The online racing simulator
what is hidden code to penetrate server konneks ??

i can't inside server get Shy
KARAGÜMRÜK GANG ATTACK, ataslfs24 and WAS CAN as those accounts are called in LFSWorld, will receive infinite time of ban to MTDZX- Flat Out! for speed hacking and crashing other racers during Round 28. Also several other racers from Brazilian Cruise servers managed to have a ban, but that did happen outside of Round 28, so names will not be published.

Good job! Funny thing however is that you were still not faster than real "flat outters". Please go and find another server where you guys can go as fast as you can.

And whoever also tried to DDOS our server can go try to DDOS something else. Thank you!

Race report will not come tomorrow, as several incidents and lots of things is required to measure. Stay tuned.

EDIT: Exceptionally added race replay from Round 28.
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Speedhackers are slower than legit drivers Big grin NYYBS!
Round 28 RESULTS!
Host's thoughts:

First of all, I am aware about people in Live For Speed community does not take seriously about Flat Out! Series! I am also aware that some of the people still has something personal against me, and MTDZX-. In earlier years, as we all were younger, had some moments which does put in shame, either stupid acting and behavior or childish actions. Also arguing with anger and several other mixed feelings have also put several,
critical spots in history. We are not proud of it, but we have learnt of it.

I do understand and I am willingly accept it that no one, including me, can pleasure everyone. I do also have people which I strongly dislike, either their opinions, actions or things they value most. That does not mean though you have to go give up your feelings and start disrespecting towards to other people. However, Even if I try to be as kind as possible, even I can't be an exception and be the role model generally at internet, where everything other people do, will possibly be accepted by me, without any feelings.

Seems today's trend is that if some people have felt they have got bad behavior towards to themselves, or being unhappy is in critical state, or any other problem which might occur in some point, it is extracted through the internet and causing abuses, insults and all the other disgraceful acting, ruining the atmosphere. But that is after all human behind. Social media and every human soul printed with price tag does have an effect at the internet. However, there are still people, who manage to survive and make himself/herself on better attitude and continues on their lives.

What I now try to say, that whoever sometimes tries to disturb me, sending e-mails, throwing a threat against me and trying to actually making me look very bad, please be kind and grow up. No need to have fights anymore, it is useless and waste of time and energy. I highly recommend to find an actual salary job where you can spend you energy, rather than throwing all the bullshit you can create. But if that is your way of your life, then go for it. I am not going to judge you.

I do not want to discuss anymore, but if you read this, please, if you do not want to get involved at all about my/our "LFS Life", at least do as other people do, they do not care anymore. I do not care either, we are on peace and stay on neutral. Everyone has chance of course to share their opinions and have an options about what they want to read/hear/see and what are things they do not want. Thank you!

Okay, now for the Round 28 Results of itself. First of all, as following race result with detailed report will come into, I did found that several guys did indeed speed hacking during Round 28. It is already several times stated that speed hacking is forbidden and every other kind of cheating too. Also crashing towards to each other won't help either.

So, if you see you are involved here, you will notice some negative and critical thoughts about you. It's not that I want to become a pain in your ass, but as I think you guys do not really care at all about what is the point of these series, I highly consider I do not care either, so in other hand, this mild insult towards to you will probably have no effect, but if it has, then you might understand about what was the thing you guys did do wrong.

My principal method is racing serious but having fun. No need to disrespect each other. YES! Crashes do happen and of course there are sometimes things which might cause arguing about who is right and who is not, it's normal. We all are human after all.

Let this be an official warning to everyone, including me. Let's keep this as reminder and instead of bad moods, let's share some positive feelings! I am honestly glad that I managed to make this competitive and special racing becoming real and I am also glad that some of you are very often here. And I always do like to see there is will of some people going to participate, at least trying if nothing else. Even if no comment is given afterwards, at least I consider it was nothing bad, just not their type of racing.

Yes, I do understand that this is really something which majority of you won't give much value. Same thing did happen when our team made those X-treme Alert videos and published them to youtube. Same thing happened as well.

Finally, what I try to say, that even if this is not anything like major LFS League, nothing about big prices and ultimately the skill level might not exceed compared to your racing skill, we still keep two major things here, Competitive and Fun. I do hope if you are ever planning to attend race here, I want that you can at least leave from the race with no ": (" or "> : (" smile on. But if that is happened in some point, I say I am sorry. I try to be next time better as much as I can and I will attempt to take everyone into account.

Thank You!

P.S. I was wrong about race report will not come today, but apparently I managed to make one!




Round 28 on Disc of Mayhem II a... Indeed it was the one of it's name, as several incidents, during round and outside of round did gather, nearly everything together. However, Race of Round 28 managed to score to the finish line, and it was once again Sobis, who was the one of three, who managed to take on top with brilliant move by slowing down a bit and timing it perfectly to reach the finish line first, by doing a "slingshot". He did led 45/99 laps, but could not reach the fastest lap. However, ten points for win and two additional points for pole. Congratulations!

2nd place is taken by Jay from Finland! Jay ( LFSW: jh89 ) did led 34/99 laps and definitely was on good pace for victory. Unfortunately the aimed target slipped away by Sobis's brilliant slingshot move and crossed the line just before Jay. Still, fastest lap along with Arska. 2nd Fastest Lap is taken and now first one which receives one extra point!

3rd place is taken by Arska, who managed to keep his pace to the finish line. Only lost to winner by 0.02 seconds, but managed to make his first official fastest lap in round! Close one!

We have 4th guy finisher, this one is UM21. He did drop the draft early on, but survived from incidents and all he had to do was to drive. Also hitting the wall five times was alarming about how surprisingly it is to drive as fast as possible around the circle.

Unfortunately, we did not have any more finishers, and before the race did start, already dramatic moment did happen. Here is highlights!

First of all, before lights did hit green, this did happen. Mr. Flat Out leaves from the server! Out of nowhere!

That means, start grid did look like this!

And here is the start!

Nothing big critical things did happen. However, another guy gives up for simply not enough speed and didn't bother to continue. RedBot ( LFSW: redbot_ ) DNF's by driving cleanly to the pitlane and spectates.

As race did go on, UM21 and [SRT]Traceur ( LFSW: Tankslacno ) did drop the draft ( and later on crashes to the wall and DNF's ). This picture shows how the speed hackers managed to keep their speed on with their "defaultish" setups, although lapped down.

All 6 drivers were very close to each other, until this happens. 3 guys having collision, including the one from leader pack, Y.Laprevotte from Tiger Express Motorsports ( LFSW: GreyBull [CHA] )

Replay shows it was not Y.Laprevotte's fault, but that didn't stop of doing revenge ramming and immediately leaving from the race. All three guys who are mentioned earlier post will receive infinite ban of disgraceful effects and speed hacking. Y.Laprevotte had to DNF as !flip command did not save him.

So, final four guys are left and all of them finished in mentioned order!


Sobis's fourth win and tightest race so far.
Arska managed to make his first fastest lap.
Disc of Mayhem II a was literally mayhem, unfortunately.
Sobis led 45 laps, Jay 34 laps and Arska 20 laps.

Tankslacno did show up and made a very special moment at qualify as did set up a time with four different accounts. As this is not forbidden in rule book, he was allowed to do so. However, to gain team points and plausible prize at the end of the series, all four accounts should have joined to race and finishing it.

GreyBull [CHA]'s first attempt to race did end to disaster by disgraceful acting.

Willi did leave from the server just after race did prepared. That means he gets official DNF.

First time infinite bans are taken on action: ataslfs24, KARAGÜMRÜK GANG ATTACK and WAS CAN received the ones, that means they are never welcome again to join MTDZX- Flat Out! server.

Top speed was much slower than expected, but only because not enough racers to gather side drafting, which multiplies the amount of actual draft the more people it involves. This abuse is however legit as it does not involve any hacks or tools and is possible to do in vanilla LFS.Exe. This side draft is technically possible to have several racers driving on each other, and because track had 90 degree banking, technically they were on each other. This works in any solution, as long as there is driver under or on other racer, it will make an effect of infinite draft. The more people it gathers, the stronger it is.

Points and statistics are updated.

Thank you for participating this round ( excluding few, obviously ). Next round will take on place next Tuesday, 19:00 UTC. Track is random, cars are also random. Stay tuned!
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That's horrible. More horrible than Rodrick raging Rofl . Why hack when you're slower than those driving without hacks...

If it were me I'd just swipe the speedhackers off the track. Or just brake check. Works really well in the Demo servers haha
That's if I can ever properly attend a flat out race Tongue

And yea ddosing lfs servers has been a norm these days, TC, MRc, last month our AA team, and now MTDZX. Must be a child behind this.

Sorry for false information, Track actually contains no jumps at all... Simple typo and mistake thoughts. But there I got an idea! Tongue
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Track and car is now locked on the server, feel free to try it out.

Btw, it DOES technically contain jumps, but those have been since forever. So basically, I didn't lie, but what I tried to mean that it indeed contains NO LARGE airbourne possibilities, unless you drop off the track of course.

EDIT: As I got the inspiration from my error, I actually made version from this layout, which contains jumps and red pillars. First Flat Out Tough, or just FFOT. ( Name is amusing, I know. )
Sorry for not giving much detailed race report this time. I was approximately two minutes from submitting race report and electricity cut appears. All the detailed information is gone, not gonna do this again. Sorry folks... I'm sorry



Y.Laprevotte's 1st victory by 2nd attempt!

Start grid and start

After T1


Discussion about !flip command didn't work, reason is here:




Thank you for participating this round! Next round is this week's Thursday and track is by winner's choice! Cars being random. Stay tuned!
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Track and car's will be locked today on server
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Some setups
For Class 5 racing, here is all the setups for Class 5, excluding UF4 and GT4 ( Difference is so small, that I did not bother to make them )
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LX6_MTDZX DM2a LX6.set - 132 B - 1558 views
RAC_MTDZX DM2a RAC.set - 132 B - 1305 views
UFR_MTDZX DM2a UFR.set - 132 B - 1223 views
XFR_MTDZX DM2a XFR.set - 132 B - 1318 views
XRR_MTDZX DM2a XR3.set - 132 B - 1268 views
FXR_MTDZX DM2a FX3.set - 132 B - 1302 views
FOX_MTDZX DM2a FOX.set - 132 B - 1446 views
FZR_MTDZX DM2a FZ3.set - 132 B - 1304 views
Alright! This round will gather LOTS of people! that means server will absolutely be passworded, so please put it on when entering here!


Wow! Where to start...?

Let's start with fun fact that this round's layout was selected by Round 29's winner but he didn't even showed up for it! It was first time this happens... shame.

But whatever the reason is for not showing up for this show... This show, literally offered multiple interesting times as nine racers had to change their speed pace in occasional incidents. Top 3, the leader pack, was going on their own, but on position 4th to 9th, standings were changing all the time. Six "flat outters!" survived from this Disc of Mayhem. Several close ones and near misses, with plenty of crashes made sure there was no idea who could win the race.



Willi ( LFSW: Will.I.Am ) scores the top in 77 laps of Disc of Mayhem II a! Used FZ50 GT3 car, although not fastest in overall, setting the fastest lap and started from pole, managing to keep the draft alongside with UM21's LX6 and Sobis's RaceAbout '06! Not even the ten second penalty could lose the victory for him, which he received by hitting Eza in not many laps to go, resulting Sobis taking a spin...

However, with enough big gap, finishing the race as first, victory is yours Willi!

2nd place is taken by Sobis, who had fastest car in overall, RaceAbout´06. He crashed twice by Willi's hit and one by his own, but survived to drive all 77 laps and finishes to 2nd place. He also led most of the laps, 36/77.

3rd place is taken by UM21, who had bad collision with T. Soini on lap 61, receiving 30 second penalty, which does however make no difference in result due the enough big gap to 4th position. He also proved that LX6 can be a great car for drafting. Indeed!

4th place is taken by Eza ( LFSW: EzA ), who receives 3rd time points for his own and his team, World Class Lions. Absolutely great opportunity to get some speed when managed to enter the draft from leader pack, going more than 340km/h! Also he sets the fastest lap in race first time! Despite many incidents, he survived and finished the race! Great going! FXO GT3 did work as planned.

Last top 5 place is taken by first timer: ND ChiKisT ( LFSW: ChiKisT ). He chose car as Formula XR, but ultimately finds out that FOX was simply not made for this kind of track. Burning the clutch was enough to get being lapped multiple times, but finishes the race and receives points! Good work!

6th place and last finisher is Rony ( LFSW: Eclipsed ), who had same issue as ChiKisT and ultimately had to use !flip command to get back on wheels. 20 laps behind, yet still scores some points. Disappointing car, but result what could take from all the problems he had.

Today we will have great amount and a bit messy highlights, plenty of them... Enjoy!

Start Grid!

And here is the start itself! Sobis gets amazing start!

Lap 4 looks like this:

First big crash happens: 2nd pack going to overlap 3rd pack, but things does not go like planned.


Cool picture about SIX cars in line!

Jay overtook the FOX cars, or vice versa? Not sure.

On lap 16, Leader pack is on lap 6, Jay is 2 laps behind, Rony +3 laps, Eza and Kurkku are half laps behind of Rony. ChiKisT is driving 5 laps behind, T. Soini being only 2,7 seconds behind of ChiKisT.

On lap 22:

More incidents: Eza goes on air by getting hit of T.Soini. Brilliant save for just keeping car straight!

After that hit, 2 more draft packs are evolved, while Rony and ChiKisT still driving alone. Their cars were damaged by clutch overheat. ChiKisT goes to pits, Rony still continues.

Rony's very damaged car ends to wall, but ultimately survives by using !flip command!

Remember those draft packs? Here's what comes next!

Video about it. Jay hits very badly to the wall after the incident and breaks the suspension badly. Still manages to go on.

Now here is the amazing part about how things can change! Leader pack with Kurkku and Eza connects their drafts together and we have five car draft going on!...

...which ends all of sudden, unsurprisingly though, if looking about how much troubles this race held!

Jay's destiny is to go DNF... Maybe pitstop could have saved him, but decides not to do it.

Here is the worst part:
Lap 61/77

Soini gains draft from two FOX drivers, joins the draft but ChiKisT hits Soini, and Soini loses control, only coming infront of UM21 who just decides to take and keep the inner line to pass all 3 cars from inside.
Incident is unfortunate, but could have been avoided. ChiKisT gains 10 second penalty and UM21 30 second penalty. Both drivers also receives warning, which is on for next race. If foul happens in that race = Automatic disqualification.

Ironically, everyone could have survived if UM21 would have kept same line. T. Soini had to retire from this race, as no chance at all to make it back on the track from that wall.

On very next lap, here is another trouble! Willi hits Eza and then hits Sobis. Willi receives 10 second penalty from that incident.

Situation in lap 62 or 77: Sobis & Willi on the lead, UM21 is 2,9 seconds away. Eza is on 4th place, 6 laps behind. ChiKisT is 18 laps behind and Rony 19 laps.

Sobis loses control while waiting to UM21 to gets the draft. Strategy play comes in role as Willi has no chance to escape from Sobis's RAC. Seems this playful move for making a slingshot move at the end was too
much and karma decides to change this, who knows...

And it was this close when Rony passes Sobis after losing control.


2nd time FZ50 GT3 car were used.
Top 5 did gather five different cars. All five of them were only used as well!
This race was 2nd closest to optimal, 30 minute race time in normal cicumstances.
Sobis led 36 laps, UM21 24 laps and Willi 17 laps.
Eza ( EzA ) scores first time fastest lap in race.
"Do not use FOX in this kind of layout!"
Three racers received time penalty, two of them receives official warning as well.
RAC was the fastest car from Class 5, but could not make on the top.

Statistics, Points and other stuff will be updated after a while. Also news will be set as well!

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on next week Thursday, but not sure what is the time. Car or cars will be road car only and there is 80% chance next round will be held on S3-side, as Rockingham might make a debut in Flat Out! Stay tuned!
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Please note, that now it is S3-license required to join both this series and to server! ( This will be permanent, regardless of any )

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Track and car is locked on the server.

PLEASE REMEMBER, In order to join Round 31, you must have S3-license. (It was originally planned to be S3-server anyway. )



Extreme issue occurs already before/at the start of turn 1 as pole position guy Mr.Butthole a.k.a Creator of Flat Out! handles the car too much on wall and gets wrecked to pillars and other racers, causing a flawless crash. Because he had a warning from earlier round, which sets his path for absolutely no mistakes allowed, which would cause like this, he gets disqualified and receives 0 points. No race suspension will be received as he managed to finish the race, but he gets another warning, which will lead one in case something similar will happen. Maybe he might have another thought about the Rockingham...

But that crash didn't kill the winner's pace, as he led 40 laps, took the lead on lap 5, made a near perfect mandatory pitstop and crosses the line with style and control...


Driven to the victory by red XR GT TX, Y.Laprevotte ( LFSW: GreyBull [CHA] ) takes a second win for his career on MTDZX-FO!S! in Rockingham Fastoric Short layout! He indeed survived from the critical crash occurred @ very start of turn 1, although bit lucky. Despite no pole or fastest lap, across the finish line at first makes 10 points more for his own and his team's cause, having now 20 points on both individual and team standings. Watch out folks! We might have serious contender now!


"Silver medal" goes to T. Soini ( LFSW: teppari ). Absolutely fantastic job to keep Mr. Flat Out! behind. As being a bit left from the "lead pack" at first, he proved once again about what kind of result is possible as making steady run. Still, neither Soini or Willi could have managed to get chance to attack the lead due the pace or suspension damage.

As Willi ( LFSW: Will.I.Am ) did finish the same lap as leader, same thing did not happen for R. Kardol ( LFSW: rik97 ). He didn't survive from first crash, but all he had to do is to make to the finish. So he did, on 4th position. That means he will be 24th driver who receives points from this series! Well Done!

5th position is taken by Sobis, who did join very last moment, making no qualification and not many practice laps. Had some amazing moment on lap 37, survived from it and gets the same mission as R. Kardol by finishing the race.

6th position is not counted due the disqualification and Arska managed to take the wrong route. How special.. ( not really! )

It's time for highlights!

As always, first thing to show is the freaking start grid!

Here is some footage!

Funniest part is absolutely Arska. JUST LOOK!

After that incident, Sobis took the lead, but only for four laps. on fifth lap, change is made on final corner!

Here is the start in generally.

The only DNF'er happens here! As single player and multiplayer "borders" are different, it turns out the difference is indeed drastic and all of sudden Arska takes the wrong route. Picture is taken just before it happens. Seems this layout needs some fine tuning.

Sobis rolls in lap 37. Astounding footage!

T. Soini goes to the pits for as mandatory, manages to keep Willi behind who made early pitstop!


First time disqualification is shown. UM21 is the lucky winner in that part. 0 points.
Most optimal race time occurred so far!
Y.Laprevotte makes 2nd victory, as well as his team, Tiger Express Motorsports.
Sobis led first 4 laps, Y.Laprevotte led the rest. ( 40 laps. )
No !flip commands used.
First time Rockingham environment is seen.
It was since Round 2, an official LFS World track is seen.

Stats and points will be updated shortly.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be held on Tuesday, cars and track is already selected by random number, as winner selected number 33. What it is? Stay tuned!
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Layout and cars are now locked @ server! Welcome to test some car's abilities! ( just 2 laps per race, for longer periods, do it in single player )
I am glad to see we might have finally more than 10 people. So many times been potential, only twice happened. Let's make it thrice! JOIN JOIN JOIN! 1 hour before qualification starts!


Holy Speed!

When most of people successfully joined to Round 32 as planned, it was already dramatic moment before the START, as rolling start was the good idea to hold for "The 250" Class. One of the racers did not really understand the concept at all, despite it was explained at least twice, he gets 1-race suspension, and will be expired till he next time attends to qualify.

Also, once GREEN is appeared on top left in chat box, you are allowed to go full throttle and overtake immediately. This had some minor confusing as one of the racers did not overtake as had a chance to do so. Sure, it could be also a plan to go straight to bump drafting, but that did not go as planned.

ALSO, one of the racers did DNF right after GREEN did appear, by losing control. Shame, he could have done good result big time! Maybe next time mate!

But ladies and gentleman, we have... ONCE AGAIN... NEW WINNER! AND I AM GLAD TO PROVE HE FINALLY DID IT!


Excellent performance! OUTSTANDING SOLOING! The pace was incredibly fast and everything was calculated in just right! Sure, Y.Laprevotte and T.Soini could catch him easily by bumpdrafting, but T.Soini planned not to go full speed on the "drop zone"! Maybe it was wise decision as several people had suspension problems right away. However, Jay led all 16 laps, and started from pole...

...BUT COULD NOT TAKE GRAND SLAM! Fastest lap was taken by Y.Laprevotte. However, congratulations Jay! And welcome to the winner's club! Time to take some more wins to catch Mr.Flat Out!, isn't it? Smile

Haaa! The 2nd place is taken by Y.Laprevotte. This Mr.Seahorse showed about capabilities of being a serious threat to Jay's victory pace. However, bad decision at start and difference of the strategies between him and T.Soini didn't pay off. 11 seconds was enough to find out about Jay's maximum attack straight away from GREEN. Anyway, another podium! Well done!

3rd place is taken by Mr. Steady a.k.a. "The Supersteady". T.Soini simply refused to go every time flat out trough the drop zone section. Would have pay off well, if Leader's suspension would had collapsed. This time, winner simply nailed his setup, pace and strategy.

4th place is finisher is most likely new, fresh winds arrived to Flat Out! Series!, as DMACK×Gevin (LFSW: Sandisck ), first timer, managed to see finish line! DMACK×Gevin will be the 25th racer who will receive points from the series! He did even chose worst car from The 250 class, as FXO Turbo was not enough fast car in 32x Boost layout. He recognized too late about the rules and car was locked due having already set a laptime in board. Ultimately his rear suspension collapsed totally, but with great skills and behavior of being front wheel drive did secure to finish the race. Magnificent!

5th place is taken by the creator of Flat Out!. XF GTR was totally not the car to select, and several suspension damage problems almost ended his race. However, when only 5 racers did finish, being lapped several times does not matter, as points are thing which makes things change. Could have been worse though...

Yay! Time for some highlights!

Very first one, this guy is the one who gets suspension. RACER ( LFSW: Octosquad ) failed big time to understand some certain methods of rolling start. He did jump to the several positions higher than ordered, eventually did drop off the track. He also did go to pits and coming back to race, as going to garage or spectating and coming back to track is strongly forbidden. Blocker was not activated, but that does not mean to break some rules. He eventually DNF by simply giving up.

The moment when GREEN appeared! Otherwise the start was appropriate, despite RACER still on the track.

Video about it... videos, as you might find out something odd. ( Not really hard to find it out! )

The black FZ3, driven by Morrocoldope ( LFSW: adibfaklani ), did hit those bumps and lost control straight away. Panic Shift S did end his race already before it really started! Only Green did appear. Shame, could have been really good result!

RedSuns•Popn ( LFSW: PopnlochnessMonster ) and LawB LIKE ( LFSW: MartynasL ) had some collision on drop zone. Starting lap was not good for them either. However, no penalties received, as bad visibility and simple unmeant mistake.

Meanwhile in the lead: UM21 is going to pits, setup was absolute disaster and XF GTR in generally was not enough fast in this track.

More drama! LawB LIKE ( LFSW: MartynasL ) is overtaking DMACK×Gevin (LFSW: Sandisck ), but too much speed will make some taxes. DNF at the end.

Not much to go, situation looks like this:

As UM21 was far behind due suspension problems. He is getting lapped by Jay. However, attempt to gain some draft will cause some dramatic moment... an epic save! Cold tires are cold, no grip in other words!

As, three XR3 cars were going on their own, in back, positions 4 and 5, drivers are refusing to go to pits and going to risk their race. Both drivers have already suspension problems!

Outcome is drastic! Mr. Flat Out! is out of the race! Suspension did not hold any longer... only 2 corners left. As could not steer at all, DNF is the only solution! Very unexpected!


Jay won 1st time!
1st time The 250 is seen on action!
First time race suspension is received.
GT3 was faster on this kind of layout, but outcome could have been different, if race was 2 laps longer.
No XRT or RAC is seen, which is big surprise. Also no FX3 is seen in action.
New racer did receive points: Sandisck
11 racers did start. FZ cars were no good at all here.

EDIT: More to mention...

We saw 5 new racers, one of them managed to receive points.
Only one !flip command used, UM21 had to use.
3rd time we see a rolling start.
First time a layout is used in both normal and reversed version.
First time FXO Turbo is seen on action.

Stats and points will be updated soon!

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on this week's Thursday, and will see single car on action. Car and layout is random. Find out more in Wednesday! Stay tuned! Good racing!
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track and car is now locked on server! Make under 1:15
Now that the combo is S2, will people be required to have S3? Or will the server be S2 when it's not RO?
Quote from Sobis :Now that the combo is S2, will people be required to have S3? Or will the server be S2 when it's not RO?

It works like this:

Was original plan to be S3-server.
S2 and S1-licensed users will still be able to visit on the server, if all requirements for certain license is met, for example, if LX4 car is open, you must have S2-license to use it. Same thing with tracks.
So in overall, if combo is S1-track with S1-cars only, you can join to server with S1-license. But for obtaining full feature of this server, you must have S3-license.

It can be even Demo licensed people joining to server, but needs to have no layout, only max guests: 15, and demo cars and Blackwood track with no reverse or open configurations.
22 minutes to go before this challenge begins!



Several unexpected events happened in race of Round 33, but probably one expected, as Sobis hits 2nd time in his Flat Out! career Grand Slam! Ultimate performance did prove that all but one, could not really stand a chance. Sobis ( LFSW: Sobis ), representing as Last Lap Motorsports team, collects 15 points more and 12 points for his team. Pole Position, Fastest lap and every lap he led, he could not done really much better. Congratulations!

2nd place goes to UM21. Setup was slower than Sobis' set, and laptimes were nearly 1 second slower each. Only drafting could bring him to go sub 1:15. The fear of suspension wearing off was high for him, but no repairs needed. Due the mistakes by other racers, 2nd place is for sure good place to finish.

3rd place goes to R.Kardol. This racer's familiarly called as Rik, had some battles between UM21 and Willi on early laps, but pitstop with repairs selected on ruined his result for plausibly better position. However, due the mistakes by Y.Laprevotte and Willi, 3rd place is most likely a satisfaction for him. Podium is podium!

4th place is taken by T.Soini. Once again he managed to finish the race, despite having pretty much same story as nearly everytime, confident run, but not enough speed. Still, as always, finish is better than DNF.

Surprisingly, Willi did "only" get no higher than 5th place. Having a weird take-off on lap 16, which has slow motion video about it, was absolutely at least podium pace. It was unfortunate drop-off for him, as being probably LFS Bug, Willi did hit a mysterious, invisible object, which can happen if perfect angle is performed towards to down. There is also similar fashion to get actually slightly more speed from landing, but it happens more rarely than hitting and getting off. Anyway, finish is finish!

9 Qualifiers, 8 of them did start, 5 of them did finish. Over 50%! Now, highlights!

Start Grid

And the start video itself.

Beautiful picture taken from after Turn 1, and the moment when first lap is completed! RedBot (LFSW: redbot_ ) goes immediately for mandatory pitstop.

First DNF happens at this point: SHOON ( LFSW: FernandoFixa ), goes too fast and drops off. He ultimately goes to the garage, but rules says once you go to garage or spectate, the DNF will be permament, regardless of being it blocked or not.

Battling for 3rd place was sometimes insane! 3-wide at finish line.

Uh-Oh... Y.Laprevotte is out! Losing control on final S-turn and didn't attempt to try to get back on the track, DNF!

Shortly after, Pack is depleted, UM21 goes for mandatory pitstop

Statistics in somewhat 50% of the race completed. ( Atm T.Soini is for mandatory pitstop, which is not seen in picture, being overtaken by RedBot at this picture, driving on 5th position. )

This is the issue of unfortunate! Check this out as Willi gets weird contact and drops off. He managed to get back on the track by two !flip commands.

Oh no... on last lap, he gets off and has to DNF by LFS deciding for not finishing the race... Another unfortunate moment, and another retirement for his career in Flat Out! Series! Too bad.


Race was shorter than usually.
First time RACCAR is seen.
Qualify pace and race pace was similar, but not everybody decided to go for same pace, due the fear of suspension not holding to the finish.
We saw one new racer: SHOON ( LFSW: FernandoFixa )
Despite layout were judged to be easy, it was quite tricky for RCC.

EDIT: More to mention
Willi have collected now over 300 points.
R.Kardol's first podium place.

Statistics and points will be updated shorty.

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will be on next tuesday, and it will be MIDNIGHT, which will gather double points. Let's see how many people will enter then. 00:00 UTC, that actually means that round time from 19:00 UTC, will be 19 hours earlier, so, if you are planning to enter on Round 34, absolutely when UTC hits from monday to tuesday, round will start.

Selected number is 72. Yes, 72 did also draw this midnight time, double points! Stay tuned!
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MTDZXFOS R33 Q1.mpr - 1.9 MB - 481 views