Hi Guys,
I'm back with [AKM] Racing UK Servers hope you remember me Gai
as I BETA tested loads of stuff back in the day
- I want to lock Server 1 by LFSW PB to say within 10% of LFSW PB but want Server 2 and 3 left open so Drivers can go onto one of those and get the time required to join our Race Server 1. Iv'e been away for about 8 years so not sure if Lapper already does this or theirs an addon script already created? So any help would be appreciated.
PS I can't get NotePad++ to use the colouring by importing the file download as can't find the Syntax Import feature in it.
[AKM] Racing Servers
I'm back with [AKM] Racing UK Servers hope you remember me Gai

PS I can't get NotePad++ to use the colouring by importing the file download as can't find the Syntax Import feature in it.
[AKM] Racing Servers