The online racing simulator
Funny cheat via The Stig
(133 posts, closed, started )
Funny cheat via The Stig
See for yourselves guys and gals, THE STIG aka ARNO named and shamed for cheating online .

We know its possible, but do you think that there should be a server that allows cheats? That way they can have fun without spoiling others races? Or do you think its best not to have a cheats server at all?

Just checked his stats, he litereally just started racing.
Attached files
The Stig cheating.mpr - 1.9 MB - 1522 views
#2 - Jakg
thank you for that - the user wont be on the [MG] server for a while!
#3 - luzik
yeah i've got replay with him too.

And there is track bug there
player who pit out just after race start is on first place ..just like i was on this replay.
Attached files
bug start.mpr - 548.9 KB - 483 views
#4 - joen
Quote from BigDave2967 :
We know its possible, but do you think that there should be a server that allows cheats? That way they can have fun without spoiling others races? Or do you think its best not to have a cheats server at all?

No cheats on any server imo, let's keep it pure. Partially allowing/tolerating it means you'll have to explain to (new) players why it's allowed in one place and why not in another place.
Besides, if they feel the need to fool around with it, they can do it offline imo.
lol, he could made blackwood with FOX under a minute...
****ing cheaters...
I just can't realise why cheaters have to be treated differently from wreckers. They both ruin the game. I'm against this naming and shaming attitude, and I would like to understand why there are so many people obsessed with other people stats.
Since I would like to know if and why naming cheaters in this forums is considered a good practice or not, I really would like someone to explain why cheaters cannot simply be reported to the server admins and have to be shamed here instead.
I was racing at the time on the server the replay is saved from.

IMHO, he should be banned and have his licence removed. There is no place for cheating in a sim.
We shouldn't have any "cheat" servers because you know the cheat wouldn't stay there; it'd spread to other servers. Surprised how long this guy was able to lap before they called him on it. Good thing you captured this nice piece of evidence :-)
#9 - Jakg
no-one sends these replays to the iB, so it doesnt happen, if someone did then this wouldnt have to happen, but instead it gets posted

EDIT - btw, i actually think cheaters deserve longer bans than wreckers
I wouldn't have the guts to fool around/cheat with the kind of system LFS has. Everything is logged, you have a reputation behind a name you cannot change. I think when all else fails to prevent cheating, licences should be suspended for 1 or 2 months. Of course the person can buy another licence but hey, more money to the devs
Quote from Jakg :no-one sends these replays to the iB, so it doesnt happen, if someone did then this wouldnt have to happen, but instead it gets posted

EDIT - btw, i actually think cheaters deserve longer bans than wreckers

Hence that laden topic I made months ago.
#12 - Jakg
Quote from BigDave2967 :Hence that laden topic I made months ago.

yes but iirc once you report it to the iB it sends an email instantly to everyone on the list - and i havent recieved any about cheaters
Quote from Jakg :no-one sends these replays to the iB, so it doesnt happen, if someone did then this wouldnt have to happen, but instead it gets posted

EDIT - btw, i actually think cheaters deserve longer bans than wreckers

Basically what you are saying is that since the correct method doesn't work, an incorrect method should be accepted. I'll reverse the logic: stop this shaming fashion here, and you'll end up having only the possibility of reporting cheaters using different and better means.
For some odd reason i cant view the replay.. could any of you guys pliz frap it?
#15 - Jakg
Quote from Albieg :Basically what you are saying is that since the correct method doesn't work, an incorrect method should be accepted. I'll reverse the logic: stop this shaming fashion here, and you'll end up having only the possibility of reporting cheaters using more fashionable means.

what i meant was that you dont like the naming attidtude, fine, i dont mind it, but i would rather these things be dealt with through the iB, but branding someone a cheater does make an example out of them
#16 - joen
Quote from Albieg :I just can't realise why cheaters have to be treated differently from wreckers. They both ruin the game. I'm against this naming and shaming attitude, and I would like to understand why there are so many people obsessed with other people stats.
Since I would like to know if and why naming cheaters in this forums is considered a good practice or not, I really would like someone to explain why cheaters cannot simply be reported to the server admins and have to be shamed here instead.

Although I basically agree with you about the duality, I do think there are other things to keep in mind.
When players are named and shamed for being a wrecker, sometimes there's the possibility that the player in question didn't mean to wreck, but is simply inexperienced. It's not always easy to prove that the wrecking was on purpose. This leads to endless discussions, "you did that on purpose!"..."no, I didn't!"..."yes you did!"....etc
Players who use a cheat clearly know from the start that they are doing something wrong. That for me makes it different.
And i don't think it's about stats for everyone. It shouldn't really matter if someone sets a new PB by using a cheat, but when someone wins a race because of a cheat it affects the competition element of LFS. And that IS an essential part of the game. Not for your win stats, but just because the competition is part of what makes it fun.
I don't encourage or discourage naming and shaming of cheaters, but I do think the iB is the most effective thing to do.
From the Stig's point of view it was a bit like playing an 80's arcade game. Anyway I think cheating is different to wrecking, it's a license violation for one - at least it should be.

Are we at the point that the devs will operate their own "wrecker barricade" to report cheaters?
isnt there meant to be a anti-cheat thing implemented now?

Anyway, i say we hang him by his testicles and throw stones at him, just like the good old days

Its sad that people need to do that to win, or in this case not win just show off.
hehe i thought that video was ammusing. do you think the stig could beat the bf1 if he was in a uf1? anyway i think a long term ban is in order here.
So can anyone confirm whether or not this person was using U20?
#21 - Vain
Wether or not he's using U20, he can keep on cheating on U20 servers. Source (from the U20 Testpatch-thread).

#22 - SamH
For the record, as a barricader, I personally consider the use of a cheat like this to be worthy of a report to the Wrecker Barricade. I don't know if others would agree, but they're able to make their own minds up if they receive a report regarding a cheat. At least they can, given the information needed to make that call.

Wreckers are people who ruin races by manipulating the outcome by unfair means. Historically, it's been principally through roadblocks and such-like, but the idea of the Barricade is to share information to server admins, and offer a deterrent to those who would undermine the integrity of LFS. Cheats fit the profile. Please.. use the Wrecker Barricade report form in the short term, while the devs resolve any exploit that might exist.
Like you said a wrecker is a person who wins race unfairly, had he not been banned, he would have won unfairly so yes.

I liked Mike Swe in the vid.
He was funny.
Never mind, was posting before reading...
for those ppl id say scavier - give them life time ban for their license
cheats take the fun out of the game.
we have "allowed" cheats like lfs tweak but server and client needs to have both on and same setup or it wont work. thats alright.
but that not going to do any hotlaps or so until this "problem" is to 100% fixed cuz u cant be sure that the wr time wasnt driven with 2 hp more or not (yes 2 hp make a difference ).
This thread is closed

Funny cheat via The Stig
(133 posts, closed, started )