Living in North America at age 14, you should be able to spell just fine. Your age is no excuse for ignorance.
Seriously, the lamest excuse for asking for a cheat on an official website I think I've ever heard. Chances are the maker did not setup his own website with and emailing address anyways. And what do you think emailing him would do? Would he suddenly feel guilty that his cheat made someone unhappy and that he would then remove his website, and delete the cheat? Give me a break...
n3o. The link goes directly to post where he admits he made it.
Give the kid a break guys. In 3 years (because they'll lower the minimum conscription age) the US government's gonna draft his ass to go fight "evil". All he'll need to be able to spell is his name so they can punch it into his dogtags.
Although when he gets back to write his memoirs about being lied to and used by his government, he may need to brush up a bit on the old speelin' and punchooayshun, or his book won't sell.
Well then, he'll need to spell his name right so they send "the letter" to the right person ...
Just out of interest (and very OT so I apologise in advance), I wonder if the good people of the US will think this Iraq fiasco is worth it if the military casualties exceed the number of people killed on 9/11? It's getting closer every day ...
I think a majority of the American citizens are against the war, now. TBH, I always saw the war in Iraq as a war for Bush to get Saddam, and finish what his daddy didn't. I never once believed it had anything at all to do with 9/11 or Terrorism. If it did, they'd focus more attention on Afghanistan, wouldn't they?
I think the same. I believe most Americans aren't stupid and can smell bullsh1t when it's spewing from their TV...just seems they don't speak up much (or they don't feel like they can - you see anti-war activists constantly being labelled as "America-haters", the supreme crime in the most OTT patriotic nation in the world), either that or the press doesn't tell anyone when they do.
It was strange, watching 9/11 unfold on live TV that day...after the initial shock, I had a creepy, quite uncomfortable feeling that George Walker Texas Ranger (he's actually a Connecticut Yankee btw) was going to bomb the crap out of someone as soon as he could...I had no idea it would get so bad
Then it turns out it was planned long before 9/11:
Look at the people who signed this letter to President Clinton in 1998, imploring him to be more aggressive in removing Saddam - the same pack of chickenhawks who led the US into the current quagmire, but who also had a golden opportunity to rid Iraq of Saddam following the Gulf War, but didn't (have a look at the rest of the site - it's basically a blueprint for a planet controlled by the US). Afghanistan was but a stepping stone to Iraq. Who knows who's next. 9/11, whoever actually did it (jury's still out for a lot of people), was a modern-day Pearl Harbour or Reichstag fire. Not only has it given a green light for illegal invasions (illegal according to International & US law), but stemming from that has been state-sanctioned torture, illegal detentions in illegal prison camps and increased repression of the American people by an increasingly neo-fascist wonder noone wants to say anything...
I fear we're coming ever-closer to the "near future oppressive governmental" situation depicted in so many novels and movies. I especially hope "post-apocalyptic" doesn't get added to that
I'm sure Mr Orwell is having a huge chuckle from his tomb: "Idiots...told ya so! Ha! Perpetual states of war, regime run by fear, ultra-nationalism taking hold...couldn't have written it better myself!"
But I'm concerned for you Canucks, you're right next door!
But yes, back to the topic at hand. NOS bad, me no like.
my mom and dad dieed when i was 3 years old i live with my grandma she is 87 and grandpow he is 90 i care for them and i have add and adhd i have no help so yea make fun of me if u wont to what ever makes u happy
If that's the truth then just never mind the elitism that exists here from time to time. Usually it's well placed, but noone has any idea who you are.
I still think that you're out to get the cheat though; it's dreadfully obvious despite your lackluster attempt to cover it up. It's not something to pursue, and certainly won't earn you any respect here.
That being said, welcome to the LFS forums. We really can be nice here beleive it or not so I hope you get a fresh start and leave this cheat business behind...
i did wont the nos thin i did but i see that it is gay if ever one has it then it would be like if we didn't have it but yea sorry for bein like i was i know cheatin is not right and am sorry
TeamTurbo - this thread isn't about the speed cheat that seems to exist now, but about general Nitrous Oxide Systems in LFS as an improvement suggestion. Or, it might be about a new-fangled installation program called NOS, but I'm not convinced about that (I only mention it to make it fair).
If you want to swear at the person who discovered DiNitrogenOxide then you'll be swearing at a grave I suspect (I don't know when the compound was discovered or first created, but I doubt it was in the last 40 years at least).
I have to ask - what has this self-pity has to do with Nitrous Oxide System, or your horrible english? Even it's LandOfTheFree, I bet people will get some kind of basic education for free. It's good you take care of your granparents at young age and I aprreciate it. I just don't understand why does it have to be mentioned in LFS improved suggestions? illepall
Nitrous oxide was discovered in the 1790s by a scientist/clergyman named Jospeh Priestley. For the next 50 years, people used it to get high and have a chuckle until its anaesthetic properties were discovered. In 1844 a dentist called Dr Horace Wells noticed its mild sedative and anaesthetic properties and began using it in his practice. It's still used by dentists everywhere and, for the record, Dr Wells is still regarded as the father of anaesthesia.
And of course people still get high off it.
Stuffed if I know when people started using it to make cars go ridiculously fast
Injection of nitrous oxide into the combustion chambers of an internal combustion engine as a way to increase power output was discovered by the German air craft industry early in the Second World War.
In USA during 1950s the famed stock car racer Smokey Yunick rediscoverd nitrous oxide injection as one of his many schemes for winning races until discovered and outlawed by NASCAR. Neverthesless, there have been several nitrous oxide cheating scandals in NASCAR over the years and it is probably still used today by the slowest of backmarkers. In the late-70s/early-80s nitrous oxide was "rediscovered" by drag racers and hot rodders.