Just a slight tap about this... I have recently searched a new partner/partners to make this league once again alive. Inspired from discussions generally about leagues/series.
There have been some positive results, but way too far away from that point, where everything would be ready to start this thing up. However, I did expect it, as everyone has real life and some may have issues with work, lifestyle, family or other interests. In that case there is no guarantee if there is ever chance to make it up. Same goes for me and it is understandable.
I can get servers back very easily, but it is useless to keep them alive, if no progress happens on certain aspects.
So, I am looking a someone who has great motive and has everyday accessibility to make something useful and sees things similarly like I do.
Of course, if I would really have some free time, I might get something basics running up, but due work life I have and some other interests as well, it's beyond possible. Most likely I am looking for additional administrators/moderators/insim coder to both server and website ( as additionally but not mandatory ) and I could do rest of stuff with ease.