The online racing simulator
Nurburgring Nordschleife
(89 posts, started )
Nurburgring Nordschleife
hello LFS community. I can't tell I am gamer, but it is only game that sticks around me about 10 year now? holy cow...and progress of developent always was slow, and still is sadly. anyways, I am sure there was tons of requests for adding "Nordschleife" and I am completely agree with them, that would be something.

to Developers of LFS
I am CG Artist, that's what I do for living. I am offering you 3D Nordschleife mesh with textures for game (with correctly set UVs, and realistic Textures). (you just should let me know how should I do it for perfect integration in LFS engine) I will maintain correct length, dimensions and elevation (as accurate as I can go with all data I can found Online) I already gathered most of that data and already start making it.

I want to get rich with offer?
I am not asking anything in exchange, I would be more than happy help developing LFS.

Am I bluffing?
No, and all I can do to prove that I have skills for job I can show some my previous work, please visit my portfolio if you are interested

Where is my motivation come from?
besides that I love this game and happy to help Developers on their way, I am modeling Nordschleife for my personal project. so I am doing it anyways, I just want to know should I consider for adapting mesh for current game specifications and should that be my main Motivation or not?

Challenges for me
I never created such big terrain, should be correctly unwrapped UV for smaller texture size. Accuracy never was my problem and I was never scared challenges, I'll learn what should be done to be done job correctly. infact I can go with insane amount of details if needed. (currently I am experimenting in UE4 for correct UV maps and mesh exports)

Real Question
lets assume that I am able to create 3D Nordschleife Map for free, nothing. would you Guys/Developers consider it to be added in Game?

cow bless this thread. thank you very much and let others know about this, lets make "Green Hell" happen Smile
wow! Thumbs up
#3 - asyed
Any special licenses?

Also, "you should let me know how I should do it for perfect integration...", LFS is based on a custom engine that COULD be entirely different to what you think it is...
Quote from asyed :Also, "you should let me know how I should do it for perfect integration...", LFS is based on a custom engine that COULD be entirely different to what you think it is...

complex game assets are created outside of engine in 3D software and than exported whatever format is required for native support for engine...if cars and tracks are modeled inside lfs engine than good by and happy new year, but I am 110% sure all cars, tracks was created in softs like 3Ds Max, Maya, etc. and textured and prepared for LFS engine...I do not see problem here

for more ground, here I attached two image...based on that graph and height map I extracted from map I get accurate elevation. betven RED and BLUE dots are 300m difference and I checked mid sectors, matching as well. actual curve is from wikipedia SVG file that was converted to curve, I did not draw any polygon by hand so its perfect match..than I checked that curve on Google Map global view and curve is perfect match for road as well...anyways, cant wait to hear from Devs
Attached images
Interesting... but as asyed asked, I repeat question: Any special licenses?

Also, have you thought out all other things which requires to have some "black in white"?
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Interesting... but as asyed asked, I repeat question: Any special licenses?

Also, have you thought out all other things which requires to have some "black in white"?

what special licenses? what do you mean? can you specify?

"black in white" ?

I have no idea what paper work is needed to implement Nordschleife in game. I am offering 3D work, not paperworks or licensing agreements, that is their job 100%, and if problem is licensing than I can't do anything, hope its not
Quote from gaboteam :what special licenses? what do you mean? can you specify?

"black in white" ?

I have no idea what paper work is needed to implement Nordschleife in game. I am offering 3D work, not paperworks or licensing agreements, that is their job 100%, and if problem is licensing than I can't do anything, hope its not

What I tried to mean that you are allowed to do implement. However, I believe so as charging nothing of it, I see no problem there.
nice Thumbs up
Gl Hope to see it one day in lfs as far as i'm aware the visible file of map is in lfs/data/.... However not sure about the drivable map file.
It looks soo nice Good Work Smile
If someone offers their work for free to improve the game - and the LFS mount will not agree, then nothing good will happen again - this could be a breakthrough moment for LFS guys!

Developers, Programmers, all stuff that are doing job on LFS - why don;t you start giving peoples chances to improve the game, speccially when you don't have time for it ?

In ther world there is soo much project with people doing stuff for games and developers often are likely to add or accept someones job - why don't implement this here ?

Cheering for this project for 100%!
I'd love to drive the track again in a game I like. But I have some concerns on legal problems. I don't know what trademarks and copyrights belong to the Nürburgring 1927 GmbH & Co. KG. The likeness of the track could be one of those things.

You said the geometry of the track comes from an SVG and that it would be a perfect match on Google Earth? How did you check that exactly, if I'm allowed to ask. I can immagine that the SVG might be a basis for the axis of the road just with a constant width given to it. Also the SVG might be drawn from a map with unknown heritage (What map projection was used?). since it is also generalised I would think it was a miracle if it fit perfectly.

You said the elevation is taken from that map you attached. I don't know how far Rhineland-Palatinate (the German federal state the Nürburgring belongs to) is in terms of the open data initiative as part of INSPIRE*, but maybe they have already released a digital elevation model (usually ASCII-Files with xyz-coordinates in (x&y in ETRS/UTM32 and z in DHHN16**) based on airborne laserscanning in 1m resolution in a 1m times 1m grid. That would probably help the accuracy of the elevation and geometry a lot since the graph of the diagramm probably is generalised too much.

*Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coucil, **German hights reference system
Would be more than awesome. Next comes the question, wich configuration of Nordschleife?

Assetto and IRacing already serving laser scanned version of modern version of Nordschleife (20.8km), maybe some other sim also.

In my opinion could be extraordinary cool to have the older classic 22.8km track of 70's with the old stadion area with large pit area and large start/finish straight with space for large grid.

Could be even epic awesome and LFS'ish to have four different configurations when adding also Sudschleife, the combination of boths (Gesamtstrecke), and the "oval" betonschleife. Like the one mod done for rFactor.
Quote from TFalke55 :I'd love to drive the track again in a game I like. But I have some concerns on legal problems. I don't know what trademarks and copyrights belong to the Nürburgring 1927 GmbH & Co. KG. The likeness of the track could be one of those things.

like 9397 said, ASseto na iRacing already have this track soo there is a possibility for sure.
@gaboteam maybe mail the devs Thumbs up
(neonmateo) DELETED by neonmateo
How many days until racers will get bored with nordschleife? 3-4?
Quote from TFalke55 :You said the geometry of the track comes from an SVG and that it would be a perfect match on Google Earth? How did you check that exactly, if I'm allowed to ask.

see pictures, Red line is line I have and its over on Google Map image, there are some ares not perfect but you should consider elevation + SVG is not 100% perfect and small tweaks is nothing, I say its perfect! (I take center 1 curve from SVG, not sides)... If you can give me source for better data please let me know, for now I am working with what I can see and find + I attached Height Map (best I could find) that makes elevate my track curve...base width is 8 meter and I should resize some areas manually, minimum width is about 6 meter as I read.

Quote from RC-Maus :@gaboteam maybe mail the devs Thumbs up

already did Smile

Quote from Mikus1212 :How many days until racers will get bored with nordschleife? 3-4?

if in current state I play this game 10 year, I do not think Nordschleife will make it more boring. what I can say is that your point of view is completely useless in terms if we want any progress here.

current length of track is 20674 meter, that is very close to 20.81 km
Attached images
nurburgring Height Map (Merged).jpg
Quote from gaboteam :see pictures, Red line is line I have and its over on Google Map image, there are some ares not perfect but you should consider elevation + SVG is not 100% perfect and small tweaks is nothing, I say its perfect! (I take center 1 curve from SVG, not sides)... If you can give me source for better data please let me know, for now I am working with what I can see and find + I attached Height Map (best I could find) that makes elevate my track curve...base width is 8 meter and I should resize some areas manually, minimum width is about 6 meter as I read.

I did some research. Sadly Rhineland-Palatinate does not provide an digital elevation model for free. For this context the only usefull free products of the state department of surveying and geoinformation are the digital orthophotos. Each pixel is georeferenced in ETRS/UTM32 and 40cm by 40cm sized, so you coud use it to trimm the xy-geometry.

EDIT: I removed the link as I realised you need to be registerd and egliable to use the data to download it. The other way would be using the WMS, but that is quite a pain, as the geoportal already was...

Quote from gaboteam :current length of track is 20674 meter, that is very close to 20.81 km

Considering the method, 6,5% off is astonishingly good.

Quote from lucaf :Assetto and IRacing already serving laser scanned version of modern version of Nordschleife (20.8km), maybe some other sim also.

Quote from Bila_KHS :like 9397 said, ASseto na iRacing already have this track soo there is a possibility for sure.

I'm aware of the laserscans for AC and iR. The difference is that for a laserscan you need to cooperate from the beginning with the company, so all necessery negotiations will already have completed when the surveyers are contracted for the scan. Here we have someone dedicated to complete the project all by himself with the slight hope that the developers of the game being able and willing to include it to the game. This also makes it different to rF, where the users add the tracks etc themselves while dedicated people provide the data. I believe from this difference consequences could derive and all the legal stuff would need to be solved before a drivable version could be released.
Quote from Mikus1212 :How many days until racers will get bored with nordschleife? 3-4?

Did u get bored off GTi????
Devs are current working on something related to textures, that may help for future updates.

This track would be cool for "test runs" with tweak, but will be boring for normal races (maybe endurances will be good).
Quote from Skinzinho :This track would be cool for "test runs" with tweak, but will be boring for normal races (maybe endurances will be good).

whats wrong with you guys? no one can claim that its boring in any ways. it is one of the most dangerous track for racing out there. It is Hard, all kind corners and zones, ideal for testing as your car, as well as driver...its not Boring damn it, NO its not BORING for any kind racing and I hope some day I will take my car to Germany to pay 130euro for most boring 20 km in my life

until than, I hope I can practice in LFS
I sincerely hope you'll be able to port it to LFS but it might take a while until modding is supported. Scawen mentioned he was working on important graphical updates along with anti-piracy thingy, then back to tyre physics and later on there might be modding support.

Nords licensed shouldn't be considered too seriously as the cost for licensing a track is apparently freaking huge if we are to believe what Kunos said in an interview in the last year or so. Licensing official cars seems to be a much cheaper route if we are to believe them (free publicity).
Quote from Skytrill :I sincerely hope you'll be able to port it to LFS but it might take a while until modding is supported. Scawen mentioned he was working on important graphical updates along with anti-piracy thingy, then back to tyre physics and later on there might be modding support.

Nords licensed shouldn't be considered too seriously as the cost for licensing a track is apparently freaking huge if we are to believe what Kunos said in an interview in the last year or so. Licensing official cars seems to be a much cheaper route if we are to believe them (free publicity).

They already added new Track with S3 so that door must be open I think. Yes it will be biggest and heaviest Track in LFS arsenal, but it also will be coolest = more people will be interested in game + if they add more security = less piracy = overall success

for licensing, I believe car exist currently in LFS is already a replicas of some real cars, but they does not claim its Celica or Mini Cooper does it? why do not them add map without any licensing? and does not call it Nordschleife...if licensing is that costly
Quote from Mikus1212 :How many days until racers will get bored with nordschleife? 3-4?

from seeing Assetto Corsa's servers, i dont think it will be boring fast. And if you are taling about drifting, then ofc all the noobs nowadays will go back to autocross because its easier.
Definite +1. And if OP ever gets to develop, and publish, I'm sure in for some pilot testing/pre beta testing. Would love to try out any new track. Any. Rofl

Only concern might be the scale of the project. Maybe start out with the GP track? Then move on to the full on course? Little steps. Haha
Quote from MicroSpecV :Definite +1. And if OP ever gets to develop, and publish, I'm sure in for some pilot testing/pre beta testing. Would love to try out any new track. Any. Rofl

Only concern might be the scale of the project. Maybe start out with the GP track? Then move on to the full on course? Little steps. Haha

Smile scale is really big, I can't make it in week but it's doable even if am alone. starting from small track might be a good idea to check how me and them can work out, but will see when they will answer, if they will answer Shrug

Quote from iSp4rO :from seeing Assetto Corsa's servers, i dont think it will be boring fast. And if you are taling about drifting, then ofc all the noobs nowadays will go back to autocross because its easier.

drifting? nah man, I will not let car straighten it will be that fun to drift there Uhmm

Nurburgring Nordschleife
(89 posts, started )