 42 and this is the next combo! ( I remind you, this combo is selected by all random, no chance at all to predict it )

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car and track is now locked on server. Top time is 3:52.20 by... me.

To attract more people, here is my setup. ( My setups in this server for this kind of racing are allowed to share to anyone who wants anyway, so if you do not have one, ask one! ( If I only of course to happen having it )
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UFR_MTDZX Traps UFR.set - 132 B - 1172 views
13 minutes to go before Q starts, join join!
Round 22 RESULTS


He finally made it! Despite it took 22 rounds to receive the first victory ever in the series, T. Soini proved that steady driving is the key of balance to make sure it will be the "golden center field" to gain victory!

Yes! Started from 4th position, first lap was hectic, took three guys off the race and having additional one losing focus. Gone on further during race, the race leaders have troubles on either with setup OR forgetting to steer. And because only 7 drivers did start the race and 6 of them had troubles, that leads only one could manage to make a stable run! Congratulations T. Soini!

If earlier round was a dramatic jackpot to VepiX, this was indeed same thing to Soini. Despite no fastest lap recorded nor pole position, those were not required to make on top.

2nd place goes to Last round was a disaster to him, this round was a close call to make another one in row. But he is not Mr. Flat Out! for nothing, as survived from incident with Sobis, although losing focus for while, 2nd place was indeed secured due the problems of other guys!

3rd place is taken by UM21, who set fastest lap and started from pole. Probably could have been higher position in results if setup would have last longer. 1st jump was critical to him, forced to repair his car.

4th place goes to Arska ( Arsk4 ), who managed to make 13 times to use !flip command, dropped 5 times off the track, required to go to pits 3 times and yet still finished the race! Disaster race, surprising result! ( LMAO )

Here is some highlights once again!

Start grid

Lap 1 on video! Sobis, Eclipsed and MackisDoodle DNF's on this lap. Sobis by hit with Willi, Rony ( Eclipsed ) by driving mistake and MackisDoodle by literally "trapped"!

More pictures

And now, enjoy the show by Arska!


T. Soini's first victory!
3 guys did DNF on lap 1
Rony's first DNF
Sobis's second DNF
Round 22's race was 8th longest so far
Arska broke new records: 13 times flip command, 3 times pit in one race.

If UM21 wouldn't needed a required repair of his UFR, he would have probably won, however, if Arska could have stay on the track, he would have probably won, however, if Willi could have avoid the incident with Sobis, he would have probably won, however, if Sobis could have been stay on the track, he would have probably won, however, if Rony could have manage to keep his UFR on track, he would have probably crashed again because Arska.

We saw "The top6" minus Jay from Finland: UM21, Arska, T. Soini, Sobis and Rony

Points and stats updated!

Thank you for participating. Next round will be on tuesday, but actual time is not set. There will be a poll during weekend where you can select when the race and qualify will start. Most votes wins! Stay tuned!

Next round's car will be road car/road cars!
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As from poll, most votes got 17:00 UTC, so we will stick up with that time for while in Tuesday rounds!

EDIT: Track and cars are now up on server.
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What a round!

Round 23 was indeed most spectacular and surprising race yet ever held on MTDZXFOS! Over 44 minutes long race of nightmare did show who are the real mad racers. Despite only 4 racers did attempt to edit it out and finish the race, only 2 could actually make it! It was clear on first minutes of 16 laps, no other car than FZ50 could make on top...

...until dramatic issues occurred!

UM21 managed to take the victory from 3rd place with RaceAbout 06 car. 4th win and fastest lap. But win was more like a gift due the Willi's unlucky suspension damage on last lap.

Willi was most stable on track in terms of making less mistakes, but indeed last lap's suspension failure killed his goal to get on top. Still 2nd finish.

The pole position guy, Arska did catch a fence and was literally out of chances to get on back on the track. This race will be remembered about losing fuel, losing suspensions and losing focus. UM21 hit fuel empty just before last corner of last lap, Willi got sudden suspension damage on last lap and Arska lost his focus on the jump. Too fast and result at the end was secured.

Here is some more highlights!

Start Grid

And first lap from Willi's perspective ( in-car )

First guy is off the track. Kyusha ( xkikox ) DNF's on lap 1

Racing was somewhat close. Arska and Willi were driving on top, UM21 following slightly further from two. Here is footage of "The Jump"

UM21 making first mistake. Funky 720 with perfect direction. Due the slow speed entry, he gets some suspension damage from the ramp ( which is not shown on this footage )

Due the suspension damage, he needs to make a pitstop. Willi is making his own pitstop after next lap.

Now this get more interesting. Arska suddenly fails on here, but survives to getting back on the track. Pitstop is indeed required.

UM21 drops out, but survives, another pitstop is required.

Arska DNF's... too bad.

And the final lap what did happen between Willi and UM21.


Arska led most laps: 8. Willi led 7 laps but UM21 led only 1 lap and won the race.
Longest race so far ( easily )
All four races required to use !flip command at least once.
Without Arska's mistakes, he would have probably won due his pace, but Willi was more stable.
The more mistakes happened, more fuel it started to burn. Fuel usage did vary a lot.
This round was indeed hardest round from rounds which are not set as double points due the bigger difficulty, though it could have been easily done with so. However, Willi proved that it was possible to do all 16 laps well. ( Suspension damage does not count, it was very unlucky and first time someone actually kills suspension from that angle and landing )

Stats and points are updated.

Thank you for all who participated on this. Next race will be on thursday and car and track is already selected. We will continue on Blackwood and road car. Stay tuned. ( More info coming soon! )
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Here we go! Let's see how many people we get tomorrow!?

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1 hour and 27 minutes to go. Fastest lap so far done is 2:11.90


Round 24 was yet another dramatic "game changer", but biggest one involved right on lap 1, where Mr. Two and Mr. Flat Out! had an accident after the hump due the Willi's mistake. As two of top three drivers were out, it was sorta easy victory to UM21, who did NOT HAVE Grand Slam! He set fastest lap, started from pole, but led only 15 laps from 16. T. Soini managed to grab one while UM21 making pitstop. However, victory was almost ruined by sudden draft given by Arska during air on 2nd last lap and landing goes too far, forcing to make additional pitstop. Gap between 1st and 2nd place was however too big and without any serious mistakes, victory was secured for sure.

2nd place, however, goes to Willi. Despite several mistakes, he was absolutely a lot more faster than 3rd place finished, T. Soini. Both of them had some "battle" for the 2nd place, twice. Still, no chance.

Ditto! 3rd place indeed was taken by T. Soini ( teppari ). Stable but slower than usual pace was no more than gaining a bronze. However, due the collision on first lap, maybe it was not needed to go fast as possible anyway as 2nd and 3rd place gains equal amount of points, so in tactical speaking, well done!

4th place is taken by Arska, who survived from race this time and even managed to finish on same lap as leader, due the increasing race pace during further development of the race.

5th place could have been gone to Jay but sloppy performance of attempting to make a pitstop failed to receive any points, and because wrong way driving is absolutely forbidden, it was no more than DNF.

Here is some highlights!

Start Grid. After green was hit, Willi took the lead after Turn 1

And this is the moment when everything goes wrong between Willi and Arska.

Jay indeed was the most spectacular "flat outer" during round 24. Watch and compare the first lap's hump! ( Same moment when Arska is going to crash towards to Willi )

Nothing seriously dramatic happened on middle section of race, except this one. UM21 loses grand slam possibility on here! ( T.Soini is driving on shadows, shrouded by dark illuminati vision! )

Jay indeed plausibly having fun! Here is another footage!

But fun will end miserably! He fails the pitlane and even tries to get back on the boxes from alternative route, which requires to do wrong way driving. InSim says no! ( And look at that car! Man...! )

Willi managed to catch Soini...

...But loses it after few laps, due the dropping the path. !flip command helps and car is gently back on the track. It is not rocket science to use such a helpful thing... This is not rocket science...

No my friend... THIS... IS... SPARTA! ( Yes, identical picture, because Jay made several amounts of those )


UM21 led 15/16 laps, Soini led one lap
Jay and Arska did use five times of !flip command, while Willi only did need three.
It was 2nd longest race so far.
Every racer had some minor to serious issues of staying on track, while Soini was absolutely most stable guy on the track. However, no one made a perfect run, which is required to do so of not wrecking the car at all. ( General suspension damage does not count. )
Race report is released before points and stats updated.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on tuesday 17:00 UTC, track and car or cars are not yet announced, but will happen so on at weekend! Stay tuned!
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Well yeah no points.. but i was lapped like 2 times so no points coming my way anyways, so big deal about dnf Big grin atleast i can be the king of dnf's Wink
And yeah the car was undriveable.. no steering, i had to try that reverse pit Smile
Quote from jh89 :Well yeah no points.. but i was lapped like 2 times so no points coming my way anyways, so big deal about dnf Big grin atleast i can be the king of dnf's Wink

Yes you can take points by finishing even if lapped more than once, if you are POS9 or better.

Round 25 will not be held on next week's Tuesday, but on Thursday.
A special event occurs on Tuesday for me, so have to be on there.

Do not worry, the track and combo is already selected, it will be released on tomorrow, but round indeed will be holding on Thursday. Stay tuned!
Yes, indeed this will be happen Thursday and not tomorrow. ( So, we kinda skip one of the round days but only due the unexpected things. However, see you on Thursday! )

If this track does not attract more people, what then? ( No, must be fast track with layout which resembles as track itself )

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Seems cars are similarly unbalanced a bit as they were in Round 14. U-turns makes it up, but who knows what will happen when one hour and 44 minutes remaining till Q starts.


After 7 rounds later, Mr. Flat Out! is back! Willi ( ) made his race to the victory by starting 2nd place and overtook pole position guy [WCL] T. Soini ( teppari ) in first hairpin and led all 18 laps. Unfortunately, his grand slam was taken by 0.02 seconds in qualifying, as fastest lap was set in race as 1:27.00. No Grand Slam, but 11 points. It was his 12th round victory as well!

2nd place is this time taken by Mr. Stable, who set fastest time on qualify, so he started from pole, but lost the lead in first hairpin. Still, stable race and another podium!

3rd place is surprisingly "given" to UM21. FZ50 was no chance to battle against GT2 cars. By being most likely at least 2 seconds slower per lap, it was enough to get bronze!

We have fourth finisher and this time it is Demon ( LFSW: eldemon ). First time attempted and straight to points. Despite having issues to stay on track and had to use five times !flip command, he prove he is able to finish, and indeed he made so! And setting fastest lap was not that far either!

We have once again some videos and pics, though this time lesser amount. Let's check it out! HIGHLIGHTS!

So the start grid is this!

First lap on video, following T. Soini

Here is also more accurate picture and video about what happened. Lucas did hit his fellow team leader and tries to recover, until TwistzZ ( LFSW: Driloniloni110 ), another first timer hits back and both spins. This results UM21 to require a pitstop due the car was on somewhat bad shape.

TwistzZ ( LFSW: Driloniloni110 ) is on sideways. ( He later simply DNF's by leaving the server after he managed to make a pitstop. )

Lucas hits wall and spins... and he shift s a bit later.... that's DNF for sure.

And finally, this is the reason how Demon lost his podium place... Pity.

Highlights ends here!


Cars were most unbalanced so far in this round.
Willi did score 12th victory.
T. Soini, who presents Sport Racing Team Finland, despite drives under World Class Lions tag, managed to get 2nd pole position.
3 new guys gets statistics.
UM21 failed to get under 1:30 as he claimed it is possible. Sure it is, as unofficial theoretical laptime was 1:29.79 for him, but never managed to make it out. It was great chance to do on last lap, but due the Demon's damaged FX2 on last hairpin, chance did drain.

Thank you for all who participated this round! Next round is next week's Tuesday and will have slow car/cars. Track is completely random. Stay tuned!

( Statistics will be updated immediately after submitting this post. )

EDIT: Whoops, cars are wrong, fixing them ASAP! (sorry )
EDIT2: Fixed
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Welcome to rally/stunt/high speed track!

EDIT: Sorry for dark font color

EDIT: Adding a picture where pitboxes are for a pitstop!
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WE1X_MTDZX_Rally-DX MixedREV.lyt - 15.2 KB - 502 views
Oh yeah, I hope thunderstorm won't mess up things, as if one of kind will move towards to me ( local place ) high likely I won't be able to host the race and round will be cancelled and moved to next day...

...unless, hmmmmm.
18 minutes before Q starts. Not much people here ( obvious reasons. ) Join and feel the rally style.


Splendid! Despite this round's layout was more like rallying than going flat, ( don't worry, it was very fast track anyway ) nothing much changed since last round. Other than Willi the aka Mr. Flat Out! managed to hit Grand Slam! Insane lap time at the end and "well played" - mode during race, with UM21's brain fart situations and overall aware of car's balance secured Willi to make on top, once again. Only UM21 could have had stand a chance at least slightly, but not enough. Great performance!

Indeed, 2nd place is taken by the host itself, but was no match against Willi's LX6 Junior car. Despite XR GT's insane top speed ( over 210km/h ), it was not enough agile and was too heavy. On top of that, too much fuel also ruined the experience of the race, as more fuel means more weight and more weight means lesser speed towards to ramps. Still, clear 2nd place.

Clear 3rd place is taken by T. Soini, who did select same car as Willi, but was no match at all to top pace. However, steady driving and another podium once again, can't really complain due the strategy being to be waiting someone on top making critical mistake. That didn't happen this time.

Absolutely clear 4th place is taken by Jay from Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ). He did select XF GTi, which was somewhat surprising selection as being 12 seconds slower than LJ6 per lap. Should Jay had selected XRG or LJ4 or LJ6, who knows. However, it is proven before that fastest car is not always fastest here. Anything can happen, especially on longer races.

There were 3 another races involved, but no one of them managed to set time in qualification nor finished a race. Let's see some highlights. This time, no videos, pics only.

Here is the start grid. Yes, floating chalk, lovely! After lights hit green, MaitoMies gets very good start.

After T1

Therenaultguy (LFSW: therenaultguy ), gets stuck on mud section. Another victim is taken by this cruel, cruel section. But he was not the first guy to DNF. As being stuck, he kindly waited 60 seconds before InSim forced to take him out due the state of idle too long time.

MaitoMies (LFSW: Pena70 ), is the first official guy to DNF. Too fast on banked section called "connector". He attempted to use !flip command once, but no chance as car was on "permament void". No chance at all to get back, DNF...

Imppa22 ( LFSW: Imppa22 ), had a lot of troubles to survive at least one lap. Rolling the car, hitting objects and spinning around. But clutch overheat was the official problem to DNF. Happened on just before last corner of lap 1. 5th place would have been, but nope... DNF.

But the fight for the victory was on, for several laps. As mentioned, it was not enough. On lap 4, UM21 made a pitstop, and willi made pitstop on lap 7.


Despite several cars were open, only 3 different cars were seen: XF GTi, XR GT and LX6 Junior.
All 4 guys who set time in qualification, managed to finish the race.
Cars were totally unbalanced.
Only one !flip command were used, MaitoMies ( Pena70 ) in first lap.
It was first time we see XR GT ( XRG ) car in round.

Thank you for participating race! Next round will be on Thursday, set on time as 19:10 UTC. Car will be formula and track will be oval. What is it? You'll see it in here, tomorrow! ( it is your time to arise and shine, fordern Wink )
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RNG is 22 and it is this one!

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Round 27 didn't saw that much dramatic issues, but did have somewhat surprise moment when even Willi could not stand a chance against Sobis for fighting to the victory, because several wall hits and suspension damage. Shortly, Sobis was OP in this race, but was not able to get the pole-position. Even he did start from first place, it was only "desired" by [RSP]M,tunç ( LFSW: ufoandaliens ), simply not starting the race at all! It was first time no pole-position points is received by anyone as rulebook stands for required at least two laps raced on race to gain possible points from pole. That also means Sobis did not catch the 2nd Grand Slam for him, as he led every lap and made fastest lap, but on qualify he was not first, but 2nd. However, it was great performance by him and victory is well deserved! Congratulations!

So, Sobis won and 2nd place is taken by Willi, who got lapped by leader in last lap due the wall hits and suspension malfunction. He was slowly but surely losing the pace, standing no chances to win, other than leader making critical mistake. However, it was "easy" 2nd place for him.

3rd place is taken by Arska, who had bad set but survived this time for finish line. He was also a bit lucky as UM21, who finished 4th, missed the pit lane first time and had to drive an extra lap with broken car. Both drivers did pitted twice but ultimately it was Arska who was better this time!

4th place is taken UM21.

5th place finisher is T. Soini. Steady race, but no pace to fight on the lead. Still better performance than Jay from Finland, who did pitted four times and was lapped down eleven times. Still finished the race and that means it was long time since Round 17, having more than four racers finished the race. WOW!

Some highlights incoming! Scroll down!

Start Grid, fancy one.

And here is the start itself!

The only guy who did not finished the race, is YT:DAVID NEMCEK (LFSW D.Nemcek ). First timer simply gave up after 8 laps. The crash is also odd, straight to the wall.

Because the guys of MTDZX- didn't stand a chance to keep their car's suspension in good condition and because Sobis's pace was excellent. Here we see some pictures. Arska temporarily managed to pass Willi, as driving mistake occurred, but gained back with same way. Willi was actually gaining Sobis until 35th lap is finished. Control is taken by Sobis... to the finish line!

UM21 making a hit to the wall and spins 360 to recover. Willi have dropped far away from Sobis at this point.



This race was 6th longest race so far.
6/7 racers finished.
First time no points is dealt by taking a pole-position, as driver justified to start from pole for being fastest driver in qualify, didn't drive at least two laps in race.
It took 10 rounds to see more than 4 drivers finishing race.
Sobis led all 81 laps, making some good statistics for him!
No one did required to use !flip command during race.
The race was measured wrong for targeting 30 minutes as duration, because the host was calculated 1800 seconds divided by 22 and not 25 ( as pace would have been. ) It would still have been slightly too much, as correct and optimal value would have been 26.
It was also first time when gap between 1st and 2nd is 1 lap. It will be marked as 1 lap.
First time Autocross environment were used.

Points and statistics will be updated after this post.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on Thursday ( next Thursday ), 19:08 UTC, same time as this round.

And next round... it will be the most epic yet! ABSOLUTELY Stay tuned! I dare you to count for it!
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Track and car is now locked to the server!
44 minutes to go before qualify of Round 28 starts. People are building or already have built setups. Will be interesting to see!