The online racing simulator
Lock Server
Hi Guys,
I'm back with [AKM] Racing UK Servers hope you remember me Gai Smile as I BETA tested loads of stuff back in the day Smile - I want to lock Server 1 by LFSW PB to say within 10% of LFSW PB but want Server 2 and 3 left open so Drivers can go onto one of those and get the time required to join our Race Server 1. Iv'e been away for about 8 years so not sure if Lapper already does this or theirs an addon script already created? So any help would be appreciated.

PS I can't get NotePad++ to use the colouring by importing the file download as can't find the Syntax Import feature in it.

[AKM] Racing Servers
Hi Yisc, thanks for the heads up with PB Filter as found it now. I can't find Goto 'Syntaxis' Tab in Notepad++ was what I was trying to say in original post.

Hi Guys I'm sorry to be a pain but its asking for a .xml file to import and the file downloaded isn't.


Hi Guys, sorted thanks and Yisc while I've got your attention I'm getting this error in Lapper Dos Screen when running your Event Sceduler:
HostLoop ID:ORS_OnLapperStart_Schedule (False) Canceled

Any ideas?

3/18/2019 9:12:13 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:13 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:13 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:13 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:13 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Schedule_trackcheck (True) Canceled
3/18/2019 9:12:14 PM: HostLoop ID:Track_check (True) Canceled
Hi Yisc, sorted that error cheers. I now have a new one in "Authorization Options" as tried this but it chucks Lapper into Standby:

$Auth1 = "Bronze,FXR:AS3:1.50.00 | FZR:AS3:1.50.00 | XRR:AS3:1.50.00";
$Auth2 = "Silver,FXR:AS3:1.45.00 | FZR:AS3:1.45.00 | XRR:AS3:1.45.00";
$Auth3 = "Gold,FXR:AS3:1.42.30 | FZR:AS3:1.42.30 | XRR:AS3:1.42.30";

$AuthAllowPlayer = "Auth1 | Auth2 | Auth3";

Shame Lapper can't just do LFSW PB Car + Track +10%

Hi Guys what has replaced this:

GlobalVar $enable_pitboard;

It was not me (Yisc) that helped you last night (except for the first reaction) but Bass-Driver. We are both from The Netherlands, so I understand the confusion.

You can find the latest version of Pitboard here:
Hi Yisc I've added that but still won't work, !pbconfig works but !pbstart does nothing and !cfgsplits tells me I'm not allowed to do that lol

Hi Guys, can anyone help me with a script to change between the 2 lines below using !lock on & !lock off


Quote from Andy King :Hi Guys, can anyone help me with a script to change between the 2 lines below using !lock on & !lock off



Although $AuthAllowPlayer isn't listed as configurable variable in 'Lapper ConfigVars.txt' you might be able to set it using: SetConfigVar("AuthAllowPlayer", "All");
If it's not allowed to do that, then maybe Bass-Driver is able to make it a configurable variable in a future Lapper release.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Yisc I've added that but still won't work, !pbconfig works but !pbstart does nothing and !cfgsplits tells me I'm not allowed to do that lol


Can you find any error in the logfile that has a similar name like this, when using !pbstart:

To be allowed to use !cfgsplits your LFS username has to be listed in 'admin.txt' that can be found in the "default" folder.
Hi Yisc, no errors in log file with regard Pitboard. Can you shed some light on this error in one of my scripts....

EVENT OnMSO( $text ) # Player Event

Quote from Andy King :Hi Yisc, no errors in log file with regard Pitboard. Can you shed some light on this error in one of my scripts....

EVENT OnMSO( $text ) # Player Event


I have looked through the Pitboard code (has been a long time since I have seen it) and it seems that you need to have stored settings, which are loaded when executing !pbstart
You could try to use !pbconfig first, make the settings you want and then save them to the database.

The OnMSO event is triggered when a command is executed that is defined with a !
Like: !pbstart , !pbconfig or one of the default Lapper commands like !node
Hi Yisc, I have my own scripts working to a point now, can you help as which is right....

$userName or $username

Quote from Andy King :Hi Yisc, I have my own scripts working to a point now, can you help as which is right....

$userName or $username


Correct is: $userName
Thanks matey whats this as producing errors...

The function: initAddons does not exist
Function 'onlapperstart' script aborted

It seems you have something called "initAddons" in one of your onlapperstart events and that's causing an error.
Maybe forgot to make it an event?
Hi Dan, this is a part of your AdminChat Script that I have tried to adjust to accept a text file for Admin Access....

SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!adminchat":
CASE "!adchat":
IF ( UserIsAdmin( $userName ) == 1 ) THEN #Check if user is a Admin (Server/Insim Admin)
IF ((GetCurrentPlayerVar("InAdminChat") == 0)||(GetCurrentPlayerVar("InAdminChat") == "")) THEN
SetCurrentPlayerVar("InAdminChat", 1);
$InAdminChat = getListOfPlayers("N");
FOREACH ( $maVar IN $InAdminChat )
IF (GetPlayerVar($maVar["value"],"InAdminChat") == 1) THEN
privMsg ( $maVar["value"] ,"".GetPlayerVar($userName,"NickName"). " ^8joined the adminchat!");
privmsg("^8You already joined the adminchat!");
privmsg("^1Access Deniend");

UserGroupFromFile( "Admin1", "./Text_Files/Admin_1.txt");

Hi Guys, I'm stuck after quite a few hours of frustration. I need when someone presses the button to Agree to Rules to be stored in DB so they don't see the Agree to Rules on every visit. Would like to do it via the Drivers UserName so any help would be appreciated.
1) How to store to DB
2) How to retrieve it to go in an IF statement

Quote from Andy King :Hi Guys, I'm stuck after quite a few hours of frustration. I need when someone presses the button to Agree to Rules to be stored in DB so they don't see the Agree to Rules on every visit. Would like to do it via the Drivers UserName so any help would be appreciated.
1) How to store to DB
2) How to retrieve it to go in an IF statement


This script does exactly what you want.
Save the file in your "includes" folder and rename it to: test_rules.lpr
Add the file to 'addonsused.lpr' by adding this line: include( "./test_rules.lpr");
Attached files
test_rules.txt - 1.1 KB - 206 views