#1 - Nilex
Controls: Separate "Button control rate" for Accelerate/Brake/Clutch/Handbrake
What is it?
(from LFS Manual)
"This is for when you assign a button to an analogue control (e.g. handbrake or clutch) how fast the control moves when the button is pressed. Higher is faster."

Why separate?
In order to greatly improve cars maneuverability. Note this will only significantly benefit those who assign those four controls to buttons (keyboard/mouse/wheels with Accelerate and/or Brake and/or Clutch and/or Handbrake assigned to button).
For example: max button control rate (bcr) is good for clutch because shifting gears is fastest as it can be, but it's very bad for accelerate as it reaches 100% almost instantly making it difficult to control speed in corners. If you set bcr to favor accelerate then clutch suffers - shifting is slower (making you lose unnecessary time). Things get more difficult as engine power increases. Similar thing is with brake/handbrake.

Ways to implement:
(just an idea)
1) Add new sliders for those controls (same values: 2-10)
2) Keep one "Button control rate" slider, but add one button with control name between "Button control rate" and the slider (or after slider). When you click on that button it toggles its name (Accelerate/Brake/Clutch/Handbrake) and slider value is remembered for each control. Similar thing is already in options->game->AI names - man/woman button (Y patch and after).

Off-Topic suggestion:
In Options - Controls, put a |?| button next to all sliders/buttons (those above "Buttons 1", "Buttons 1", etc...) with detailed description (descriptions from LFS Manual are good enough). From my experience, majority of players don't know what certain functions mean. And for this case I believe it's more convenient for the explanations to be present in-game too.

- I know this has been posted before (Button control rate - post #2 idea is excellent) but not in so many words, and I also added a few things. This would be a significant improvement for players that use buttons.

Thanks for reading
Setting each "virtual axis" indipendent is a gooid point
Quote from Nilex :Why separate?
In order to greatly improve cars maneuverability.

This might sound daft, but wouldn't a wheel+pedals set do the same and much, much more?

I can understand if a person doesn't have the money to buy a wheel just the very moment, and has to do with a keyboard or a mouse. But in the end, this is a simulation and as such, should be controlled with the same kind of methods as the simulated thing, a car.
#4 - Nilex
Quote from Huru-aito :... and as such, should be controlled with the same kind of methods as the simulated thing, a car.

It CAN BE, and You CAN.

On a general note: this is not an Improvement Suggestions thread for Nilex. I urge you all to have that in mind before posting.

Thank You
Quote from Huru-aito :This might sound daft, but wouldn't a wheel+pedals set do the same and much, much more?

Yes, but LFS also supports driving with mouse/keyboard. The changes in patch Y have made it harder to control the car for mouse/kb drivers (more than for wheel drivers). This suggestion would correct that disadvantage.

FYI: In Racer (www.racer.nl) you can set separate button control rates. It even has separate settings for pressing and releasing the button.
I'm reviving the thread now because I just thought to do the same suggestion but I looked up if someone have done a suggestion for this already.

This would actually be nice thing for mouse drivers. For accelerate I prefer lower button control rate and for brake I prefer higher. I think many mouse players would be glad if this was added.
2021 who really drive simulator with mouse or keyboard?
why even bother installing game without motion sim?
Quote from tumes925semut :2021 who really drive simulator with mouse or keyboard?

me because im faster on mouse than on wheel Smile
Quote from tumes925semut :2021 who really drive simulator with mouse or keyboard?

Me, but i do have a wheel: Trustmaster T500 on a wheelstand
To much effort to set it up everytime to play this sim.
So ye i'm lazy Big grin
Quote from tumes925semut :2021 who really drive simulator with mouse or keyboard?

people who dont wann spend 200$ on a single type of games