The online racing simulator
Ops, I forgot to put combo on as locked in server. My bad... doing so immediately --->
Noticed a bit late for today's race. Meh.
Quote from Kova. :Noticed a bit late for today's race. Meh.

Sorry about that, but we have always set race days on Thursday and Tuesday, unless exceptions happens!



Despite fastest man in track took 4th time Grand Slam, the victory was not really secured until Jay's mistake on "back road", as attacking on lap 1 and 2 took some suspension damage to UM21's car, to obtain fastest lap. FZ50 GT2 was this time indeed fastest car and only GT2 cars were used, leaving FZ50 car unused as taken to be a joke car ( 5:31 is fastest lap done with FZ5 ).

Second place goes to Gevin, having same car as winner and managed to cause some pressure against pole-position guy at opening lap, but pole hit before last U-turn caused his plausible victory withering away. He also joined to infamous Pole-club, where several other racers, including UM21 as well, have hitted once or more. The other club in MTDZX- Flat Out! Series! is legendary Tree huggers club. ( *cough *cough Rony *cough )

3rd position goes to Mr. Steady and 4th place goes to Jay from Finland, who was going to finish AT LEAST 2nd, until the mentioned mistake happened.

5th place goes to RedBot, who was the only guy selecting FXO GT2, and 6th and last place goes to Rik97, who had some issues at drop zone, crashing himself off the track twice. Still, finish is finish, unlike Hekazi ( LFSW: henkkamamma ), who sadly somehow lost control at straight line.

Well, here is some highlights.

Start and it's grid.

At turn 1.

After the "little drop" ( called so before the real one, as car technically drops back to road. ) Gevin almost loses it and goes on drift by R. Kardol's pressure.

Now the real men arrives from the drop zone. Here's how it went:

Rik's car after the crash.

Now on "Drop by 90", where after the fast S-turn and it's drop, enters to 90 degree corner. Here's how it went:

Humps section: Hekazi hitted sign before even managed to get here:

This is the known pole. Gevin simply hits it.

It wasn't perfect run by UM21. Here is loses control at "country side" section on lap 3, which causes to decrease gap from 15 seconds to 7 seconds. Also, suspension is not on great shape due attacking the course on lap 1 and 2.

He unfortunately did it again:

Situation at last lap. People sees leader!

And here is how it was settled.

Actually, this thing isn't THAT rare, but rare when driving in narrow section alone. Hekazi simply DNF's by finally dropping to the void, when finding path to get it back on track.


GT2 was absolutely faster than FZ5, 18 seconds to be exact per lap.
UM21's 4th grand slam.
Hekazi sets new !flip command record: 20!!!!
Gevin used twice and Rik97 four times.

Stats and points are updated once you see this text having a hotlink.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be set on next week Tuesday at same time and will contain this time fast formula car. Track is again used before and AGAIN it happens to be used from first rounds. Stay tuned!
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Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Sorry about that, but we have always set race days on Thursday and Tuesday, unless exceptions happens!

Don't worry it's not your fault, it's just that the timing was too short for me with all the thing i have to deal with IRL Wink
Oh yeah. I forgot to update statistics and points, doing it immediately. Being busy at these days makes these kind of situations.
Combo is now locked at server. Welcome!



R. Kardol ( LFSW: Rik97 ) finally made it! And what an overwhelming result it was. Despite the fact due track and car and other racers, Rik got overtaken early at starting lap, he covered his lead position at last corner and led all the laps from pole and set also fastest lap. If Round 45 was curse for him, this round was pretty much opposite of it! Excellent performance and well done!

Only four racers managed to see finish line. 2nd place goes to T.Soini who was left from last position at turn 1, but due steady and clean run, result is another podium and this time even better than just Bronze. However, luck was on his side strongly as well because System from FSR Team ( LFSW: Kova. ) thought there is mandatory pitstop, he lost his 2nd position to Soini and was left to 3rd place. Funny though.

And 4th position goes to Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) who was clearly on podium pace but mistakes cost him all the plausible places and was last guy finisher. Still, could have been way more worse.

Here is some highlights at opposite direction of above!

Start grid and start.

Hekazi manages to be first guy ever who officially receives a penalty by false start. But because he DNF, no penalties received in book.

Turn 1 looks like this: Barjoe is the first guy DNF as he drops off the path. Also some collisions happens and Hekazi pulls out flashy "chicane cutter"

Now at last corner, Rik manages to keep his lead!

Disaster happens to Jay quickly, he spins out:

However, just before Jay spun, Hekazi goes to pitl.. err... he actually MISSES the pitlane and gets spectated by "wrong way"

UM21 drops first time. Ultimately gets back on track, but suspension damage causes him to drop once again at right hand turn and goes wild adventure. Even so he manages to get back but loses it finally by taking "wrong route!"

Adebayor ( LFSW: bila_khs ) loses control at last corner and drops away. Sadly, after he managed to get back, he drove wrong way and InSim forced to spectate: DNF

Gevin has flat tire:

Wili has also flat tire

Both guys at on these videos will retire, but amazing to see how similar the method is!!!

Gevin makes mistake and drops... Ultimately he gets stuck but luckily he escapes before the mighty "idle minuter checker" goes nuts and spectates Gevin by idle.

Now chaps, the funniest moment of Round 46:


Twice this track has been held and both times Grand Slam occurred. Sobis was the original "GS" maker in round 4, Rik makes now same in Round 46.
Gevin used most of !flip commands: 9. UM21 used 5 times and Adebayor 3 times.
Hekazi was the first guy ever to make official false start, which gave 45 seconds. He ultimately retired from race by taking wrong lane/line at pitlane and tried to go back to pitbox wrong way. That forces him to spectate, which means DNF.
Rik97's first victory and also Grand Slam! Similarly happened like Sobis in Round 4.

Stats and points are updated!

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will happen TOMORROW and will be announced very soon. Track is once again to be used one, and car is somewhat slow. Stay tuned!
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"Mandatory pit stop : yes"

This time it's noted Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin


Before this round, winner of Round 47 had some serious issues about the setup and had to DNF in Round 46...
...But we do not care about it, as ONCE AGAIN, Mr. Flat Out! made it again! Victory from 5th position, Willi ( Will.I.Am ) was the fastest guy in race and led 11/19 laps. He is the king of Rectangularistic... for now! Well done!

2nd position goes to UM21, that means we have result repeat from Round 18, as same track and same 1-2 positions. This time gap was bigger and host also suffered some tire overheat, forcing to select different racing line.

However, Despite Willi and UM21 took the first two podiums, there could have been different result, as [MRc] Michal ( LFSW: michal 1279 ) failed to attempt optimal mandatory pitstop and was dropped to Bronze only. However, he scores first time to the podium and gets 8 points to the standings, making total 13. Last time he finished race was since Round 18 and 4th position. Now on 3rd! Still, it is safe to say: Well done!

4th position goes to Grand Slam guy, R. Kardol ( LFSW: Rik 97 ), who actually filled up more fuel to his XR GT car and was going more slower and slower. Even Mr. Steady was going to challenge him at last lap, but due too careful driving, Rik escapes to the 4th position, just before T. Soini ( LFSW: teppari )

More honorable mentions: French Street Racers Team managed first time to make score with 3 racers, as Willi won and ( LFSW: Kova. | barjoe17 ) took position 7 & 8. Also, first time [SR] Adebayor (LFSW: bila_khs) scores first points ever, finishing by 9th position and would had also score to SonicRealms Racing as well...

...if only LFSWorld would have told he belongs in that team. For him, it simply says N/A.
Regardless of any reason, it does not really matter anymore due too less rounds remaining.

Here is some highlights!!!

As you could have seen on video above, Jay makes mistake on 3rd corner and spins up. Ultimately he simply gives up, DNF.

Another similar moment: LawB LIKE ( LFSW: MartynasL ) fails to cut corner and drops to the ground. The similar moment is that he also gives up, DNF. Only two of these drivers retired, while others went on...

ATM, Four Horsemen, reminds slightly about this video: ( LOL, what a track selected for this one. )

UM21 have pitted already, leaving three guys.

Now Rik is doing a pitstop, but there will be a problem...

As picture tells:

Willi's turn to pit, leaving Michal to the lead!

And finally, it was Michal's turn! But he fails to make optimal pitstop and drops to 3rd position!

Bonus feature!


Laps Led: Willi, 11 | Michal 1279, 4 | Rik97, 3 | UM21, only one and first lap.
MartynasL and bila_khs used !flip command once.
Kova. did also use once !flip command, but he was kinda forgotten. ( now fixed! )
Results of POS 1-2 are a repeat from Round 18
First time 3 FSR guys finishes the race.

Stats and points are updated once you see this text having hotlink.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round happens on next week's tuesday and it will be a special one. Track will be fixed selection from 2, Logo of MTDZX- Upper/Lower, and due scramble number selected, it happens to be Upper this time. However, cars are randomly chosen! Stay tuned!
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Btw, I also had to use !flip command at least 1 time (was maybe 2) to get back on the layout in the beginning of the race (maybe lap 4 or 5) after i got confused by adebayor's racing line and infortunately felt off the lay Wink
Quote from michal 1279 :Does it mean I'm incompetent? Big Eye Big grin

Not at all!

Quote from Kova. :Btw, I also had to use !flip command at least 1 time (was maybe 2) to get back on the layout in the beginning of the race (maybe lap 4 or 5) after i got confused by adebayor's racing line and infortunately felt off the lay Wink

Correct! I had marked it as well, but because your stats were on different section, I kinda forgot you. However, it could have been fixed after next round for sure. But thanks anyway! In case if I did not noticed.
(jh89) DELETED by jh89

EDIT: Basically method goes like regular "winner choose car" mode, but with "double race" effect.

Even more simply: Finish every race and as best as you can do!

EDIT2: There is a conflict about drawing next random combo, as it was stated there will not be anymore double race modes. However, because it is Birthday Event, and has winner choose car mode, both of the modes combines together and works similarly both ways. Nonetheless, the common rule still affects: to win a round, drive as best as you can! I am sorry to confuse you.

Also, I do know it clips nearly half hours of Rony's Tuesday Fun Race, but there was absolutely no other chance to put this on as it is now, due host's school life and other busy stuff. Sorry about that too.
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5 races? Ouch not sure to make them all, but i'll se :s Too bad because it look a promising event !
Quote from Kova. :5 races? Ouch not sure to make them all, but i'll se :s Too bad because it look a promising event !

It would only take like 25 minutes longer.
I will be there!. Hopefully in time Wink
There was wind in some reason at track, now fixed as no wind.
There wont be next race in this week Thursday, but next week Thursday. Due being busy at these days.

Race report will also come much later than expected, due several amount of incidents.
Jesus, that was some... Epic event! Still didnt understand how I managed to finish on podium on every race with a dominant win in XFJ :o

Thanks UM for the event, and HB again MTDZX, see you next Thursday!

(BTW, good to hear we won't racing next tuesday as I have the french league.)
Quote from Kova. :Jesus, that was some... Epic event! Still didnt understand how I managed to finish on podium on every race with a dominant win in XFJ :o

Thanks UM for the event, and HB again MTDZX, see you next Thursday!

(BTW, good to hear we won't racing next tuesday as I have the french league.)

Thanks mate!

According to newest info, there is chance the next round ( R49 ) might be postponed even to further next week, but i try my best we can actually make Round 49 on next week. Stay tuned! I inform as fast as I can to be sure.
NOTICE: There is an error shown on Race 4 results as Barjoe got disqualified, but was not shown correctly there. However, all statistics are correctly added on spreadsheet and so on no errors, other than cosmetic is occurred. Sorry, forgot to edit it and not going to edit it more.


Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

Race 4 ( Notice, Barjoe got DQ here and is not classified as officially due joining after the grid was set )

Race 5

TOTAL RESULT ( Don't mind the Auto section at all, forgot to remove it there )


Round 48 offered FIVE races as winner choose car with double race rules combined of WCC, it was going to be tight races and no one knew who would be the actual winner, until R. Kardol... RIK KARDOL (LFSW: Rik97 ) wins races four and five and secures the victory of Round 48 by two wins! Formula cars were his strenght and proved how it's done in MTDZX- Logo Upper section! Several incidents did happen and lots of... lots of penalties were received, ultimately even two disqualifications as well. Those will be told a bit later.

Well done Rik! Victory is yours!

2nd place goes to FSR System. ( LFSW: Kova. ) who first time won a race in Race 2, XF GT Junior was his strength but unfortunately he only managed to win once. However, he was the only racer who managed to finish to podium every race, only crown was the thing he missed to become a winner first time in Round.

3rd place goes to UM21, who was OP driving 1LX car. 1 win and also 1 miserable DNF was enough high to reach podium and managed to beat T. Soini by 38.51 seconds. Both mentioned drivers won once and retired once as well, but UM21 was faster. That turns out, he gains the "Bronze Medal" and Soini ( LFSW: teppari ) is left in 4th position.

5th Position is taken by Willi, who was much faster than UM21 and Soini, but because he won zero times, he was left in that position. Race 5 was his best attempt to win, but Rik "slayed" his chance to obtain it by great performance in formula cars.

6th Position goes to [MRc] Michal ( LFSW: Michal 1279 ) who finished in same amount of races than RedBot ( LFSW: redbot_ ) but was nearly 2 minutes quicker, so RedBot was left to 7th position.

And 8th and also last position as classified goes to Y.Laprevotte. Mr.Seahorse had some troubles especially on Race 2, as some people actually forgot to BRAKE in time, causing him to be wrecked and ultimately decided to switching focus to Rony's Tuesday Fun Race. Still, despite only 2 races he entered, he finished both 2 and also set fastest lap in Race 1, so the disaster was not complete.

Hekazi (LFSW: henkkamamma) and FSR Barjoe ( LFSW: barjoe17 ) both drivers got ultimately DQ by too many penalties received during Round 48. Both drivers will also receive official warning to next round, as any amount or type of penalty will be an instant DQ and plausible race suspension. So next time, please do mind your racing!

Michal 1279 also receives official warning by joining the race after retirement of Race 1. It is not allowed to do. Same goes for barjoe. If you are not in grid when race starts: DNF. Next time when that happens, the result will be enough big penalty you won't like to see that will happen to you. Races are supposed to be fun, and they indeed are, but due this series is set as hardcore, due plausible prizes received, I am very strict on rules.

Judge have decided to give mercy all three drivers, but warning is set on.

Anyway, that's that and I am sure you would like to see some highlights.... here they are.. ( possible not in correct order as time code. )

Start Grid: Race 1

Turn 1: Very clean

Turn 2: Very dirty

Hekazi has serious issues all the time of not crashing to everyone. Here is another example:

T. Soini won race 1.

Race 2 start grid:

Turn 2: This caused problems all the time and two racers had to DNF.

Y. Laprevotte have hitted wall, meanwhile System. escapes!


System. have escaped enough and wins the Race 2. However, battle behind of him is tight. 4 Horsemen, anyone?

UM21 fails.

The gap between winner and others at finish line:

Race 3, Start Grid.

UM21 was so OP at this race he already overtake others and set himself as top, and escapes.

No idea why Hekazi goes there... but DNF.

Check Race 3 replay, some nice battle going in here, but Rik was better.


Race 4, FALSE START GRID: Barjoe rejoins which is not allowed and gets an instant DQ, even continuing the race...

Turn 1, Michal is out before that turn exists on his eyes:

Perhaps these cars were absolutely too hard to drive, excluding R. Kardol...

...As he escapes to the victory!

So, Race 5 and final one, start grid!

Turn 1

Turn 2

At this point, halfway of lap 1, Willi is leading the race!

BUT HE HITS THE WALL! WILLI HITS THE WALL AND RIK ESCAPES AND WILL WIN THE ROUND 48! Willi ( LFSW: Will.I.Am ) had GREAT chance to win Race 5, but this hit to the wall miserably ends his hopes of to.

Last corner, last lap:


First time Winner Choose Car mode.
Most penalties ever received as total amount.
Rik led most laps: 5
Hekazi used ten times !flip command.
Very short races.
Cars were used: XTX, XFJ, 1LX, BF1 and FO8

Stats and points are updated!

Thank you participating this round! Next round, Round 49 WILL happen on next week Thursday, and will have 1 car and 1 track, which is selected randomly. There is also option available as Winner of Round 49 will select track to Round 50 from Rounds 41-49. Stay tuned!
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This is up for next. Only 3 rounds remaining.

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