The online racing simulator
680+ km/h with XF GTI ???
(202 posts, started )
Quote from shadow2kx :

Ho yes you are an old good player for shure. Oval is so difficult to handle! *Respect* But even on cops and robbers using this cheat is stupid. How do you want to be catched if u can go faster than a fxgtr . . .

I don't have anything to said exept: Thank you for destroying the interest of the game. Want to cheat? Go play need for speed and leave good players playing the great game that lfs is in peace.

If you are too stupid to read, will explain...

I dont use the cheat online, done few tests with it offline tho, its great to see how fast cars can go with (teorical perfect) slipstream.

PS: here goes some pics i saved, was lazzy to split the ones with the cheat on, but they are easily spotted, are the ones with crazy speeds and single player.

There seems to be 2 versions of the cheat, or even 2 completly diferent cheats, one from neo that does 680 and one from another guy (one i have) that enables 100% slipstream.

BTW, ask devs if you want, I already sent them all the info i could possible get, screenshots, replays, the cheat itself, how it works, what it does, the HEX and address that it pokes...

If you are too stupid to realize I am helping solving this, then kill yourself.

BTW, your original pic isnt real, even with the best cheat you cant get that fast... if its real then neo might just discovered gold in some chickens egg... the fastest i get was 406... and the wheels crash with the downforce and flip with the lateral force (check right wheel on the maxSpeed.jpg, its starting to crash)
Attached images
a) its great to build such programs, to show what still has to be solved in lfs to avoid cheating, so thank you for this really much (coding part)

b) its totally jejune rather stupid to pass it to the masses, couz some peopz here have no honor either no respect for fair racing, so they will use if they can do so couz they have no girl and a short d*ck anyway... :slap:

so thank u for showing us what gap lfs still has, but go to hell couz u passed it to the idiots,

exclusevly portuguese use because it was developed by a portuguese...
that "cheat" was made just for fun...
well you can try to fix that but it will appear other versions
There is very little fun to be had in hex editing, it is a slow and laborious process. Anyone who makes a RAM-poke hack and claims it was for fun is frankly talking BS, I love maths, patterns, fractals, and endless reems of source code and I find hexing about as dull as listening to a John Major speach with a hangover and a dry thirst.

This cheat was written with one aim in mind and one aim alone.

Things like this are also a pig to fix. Recompiling the patch breaks old hacks, but new hacks can be written again and it gets easier to spot the right values/pattern once you have found them once.

There's a few things you can do to mask the value in RAM, by hiding the value in an algorythm etc but this just meens more calculation in runtime (so all that optimisation turns out to be for nothing).

There's a few solutions to this, one is to send various parameters such as wind resisteence to other players and check for discrepancies, a second is to check not the effected value, but the result, such as rate of acceleration / top speed / current speed against what should be in effect.

Finaly the third option, which is my preffered favorite, is to find out what software this creep has written and violate all of it and slap it up on p2p.
#30 - joen
Quote from r3s1d3nt_3v1l :exclusevly portuguese use because it was developed by a portuguese...
that "cheat" was made just for fun...
well you can try to fix that but it will appear other versions

Ofcourse you'll have full control and noone's going to leak it further. your naivety (spelling?) astounds me. BTW one of your portuguese buddies has already said he's going to give it to anyone who wants it out of revenge to the people who weren't nice to him.

And why would it be any less stupid to spread it just to portuguese players? Do portuguese players have a special status or something? Are they allowed to cheat as opposed to players from other nations?

Get a clue.

At least be honest about your motives and spare me the "it's made for fun" bollocks.
For fun or not, this thing risks to ruin some other's people fun, the one of the thousands of respectful users.
This has been done to the expense of a sim which was coded and organised by three people over a long span of time...
Well, maybe these 'coders' were thinking they were screwing Microsoft. I, for once, would love seeing them coming up with the solution, not with the problem they exploited and aggravated.
It's always the same. Someone programs a new cheat and says he just wants to help the devs to fix security holes. Then the cheat spreads around in the internet until nearly every demo racer has it and Scawen needs to spend a lot of time to fix the problem.

Btw, there was another user wanting to help the devs to find security holes. Now he's banned.
Phlos, game over. Get over it.
[portuguese pissed off about this mode] voces deviam era ter vergonha de usar essas merdas, comprem o jogo e apoiem os devs se querem ajudar, este tipo de atitudes nao ajudam ninguem.[/portuguese pissed off about this mode]
Sry for the portuguese i was just showing my discontempt for these things.
Quote :BTW, your original pic isnt real, even with the best cheat you cant get that fast... if its real then neo might just discovered gold in some chickens egg... the fastest i get was 406... and the wheels crash with the downforce and flip with the lateral force (check right wheel on the maxSpeed.jpg, its starting to crash)

I take it ingame. Don't trust me if u want, i don't care
He goes much faster than 680 km/h. I know that it should be impossible but its a fact and if you are to stupid to understand it, just kill youreself too.

Using a cheat online to "test it" and "help the dev": No sense. What you've done online can be done offline. I know you'll say "I wanted to see if it work online". But before downloading this stuff you certainly saw somebody do it or you wouldn't get this stuff.

Anyway if its your way to win race...
Quote from n3o :
Its done with memory editing, and the only way to fix it should be implementing a scanner which scans the memory. But then again, its easy to write another program with different memory characteristics. Now that you know how hard it should be to solve, maybe u'll understand why i have caused all the trouble . Its a major security leak, and should be solved asap, if i didnt do it this way i guess it wouldn't put this much work to it lol.

This is how the past ones worked also, and they were stopped. The only
unfortunate thing here is that Scawen must stop what he's doing to code
some protection again. It wasn't an issue before you guys started making
it one. You could find 'security leaks' in any apps if you spend enough time
Quote from n3o :Well that cheat that was posted by the other guys isn't mine, infact mine has an interface preety much like the old lfstweak, which wasn't posted, coincidence or not, really odd i would say.

The keylogger virus you saw on the other file, isnt a keylogger lol, its a dll used for the program to check the keys pressed by you ingame so u can activate the cheat by pressing a button. Mine is not like that though.

As for the 680km/h shot, that makes the car break apart, its not to be used, but its possible to get a 3xx km/h with the gti lol.

Im glad a developer can come up with a protection real soon, as this wasn't intended to go online. Btw, we don't get an OOS cause it doesnt change any car variable, so its impossible to check it that way.

Its done with memory editing, and the only way to fix it should be implementing a scanner which scans the memory. But then again, its easy to write another program with different memory characteristics. Now that you know how hard it should be to solve, maybe u'll understand why i have caused all the trouble . Its a major security leak, and should be solved asap, if i didnt do it this way i guess it wouldn't put this much work to it lol.

PS: I dont mind all the bad racer comments, cause i just dont race i didnt even knew LFS, im a coder, i did this because a friend of mine asked me to code a version of lfstweak that matched patch U.

Take Care

Simple question.did you send your version to devs?
I think we have a cheater?!! (HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
You guys ruin our fun why do you need cheats? it makes you feel better??? it makes you better drivers??
Demo servers must be total anarchy with that cheat... Now i can imagine some real demo racers thinking about buying S2 and thinking that "nah this demo thing is awfull, full of cheaters... s2 must be the same" ... to make it worst, its portuguese work.... i feel sad
(filur) DELETED by filur : merged into thread, link to the thread itself
Quote from tiagolapa : Now i can imagine some real demo racers thinking about buying S2 and thinking that "nah this demo thing is awfull, full of cheaters... s2 must be the same" ... to make it worst, its portuguese work.... i feel sad

I think this is what make devs confused really most.I have already mentioned exactly the same in other thread.

I am pissed by this even more because now Scawen have to focus to get a fast fix on this and stop his regular development.
merged another cheat alert thread into this one
Moderators please grab the replay and delete this thread.thx
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Moderators please grab the replay and delete this thread.thx

There's a new policy about this - we're not deleting them anymore. Only actual harmful content (how-to or a cheat itself) will be removed.
Quote from Victor :There's a new policy about this - we're not deleting them anymore. Only actual harmful content (how-to or a cheat itself) will be removed.

Ok....thanks for the info.

Sorry to saying that but I feel bad for for you as these cheating thread are really spreading too much.
General section looks too very messy
another one :(
I just meet on demo server another one his name is redbull
watch the replay ,he make som text messages like NOS STAGE1 acctivated .
I hate cheaters
Attached files
lplpt.mpr - 90.5 KB - 408 views
Quote from n3o :

The real deal is only here on my pc and noone has access to it, and that does a lot more stuff lol, besides controlling power and stuff like that, i can get cars moving around the track flying, unlimited fuel, no crash's.
As I said before, if you guys need any info, or help, feel free to ask, i'll be glad to help.
Take Care

So send this "real deal" version to devs as well otherwise you deserve a total ban.
Look above,look already around the forum how are raising the post of annoyed,consued,piss*** people especially demo racers.What you have done is really bad.Seems your friend is not as trustworthy as you thought.
So the LFS developers should develop a kernel mode module to stop that?
I don't like the consequences of your poor judgement. You already lost control of what you did.
I think that DRM and other not so pretty stuff limiting the freedom of the users will gain more and more supporters unless the socially unconscious programmers stop fiddling with 'security' issues where security is less important than fair play.
"Give people freedom and they will abuse it. Take their freedom away and they will rise up"

The person who can fix this dillemma deserves a Nobel peace prize.
#48 - joen
Quote from n3o :I had no idea that it worked online, before my friend told me so

And it did not once occur to you that it just might work online? This could have simply been tested on a private server.

Quote :
Anyway, i had a talk with my friend, and one of his teammates sent that to another friend, think it started spreading that way

Gee, who would have thought? Besides, if you made this just for your friend why did it end up with his teammate in the first place?

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but only the version that allows you to get to like 215 km/h on blackwood.

Oh that's ok. Just a bit of cheating is not that bad, only a lot of cheating is.

Quote :Anyway i only told it was hard to solve cause it can be recoded to another patch

But why would you want to do that, right?

Quote :finding an address is easy after we've done it one time

So, it's not just you that made it, there are more people involved? So more people have acces to it.

Quote :
Just work on a mandatory client-side app that works like that, and u'll be set for every future patch.

Yeah sure, bring this crap into the public and leave it to other people to clean up your crap.

Quote :
I dont think u'll mind having it working offline, the online part is the problem.

If you just would have realised this before you made it.
n3o, you are an ****!

(sorry mods)
Quote from GP4Flo :n3o, you are an ****!

(sorry mods)

+1...i hate people like this...actually, i just hate stupid people in general

680+ km/h with XF GTI ???
(202 posts, started )