The online racing simulator



Round 39 did offer unexpected and dramatic moments in first lap and last lap. Results are exceptional. Results are absolutely unexpected...


First time ever we see a driver who wins the race who never led any laps on Round 39 race. Sobis received 10 second penalty causing a chain reaction in lap 1, who did cross the finish line as first, but was dropped to 5th place. Ultimately the setup was planned to be for Mr. Seahorse aka Y.Laprevotte, but moments in last lap dropped him to 2nd place. That means Gevin wins Round 39 and has the power to select a layout to round 40 from rounds 31-39. However, Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) receives unofficial warning about having collision with R. Kardol on first lap, but no penalties received, nothing else than pointing with forefinger towards to Gevin, reminding of the crash. However, Sobis started it.

Anyway, victory is yours! Well done! Especially when started from 7th position.

2nd place goes to Y.Laprevotte ( LFSW: GreyBull [CHA] ), who did led 40/41 laps. Basically all but last lap. He had great chance to take the top but unfortunate collision with Sobis on last corner, which happened to be a lag hit, caused Mr. Seahorse to lose control, hitting the wall.

Due penalty, 3rd position goes then to Mr. Flat Out! Started from 4th place, and finished as 4th place, but resulted as 3rd, it was regular, good performance by him.

4th place goes to Pole Position guy, R. Kardol. Collision with Gevin at first lap was disaster to him, but was eventually the best result he could do after a such. Was close to catch and overtake Willi, but not enough laps.

5th place goes then to victory guy, Sobis, who did cross the line as first and, well... rest you know. Too bad, but that's what it is. Strangely, he made unofficial "golden lap", as leading only one lap, which tends to be a last lap, but due penalty, he did not won. So it is very exceptional result. Never seen before winner have led 0 laps, and golden lap maker did not win the race.

6th place goes to T. Soini and 7th place goes to UM21, who had problems to keep car at track.

You like highlights? Of course you do! Here they are!

Start Grid and start.

So, as seen in video, things did start right after turn 1 and continued to turn 2. In pictures. Chain reaction happens when Sobis hits Gevin in awkward direction.

Situation goes like this: Yann has escaped, Gevin, Sobis and Willi doing the draft and Soini is left behind. Rik and UM21 have spun off.

Soon Gevin and Sobis starts to draft well and leaves Mr. Flat Out! behind. Time to catch leader.

Meanwhile, UM21 crashes.

Rik have catched up T.Soini and overtakes him fairly easily.

Here is the last lap in pictures and video.


No one have ever won the race before with leading 0 laps.
Also, no one have ever before winning not a race with doing a golden lap, which means all you have done is leading only one and last lap, which usually happens to be a victory lead. This time, this did not happen due penalty received.
It was 2nd time, when victory is lost by penalty. Last time similarly happened was in Round 11 race, where Arska ( LFSW: Arsk4 ) crosses the finish line first, but loses the victory due 10 second penalty added in total race time.
Yann led 40 laps, Sobis one.
No one used !flip command.
Rik's first pole position, Gevin's 2nd victory.
7/7 racers did finish, which is 100%. Last time similarly happened was in rounds 34, 14, 7, 2 and 1.

Stats and points will be updated soon.

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will be next week's thursday, which is Round 40, winner's choice at around 16 UTC.

Gevin did select a layout from Round 34, which happens to be Speed and Traps. Car/cars, will be random Stay tuned!
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Track and cars are now locked at server. Find out a car which suits to you at best!
46 minutes to go before Q starts. 3 racers @server atm.



First time we see this one happening, when winner wins the race in winner's choice layout! Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) did surprise us by taking the top from no qualification time and selected NOT the fastest car. GT4 cars were absolutely beast cars for doing laptimes, but as 16 laps was set on race, it turned out as road car was better choice! Gevin was also the only racer in field who made no critical mistakes at any point. Congratulations!

"Silver medal" goes to LLM.Sobis ( LFSW: Sobis ). He selected same car as winner, though Sobis did select FZX in first place. He knew that car might stand a chance to make good result. He was correct! Only one spun out ruined his plausible victory.

3rd place goes to Jay from finland ( LFSW: jh89 ), but was no match against the other two. Too many mistakes caused gap being way too big. Still, could have been worse!

4th place goes to fastest man in both sessions. R. Kardol (LFSW: Rik97 ) selected FZ50 GT4, which was absolutely fast car. Same reason though as Jay, no chance. But at least a finish!

So, only 4/7 did survive. Here is some highlights. ( Better check replay, lots of moments occurred! )

As usual, we start it with start grid and start itself ( now 2 laps! )

First crash at first lap. Jay hits first timer Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 ) at grass section, no penalties received. ( So lucky Jay! )

Lap 2 @ T1

Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 ) did look like this, unable to continue, DNF.

Rik's FZ4 was fast, but unstable due difficult but fast racing line.

Draft train!

Here is another crash. No good.

Because the incidents, 2 FZX racers and Jay was on top 3, until this happens. Jay have hitted sign @ grass section.

Then, Sobis lost control at next lap, which is also the breaking point. No one could catch Gevin anymore.

Aw man, lost connection with not many laps to go...

Yeah...this time UM21 really *** *** *** ****. *** ** *** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ******, ***** ** *** **** * ****** *** *** *** *** ***** ***** ** ***. ****** **** ** **-*******! ( You really thought browsing race results would be boring? HAH! )


One new guy entered: Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 )
Only once !flip command did occur to be used.
Laps Led:
Sobis 4
redbot_ 2 ( First time laps led )
Rik97 1 ( First time lap led )
Sandisck 9

First time winner wins at winner's choice layout. ( In other words, in previous round winner had option to select layout to this round, he won this round as well! )

6 of 7 different cars occurred, only RB4 GT was left off.
Rik97 made first time fastest lap in race.

Stats and points soon updated.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be set on next week's Tuesday, and will contain random combo, but there is now 70% bigger chance a layout will be selected from previous rounds. More info will be set on LFS News section as well. Only 10-12 rounds to go!
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MTDZXFOS R40 Q1.mpr - 1.9 MB - 614 views
Get layout from here:

EDIT: Just noticed my brains have farted in other info section, but don't let it disturb that you lol. ( Sorry )
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Combo is now locked on the server ( server was passworded for some reason, sorry about that. Now public )


Round 41 did not offer this time much dramatic moments. In fact, race was somewhat boring, but we did see two DNF's ( one of them simply gave up ) and we also saw RedBot's great climbing from POS 4 to POS 2. But it was simply not enough, as winner of Round 41 was so OP that he made Grand Slam!

So, winner with grand slam is UM21, who was clearly fastest guy and saw no real threat coming from other racers.

2nd position goes to RedBot ( LFSW: redbot_ ). Great climbing after an erroneous racing line on last hairpin, which did cost several seconds. Had a good fight against Jay from Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ), till Jay made slight mistake and lost control, grinding on wall on S-turn after "Eau Rouge" corner ( which would be really "Radillion", but who cares, this is Aston after all. ) and lost fight by RedBot escaping from him. Podium finish however.

Last finisher is T.Soini ( LFSW: teppari ), who really had no real racing against anybody, but finish is finish!

Not so many highlights, but here they are!

Start Grid

And Pertsa ( LFSW: EzA ) is off at Turn 1. DNF.

After T1

The hotspot was indeed between Jay and RedBot. First latter one took bad line, which he lost there seconds, dropping to 4th position, but he was slowly but surely gaining Jay back, and ultimately overtake happens, with Jay losing control.


UM21's 3rd Grand Slam
Start Grid was interesting, 1 from India and rest were from Finland.
Fastoric was the opening layout in series ( Round 1 )

Stats and points are updated once you see this text linked.

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will be held NOT in this week's Thursday, but on next week's Tuesday. Jay got the honor to select number for random combo generator, which is 112 as selected.

I can tell you now, this combo is insane and BIG POINTS will be received ( required to finish the race of course. ), stay tuned!
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MTDZXFOS R41 Q1.mpr - 1.7 MB - 574 views
This combo is absolutely highest chance so far of no one may finish the race.
So far, things look like this

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*Firing up some fireworks called "Excellent!"

Round 42, oh yeah... Despite no one managed to gain Legendary title, the race itself was enough one to be called so...


...MR. FLAT OUT! Congratulations!

He didn't led most of the laps, as Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) led 14/30 laps, against Willi's 12. Stats are however irrelevant if the only victory is the thing of matter. Once again he won and this time he literally nailed his strategy and setup, as tires did blow up just after the finish line at turn 1. Absolutely great job, well done.

We do have 2nd finisher, he is Jay From Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ). Fastest man at both sessions, but no chance to get to top. Still, big score for him as well, as bigger points for 1 hour race plus doubled. Greedily and well done!

No other guys did finish. Here is some highlights!

Start Grid and start.

About looking closely Willi's save. Lost control after jump but saved it!

It was somewhat indeed hard to make pitstop. People went too fast at first times, sliding too fast. UM21 did miss twice even.

RedBot ( LFSW: rebot_ ) sadly lost control and "took the wrong route". DNF.

3rd attempt, UM21 finally makes to the pits.

Maybe the most exotic part of the race. People had actually racing against each other, more or less. Jay makes error after jump, but stays on the track.

Now, some crashes. Both drivers managed to continue, till both entered to void, where getting back to track is... pretty much impossible. ( Not shown at this video though. )

And finally, the most shocking part. Gevin retires from the race...


1st time 1 hour race occurred.
Laps Led: Jay, 4 | Gevin, 14 | Willi, 12
!flip commands used: UM21, 7 | T. Soini, 4 | Gevin, 3
8 Drivers did perform @ qualify, but only 6 of them did actually start.
FXO GTR, Formula V8, RB4 GT and FZ50 X were the cars used.
Despite Formula V8 car being tricky, UM21 would had got an actual chance to win the race due pace speed did drastically go slower in some parts and got stable just sub 2 minutes per lap. UM21 however, with original strategy, could have go 1:56 every lap, meaning every lap should have gone perfect, including perfect pitstop. That didn't happen. However, if Gevin would have managed to stay on track, he would had definitely won the race.

Stats and points are updated once you see this text having a hotlink

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will happen this week's thursday, at 16.00 UTC and will contain random combo, but 70% chance to have a layout from earlier rounds. Winner had honor to select number 18, that number will play on role when randomizing the next combo. Stay tuned!
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Track and car is now locked at server.


So we had some racing at Round 43, this time it was UM21's turn to taste victory, but was close call of slipping away, as problems with car setup and car's physical condition did occur in last laps and barely took first place, just 0,75 seconds before Willi ( LFSW: Will.I.Am ). UM21 was 2nd fastest guy in both sessions and only Jay or Gevin had bigger chance to win. Both mentioned names however failed more or less and 2nd place was then taken by Willi. Nice one!

3rd position goes to Mr. Steady, just before Gevin, who finally finished on fourth position, with fastest lap as well. 5th place goes to R. Kardol ( LFSW: Rik97 ), who was the only one who did not set any time in qualification. In fact, he did join this round AFTER the qual, so there were not many minutes remaining for practicing. Still, good attempt and result from the position he started.

We have new guy set score on the standings. FSR System. ( LFSW: Kova. ) did join first time ever in both sessions and scored right away some points. Also, Kova. is 2nd guy to score some points for his team called as French Street Racers Team. In other words, Willi FINALLY have got team mate to support his possible reward to obtain from Teams section. Unfortunately, "a bit" too late. But anyway... nice one! ( And welcome to Flat Out! )

7th position goes to Jay from Finland and 8th position goes with SIX pitstops and still finished same lap as Jay: RedBot!

Excellent, here is some highlights!

The Start Grid and start.

Turn one and afterwards.

First jumps, look how Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) managed to save out there! ( There is also scar at the track, purpose built! )

Some crashes, no penalties received.

Situation at Lap 7. Lead goes here and Willi is at last corner, which is not shown in picture.

Meanwhile "The Middle Pack" Runs not too far away from Willi at this point.

The Middle Pack breaks, R. Kardol enters to pit.

[SR] Adebayor (LFSW: bila_khs) simply gives up by few mistakes at race track. Simply goes to pitlane ( with style ) and... leaves, with bye byes.

Plot Twist! Gevin's spectacular jump costs a pitstop, front suspension totalled.

Mr. Flat Out! was surely catching up UM21, but this time, not enough distance to continue race.

On last lap, last position, RedBot decides to go yet another pitstop!


It was 30 seconds longer total race time than planned, UM21 estimated racetime will be 31 minutes 10 seconds. By the way, The highest gap between UM21 and Willi was somewhat 33 seconds.
Still no points for [SR]
Willi finally got some team support!
Jay, Gevin and UM21 were the guys for having biggest chance to win. Jay took pole, Gevin fastest lap at race, but both of them did not manage to win.
It was 2nd time this layout were used. First time did happen on Round 7.
RedBot did six pitstops and still finished on same lap as Jay, who did "only" two.
Gevin led first and only lap, while UM21 led rest of the laps.
RedBot used twice !flip command, Jay once.

Stats and Points are updated once you see this text having a hotlink.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on next week's Tuesday, at 16.00 UTC and will contain one road car, but track will be new one this time. Let's give hint: Any rally lovers?

Stay tuned!
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MTDZXFOS R43 Q1.mpr - 1.7 MB - 585 views
Hey yeah first race in here, another championship to add on my history, but that's another stuff than what i used to race Tongue
That's a long time i've heard about this one (especially by the guy that's named Mr Seahorse in here Tongue), but i never catched him online when the events happened, also lack of free time. Randomly talked about it with Willi yesterday and then i decided to take part Smile

So for a first one i couldn't except much more, i was too much conservative and also failed on my own setup settings. Also get trapped on Kardol's draft in the higher jump which result as a broken susp, ouch.

Anyway it was fun, layouts are awesome, i had the possibility to test some others layouts when server wasn't in event mode, and all i can say it's awesome, congratz for this work Smile

Gotta try to made the others events, so see you soon Big grin
hey were do you get the layouts?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :He makes them all!

Almost Smile

There are few layouts done by other people, such as Flame CZE (3 layouts), GT4_PL, scania and texpelt88 (1 layout ). Rest indeed are mine.

Sure, I have done for each layout some slight modifications such as more smoothness and more clear route marker objects. However, all of them have done their layouts as Oval. I have done ovals too, but also circuits you have seen in this thread.
Combo is now locked at server. Welcome!
46 minutes to go before Q goes on. atm 4 people at server.



Round 44 will definitely be the one of worth mentioning round in this series! Big start grid and rally style flat out! track did sacrifice several racers. Only six drivers did survive, all of them did start from Top 6 positions. Ultimately and perhaps obviously, it was Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ), who reached finish line first! This rally champ guy proved the point as no matter what kind of track it is. As long as it is rally and requires hybrid/knobbly tires, victory or nothing are the only options. So he did. Gevin set STAGGERING pole position laptime at qualify and led all the laps from start to finish. Only thing he missed was setting fastest lap, as UM21 stole that one for own cause. Despite several other racers did challenge Gevin, no one was matching up his strategy as zero mistakes and good race pace. Well done Gevin. Congratulations!

"Silver trophy" goes to indian driver, RedBot ( LFSW: redbot_ ). He managed to keep good pace on final lap as Jay from Finland was absolutely catching him up. Only under second was the gap between on them. One more lap and Jay would have taken 2nd place. This time, Jay ( LFSW: jh89 ) takes the bronze.

Nice performance from both!

4th place is taken by Willi aka champ aka German Curling Player aka Mr. Flat Out! aka ( LFSW: Will.I.Am ). Rollover and several mistakes almost cost up his finishing result, but survived and was also 3rd fastest guy at track.

5th place goes to UM21, who also managed to rollover and ultimately dropped off the track, but managed to get back. Had good fight against Gevin but "fatal" error against him surely cost a lot. Still in Top5.

6th place goes to T. Soini ( LFSW: teppari ), who had amazing roll at first lap and also made several mistakes. However, slow as normally but steady as well proved once again how finishing the race is done.

Amazing amount of highlights awaits you! Scroll down and enjoy some moments! Smile

As always, we start this start grid. Lovely to see so many cars. Also video of the freaking start is also included! Video is taken from Jay's driver sights.

After T1, you can still see many RB4 GT cars on this picture! amazing! NO ONE retired from Turn 1.

Amazing flip happens by T.Soini, look at that!

After that flip, we are now on narrow section, where Adebayor ( LFSW: bila_khs ) hits that narrowed wall by hitting the right section wall ( not shown on the vid )

We are now on the section, where braking is absolutely required. Mr. Savage has savage crash. ( Eventually gives up and DNF )

Now on the forest section line. See how many kind of different racing lines occurs!

More details from it, Dawidson ( LFSW: czopcio ), the first timer, hits the tree during the way out of the forest. Result in aftermath is weird line, but survived as seen on video above.

Ultimately, Dawidson hits "final wall" on opening lap.

Now probably the most funniest part: Willi and first timer, Hekazi ( LFSW: henkkamamma ) starts to play some curling on lap 2!

Meanwhile, Dawidson retires after this accident on turn 1, lap 2.

Trees are funny in LFS.

And now the error between UM21 and Gevin. UM21 thought Gevin goes flat out on that jump. Turns out, mistakenly thought.

It was this close to drop, no problem!

26 Bama_boy ( LFSW: xavier26 ) retires after this incident. Aftermath is sideways.

These are funny too, Michal ( LFSW: michal 1279 ) from Master race Car team, hits one

Now several people retires in short period in following order: First blood from this group goes to Michal.

2nd one is this guy by simply losing it by bad suspension damage:

System. ( LFSW: Kova. ) goes like this way.

Hekazi's turn:

Meanwhile in this short period at pitlane:

UM21 also managed to roll over. 2wheel skills didn't pay out:

FSR Barjoe ( LFSW: barjoe17 ) is the final guy to retire from Round 44.

Some regular, common show-off.

And finally, some regular, UM21's version to dropping off ( but also getting back! )


Most of the people didn't even repair their car at pitlane! Result is obvious!
6 New guys joined:
henkkamamma Hekazi
xavier26 26 Bama_boy
jdcanada1974 Dr. Savage
barjoe17 FSR Barjoe
czopcio Dawidson
Aab |l2

!flip commands used:

Willi 1
UM21 3
T.Soini 1
Hekazi 1
System. 2
Bama_Boy 1
Michal 1
Dr. Savage 1
Dawidson 1

RedBot's 2nd Silver finish.
Jay's 4th Bronze finish.
Gevin's 4th win.
Round 44's race was 3rd shortest so far.
14 racers did start to the race. New record!
First time no one from racing for team entered to podium!

Stats and points are updated once you see this text having hotlink.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be on this week's Thursday and will contain Class 6 cars. Track is also known to be used before. Stay tuned!
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MTDZXFOS R44 Q1.mpr - 4.7 MB - 611 views
Too bad something spammed over my LFS screen :/ But the few i had was still fun can't wait the next Smile
Get the layout from here:

Also, Season 1 will contain 51 rounds and decision is final. That means, before Round 45, there are only 7 rounds remaining!!!
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