The online racing simulator
Finnish translation
(36 posts, started )
Quote from tankslacno :Thank you for this suggestion/correction. I've now changed that word in both online translation system and in my LFS-Client.

In case you can't wait to see the end of MUTA-word, I've attached a screenshot of this correction Big grin

Cool, I did check it out more, it could had been still also on MUTA, but it depends on two things...

1... Tire names are set for as what environment they are used

2... Tire names are directly set their names itself

However, both of options in finnish terms are more used to call as "MAASTORENKAAT"... That's why I can confirm 100% from it. It sounds indeed awkward to only call as Maasto, because in english, the word "Tires" are not shown on tire options, only the somewhat shortcut version of it...

So, it would be 100% correct to set as 'Maastorenkaat'...

More trivia:

Normal tires = Normaalirenkaat
Normal tire = Normaalirengas
Normal tire compound = Normaalirengasseos ( Notice, even if word "compound" has direct translate called as "yhdiste", it is not used in that term as much as "seos", which is more like called as "mixture" in english )

Hybrid tires = Hybridirenkaat
Hybrid tire = Hybridirengas
Hybrid tire compound = Hybridirengasseos

Soft tires = Pehmeärenkaat / Pehmeät renkaat ( Because word "pehmeät" does end to letter t words are separated. Both are correct to use. There is even more rules about how to make finnish words correctly, but heck, this thread is not for that, haha! )
Soft tire = Pehmeärengas
Soft tire compound = Pehmeärengasseos

Knobbly tires = (Mukurarenkaat) Maastorenkaat
Knobbly tire = (Mukurarengas) Maastorengas
Knobbly tire compound = (Mukurarengasseos) Maastorengasseos

RX Slick tires = RX-Sliksirenkaat ( X means for 1,2,3 or 4, as used in LFS )
RX Slick tire = RX-Sliksirengas
RX Slick tire compound = RX-Sliksirengasseos

Slick tire compound = Sliksirengasseos


Sorry, I got overflowing when coming to explain on this, but at least you got it. And besides, at least you know few finnish words to type, not sure how you say them =)
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Cool, I did check it out more, it could had been still also on MUTA, but it depends on two things...

I now translated those words into these (I only translated them in my own LFS-Client, I haven't yet translated these in online translation system):

They all seem to fit in there, though just barely. In my opinion, RX-SLIKSIT could be actually pretty good there, it looks better and more reasonable than SLIKSIT RX.

My question is that, is it necessary to have the word/part "Renkaat" there? The tab in garage already says that you're modifying/checking tires.

PS: Possible spoilers:

In this game, there are also tires called: SLICK_SOFT (Pehmeät Sliksit), SLICK_MEDIUM (Puolikovat Sliksit), SLICK_HARD (Kovat Sliksit), RACE_SLICK (Sliksit), RACE_GROOVED (Urarenkaat), RACE_INTERMEDIATE (Välikeli) and RACE_WET (Märkä). I translated the first three into Pehmeät Sliksirenkaat, Puolikovat Sliksirenkaat and Kovat Sliksirenkaat and the last two into Välikelin renkaat and Märät renkaat.

But when I refershed that language file in LFS, it warned that Pehmeät Sliksirenkaat is too long by two letters and Puolikovat Sliksirenkaat is too long by five letters (therefore, Kovat Sliksirenkaat is the maximum length of word related to tires). So I think it's best, that at least Pehmeät/Puolikovat/Kovat sliksirenkaat are just called Pehmeät/Puolikovat/Kovat sliksit.

Anyway, is this going to tell us that tracks are going to get pretty wet after tyre physics are ready? Big grin
Shhhhhhh!!!! ( Isn't it obvious? )

The thing was that it is not really need to add a word renkaat after the type of tires, it was just an example Big grin

Was only need to change Muta to Maasto, otherwise it is good Smile
Hello developers and fellow players!

I have made alternative finnish translations for the training missions.

I don't want to diminish the effort put into the original translations in any way, but I stumbled upon some errors in some of them.

So I checked through all of the translations in the training section and decided to re-work them all (to varying degree). Fixed a few translation errors and some naming inconsistencies, but also tweaked the appearance of the language a little.

Would you guys take a look at them and say what you think?
Attached files - 16.7 KB - 1266 views
Did not compare them with original ones, but what I read in that zip file was very OK
Hi once again!

Updated Commands.txt and Autocross.txt to most recent version (0.6T4). Are there any more commands coming to Commands.txt?

By the way, I checked those alternative Finnish translations for training lessons that Vaitteli made and they actually have better grammar than those I originally made about 3 years ago. So if it's okay, it could probably be better to replace those original ones withe ones Vaitteli made. Thanks for them Vaitteli and sorry for the delay.

PS: To all translators: I think there's two more translation strings in all languages that should be updated. Since 0.6T3, it's possible to speed up or slow down time in Single Player. Well, if you look at Options -> Controls -> Reserved buttons -> Shift+F2/F3, you can see that all languages (I suppose) have word "replay" in those two translation strings, hinting players that speeding up or slowing down is only possible in Replays, even though it's now possible in Single Player as well.
Attached files
Commands_Finnish.txt - 18.5 KB - 584 views
Autocross_Finnish.txt - 5 KB - 556 views
Thank you tankslacno and vaitelli, your updates will be in T5 which I hope to release later today.

I've attached an updated Commands.txt so that translation is relevant to your Commands.txt which you updated 5th February 2021.

However, I noticed two things when updating that and I think I should point them out:

1) I've already updated available number for smoothness of car updates per second from 3-6 to 3-12. if for some reason it's required to change that maximum number or revert it back to that original 3-6, I will update this file again.

2) This information in English Commands.txt-file catched my eye:

Quote :To get info from LFS World - /w and /ws commands:
/w CMD sends command to LFS World for current car/track
e.g. /w pb (Personal Best) or /w laps (Laps)

/ws TRACK CAR CMD sends command for specified car/track
e.g. /ws BL1R XRT pb (get PB in XR GT TURBO at Blackwood GP REV)

More online DB access commands can be found on the
"LFS Keys" page at

To get info from master server - /m command:

/m find USER - find a user online
/m ? - get a list of master commands

Is that part I bolded redundant? I don't find that "LFS Keys"-page anywhere here. I did find a page which displays similar info about those (LFSWorld) DB access commands here though:

I was just wondering should that part I bolded get updated? Smile
Attached files
Commands_Finnish.txt - 20.4 KB - 316 views
Thanks. I've got your version into my test patch folder.

I've changed my version to pps 12.

The two lines you marked bold, I've changed to a single line:

More online DB access commands:
I've attached an updated Commands.txt-file. Fixed some typos and changed that one line.

I've also updated those translations related to changes you did in those outdated In-Game Help-texts. I did that in that LFS Translations page. I just noticed that there is still one small outdated information in English on max_guests section:

Quote :
You can set the number of guests that will be able to connect to your host.

^7Minimum setting :^8 1 - only one guest will be able to join your host.

^7Maximum setting :^8 15 in DEMO, 47 in S1 and S2

This number is important for determining your upload bandwidth requirement.

While every other in-game help file does now mention S3 in English as well, this one still does not Smile
Attached files
Commands_Finnish.txt - 20.4 KB - 321 views
Thank, got it! Smile

Finnish translation
(36 posts, started )