The online racing simulator
Lo everyone

I've played S2 Demo for months on end and I am loving it. Hopefully by Christmas I'll be able to get S2 because atm I'm broke.

Been playing for about a month online, so i guess i'm not really new but just introducing myself anyway

Playing with a momo FF wheel with a sticky brake
Racing as WR6X usually on Redline Racing server
What a good sim
I've been trying this sim for a few weeks now.
Printed out the manual and I'm just starting to realise how good a game this is.

Cheers :-)
Howdy, I'm teh newbish. I just picked up S2, and have been playing the demo for a bit. I still gotta finish up the training modes, I'm not too good yet. But I'd like to get involved in some leagues especially the F1 league with a skinned Honda F1.
Hello, im new, bought my license about 16 hours ago or so, maybe even more
already love the game, yihaa
Another Newbie
Hi all, I'm still practicising on the Demo cars while waiting for the wheel to arrive. Progress is slow regarding laptimes at the moment though I did just get into 1:38's bytaking heed of the advice and driving more smoothly - slow in, fast out !!

Catch you on-line soon once wheel arrives - should be tomorrow
#59 - joen
Quote from TonyP23 :
Printed out the manual

A manual reading, self-educating newcomer We can use more of those hehe Welcome

Quote from MrDave :Progress is slow regarding laptimes at the moment though I did just get into 1:38's bytaking heed of the advice and driving more smoothly - slow in, fast out !!

Catch you on-line soon once wheel arrives - should be tomorrow

The good thing is that you'll be able to drive the other tracks. Although that seems to make it more difficult, it often isn't. Taking a break from a certain track can give you better times when you return to it bringing in your experience from the other tracks
Good Point
Makes sense Joen, time to spend some money
Let the fun begin
Licensed now - whoa! the BMW Sauber is a beast
#62 - joen
Quote from MrDave :Licensed now - whoa! the BMW Sauber is a beast

hehe, that was fast
may I compliment you on a wise choice sir?
I hope you get your wheel soon (I am waiting for a new wheel too atm, getting a replacement for my broken MOMO)
See you on the tracks
Quote from joen :Taking a break from a certain track can give you better times when you return to it bringing in your experience from the other tracks

also taking experience from other diciplines...iv been learning to drift over the past few days, and when i went back to racing again, i found myself much faster overall

Happy now, DFP has arrived and (after trawling the forum for setup tips) it's no longer kicking me off the road!

An hours play and hit the 1:36's a couple of times in the GTi on BL. Time now to do some serious training.
HI all
#66 - joen
Quote from Egytuner :Hey guys. Got a couple of questions: is live for speed a freeware? and i've downloaded the demo version and i wanted to know the size of the full version.

No. The demo is free to use for as long as you wish, but if you want all the features of LFS you will need to buy yourself a license (highly recommended ofcourse).

The size of the full version is the same. There is no seperate full version to download. If you buy LFS you will be able to unlock the features you cannot use now in the demo.
No, Patch U is the latest "stable" patch, and if you wanna try out some test-patches, it's U19... The content of the demo is the same though...
Heya people! About... Oh, two, maybe three weeks ago I downloaded LFS because of a discussion a friend and I were having. She mentioned that its the most realistic simulator ever, and I figured if nothing else, I could have some fun playing the demo...

So I just lost 2-3 weeks of my life

Its an amazing experience to say nothing else, and when I get paid (shortly), the first thing I plan to do is purchase S2

So here I am to say Greetings to all the racers I'll soon to see, hopefully long enough to read their bumper stickers before they pull away!

Just a few curious questions... Do more experienced racers ever consider taking on Rookies for a bit of education? I always figured someone who's used to seeing another's style, so know how they drive, would be a better instructor than getting random advice from posting a few replays and asking "How do I improve my laptimes?". But then again, what do I know? Also, I'm pretty sure experiences vary, but as a general note, how helpful are teams for rookie drivers? Or teams in general? Is it common practice to switch teams a lot as you get better (from rookie teams to bigger name teams), or just drive solo until a team you like extends a hand of membership and racing education?

Oh, and Hi again!
#69 - joen
Quote from Shinrar :Heya people! About... Oh, two, maybe three weeks ago I downloaded LFS because of a discussion a friend and I were having. She mentioned that its the most realistic simulator ever, and I figured if nothing else, I could have some fun playing the demo...

So I just lost 2-3 weeks of my life

Its an amazing experience to say nothing else, and when I get paid (shortly), the first thing I plan to do is purchase S2

So here I am to say Greetings to all the racers I'll soon to see, hopefully long enough to read their bumper stickers before they pull away!

Just a few curious questions... Do more experienced racers ever consider taking on Rookies for a bit of education? I always figured someone who's used to seeing another's style, so know how they drive, would be a better instructor than getting random advice from posting a few replays and asking "How do I improve my laptimes?". But then again, what do I know? Also, I'm pretty sure experiences vary, but as a general note, how helpful are teams for rookie drivers? Or teams in general? Is it common practice to switch teams a lot as you get better (from rookie teams to bigger name teams), or just drive solo until a team you like extends a hand of membership and racing education?

Oh, and Hi again!

Hi, welcome. Good to see you're enjoying LFS
I would say that a big part of the drivers are very willing to help out, by giving advice or letting you try their setups. Just ask someone for help when you're in a server.

Posting replays on the forum is a pretty effective way though. Sure, people have different driving styles. But some things are either good or bad regardless of one's driving style. Besides that, a lot of people visit the forums, chances are that someone with a comparable driving style will be watching it

About the teams. I personally think the best thing to do is drive solo for a while first so you can get some experience and learn the tracks. Because most teams will only accept drivers who have a certain amount of experience/speed. Some will want to see you join their server for a tryout to see how you drive.
But there are some young teams around who will take in anyone (no disrespect)

Sure, people switch teams when they get better. It's not like you have a contract or something Depends on what you call often though. I can imagine teams not being amused when you switch team every week for instance

Im Loz.

Ive only just got LFS-S2, great game! Had a little trouble gettin my pedals to work but thats all sorted now.

This games feels alot different to rFactor, damage is better too.

And again. Hi!!!
(Morivar) DELETED by Morivar
Hello all,

Not strictly new to lfs, had S1 but during emiration from GB to France lost all HDD content. Just upgraded to S2 today and awaiting ADSL connection, as we are in a rural location, so just getting some practice before going on line. today have done 1.13 lap of BL GP in FXR. looking forward to some good racing soon
Im new, and had S2 and the DFP Wheel within 2 days hooked!

ive had lfs for a wek nearly and ive got to say im gobsmacked on how good it is, there is not many good raceing games for the pc but this is the best

see u on the track
Hey guys, Ive had a liscense since january but only started playing alot a week ago, getting faster at racing, 1.55.79 with RB4 on SO LONG REV im proud of that for how long ive been playing:smash3d:, anyway hi guys and thanks to the dev's for making this great car simulator.

(Moved to here sorry about making new thread)
hey guys im new o.O

Played the demo for 30 seconds and got the license,lol didnt like the demo car

Any ideas btw on best BF1 Oval setup? :P:P
I get speeds of 318 while i see others going at 350 o.O

Great simulator people! I love it!


New players say hi here
(3743 posts, started )