It looks OK atm. Maybe you've checked VERY quickly after you've updated, and it might have been that the vehicle file wasn't synced to the hosting servers yet. But it should work now (just tested on one of our hosts)
edit - oh yeah hmm I see the mod in the browse list is from the 19th hmm. Looking some more.
Hi, your mod brought up a sort of bug in the editor that causes an Out Of Sync online. So I've temporarily made the car unavailable. Another mod had the same problem yesterday. I need to make the editor avoid causing this problem.
But for now, if you see the attached image, you can see, in wire mode, that the point in the middle is only used on one side, by a stray triangle (the triangle with the red edges). It is that point that is causing the OOS. The pink copy of the point is unmirrored on the server's copy of the car, but not on guest cars.
Also there is another 'model bug' visible in this wire mode - the triangle with orange edges. Those edges are shared too many times - the reason is there is an inward facing copy of that same triangle.
I need to make the editor sort these things out or at least warn the user, but for now you should be able to fix these and upload a new version of the mod.
But first, please read the "BY THE WAY" section in this post, where I have described a safer way to create these collision meshes on formula cars (really they should include the wheels):
I don't know what's happening there. Did you definitely upload a new version? I saw that version 002 still appeared when I tried in game just now. It looks how I would expect it to look, if you just clicked "publish" again, on the same old version. It doesn't seem that the new version is getting onto the server, to be counted as version 3, which is what we need (to get around that editor bug).
I'll let Victor know about this post. For now, I've made the version unavailable again.
Maybe if somehow when you try to upload the version again, it's *still* version 2 in game, then you could try following that up immediately with another upload on your fixed model. It seems that would then become version 3.
It really shouldn't be necessary to delete the mod and start again. Quite a few people have been uploading multiple versions.
I wish I could see your screen when you try the upload. You should have to browse and select the file. Then there should be a noticeable second or two while the file is uploaded and the server checks it. if it seems instantaneous, then it hasn't uploaded a new file.
There is something wrong with the golf cart, and the maker of the mod and the guy made the mod to cause glitch was sorted it out. They said the glitch is about the setup that guy made, default setup is ok they say. Everyones sound gone and major graphicals glitches appeared also my fps gone from 200 to 30-60 .
Thanks. This golf cart bug seems to be a bug with small wheeled vehicles used in multiplayer. I've caught the bug using an MPR in the debugger and I'm working on a fix. It won't be released today though.
With the default setup, everything worked fine, but one user created a setup with a longer gear. As soon he hits an object, the game goes nuts for a big number of players.
-the sound dies
-major graphical glitches
The player causing it does not see anything unusual, just other players.
I've attached the setup that is causing it and also a replay that shows the error.
- Load the replay and pause it
- Watch the Scooter driver on the main straight "GUEST", into player view
- Active virtual mirror (shift-m) (if not already active)
- Un-pause the replay
- [RDSR] Ponczek will pass you within 5-10 seconds
- Wait until [RDSR] Ponczek hits the barrier
- You should now see the graphical errors like in the screenshot
My personal guess would be the revs of the wheel and/or the smoke. Because the smoke looks "huge". But we will see
Thanks for the easy and reliable reproduction method. You are right that it is related to the wheel revolution.
It only happens to remote cars in the middle distance, because it is related to the low-resolution version of the physics. But after the bug has happened, it can 'stick' so you can see the bug close-up. It happens to small wheeled cars which is why we haven't seen this problem in the past.
I have a fix here that bounds the wheel rotation rate, and also includes some graphical updates (e.g. 'metal' specified in the editor, using the 'overlay or plain' material type, can now be seen correctly in LFS, and materials with 'rough' settings will appear matt in LFS instead of shiny).
Also I have a note about a number plate bug "Could not get number plate" which I'll try to fix before doing a release this afternoon. And I'll look at other bugs and suggestions too, that have already been reported.
Hi, Scawen there seems to be an unintentional bug with the editor, it also seems fairly related to the other XRR restriction bug I mentioned in another thread.
So for my dragster, I have been tinkering with many settings to get this rocketship to go even faster but I noticed a problem when changing the drag settings of the aero when for example I removed all the drag from the body and wings (leaving 0.001 lowest drag value possible), I noticed that the lower values for the suspension had been drastically increased, stiffness, antiroll etc all well above whats actually needed, it's very strange and I'm sure it's not intentional.
also, the car breaks entirely when you completely remove the drag.
I am relying on specific values in the editor to make my dragster even work, but it's limiting me in ways like that.
It still puzzles me whether I am doing something wrong somewhere else, now the car reaches 470mph ish before the end of the small 8mile dragway and is sent into retirement (edited)
It's so frustrating