Heya people! About... Oh, two, maybe three weeks ago I downloaded LFS because of a discussion a friend and I were having. She mentioned that its the most realistic simulator ever, and I figured if nothing else, I could have some fun playing the demo...
So I just lost 2-3 weeks of my life
Its an amazing experience to say nothing else, and when I get paid (shortly), the first thing I plan to do is purchase S2
So here I am to say Greetings to all the racers I'll soon to see, hopefully long enough to read their bumper stickers before they pull away!
Just a few curious questions... Do more experienced racers ever consider taking on Rookies for a bit of education? I always figured someone who's used to seeing another's style, so know how they drive, would be a better instructor than getting random advice from posting a few replays and asking "How do I improve my laptimes?". But then again, what do I know? Also, I'm pretty sure experiences vary, but as a general note, how helpful are teams for rookie drivers? Or teams in general? Is it common practice to switch teams a lot as you get better (from rookie teams to bigger name teams), or just drive solo until a team you like extends a hand of membership and racing education?
Oh, and Hi again!