The online racing simulator
I don't know if this is still an issue, I've not had the chance to test it in the newest patch. In U19 there was in issue with the client that when ever the client would block messages and then send out an race control message it would unblock messages. Could you fix this please.
Hi there, i`m new in this forum

On my Server i have install Dedi U20, it`s running fine.

BUT, 5 min ago there was a cheater on my server.

You can see his cheat on attachements, his Screenname is The Stig, his LFS Name is arno. Hope you kick him from game.

/edit: arno join race on lap 5, so you can find him faster.
Attached images
Attached files
cheater.mpr - 214.3 KB - 414 views
Welcome to the forum, Ironhead. Hope you know who I am.
I thought U20 filters cheaters somehow

sad something must be done about this.. maybe a warp cheatdetection code. or a detection-code when a certain acceleration force or top speed is broken (compared to the non-cheat default forces/speeds) they get kicked automaticly
Thanks for the info but please, don't have a discussion on this thread about the cheat. There is a thread in the main forum about that.

This thread is a reference for me to read about problems with U20. The cheat is not specific to U20.
Minor bug: Ctrl+Shift doesn't seem to work with U20, viewing replays. I've tested with my own and other peoples' replays, old and new.
i just watched that cheater replay, worked for me
ctrl+shift works in my U20 and so does the replay with the cheater in it.
Works here too.

looks like something at your end? (dont laugh, is it your keyboard? is it wireless?)
Works fine
Hmm.. bizarre. Now it works, after exiting and re-entering LFS a few times. Beginning to suspect an external app for this, actually. I have Teamspeak running, and it has a keygrabbing function for push-to-talk etc. Perhaps it's that? Ctrl+Shift isn't configured for anything, but I'll keep digging. That's 2 times I've found a non-existent bug since this patch release sorry!
Here is a minor bug, I think. Was in 19, as well as in 20. [rewritten] When "Options" menu in open in race, in "Player" tab your view will be like "custom"/"wheels". In single-seaters, the virtual dashboard shows.
Attached images
Quote from SamH :Hmm.. bizarre. Now it works, after exiting and re-entering LFS a few times. Beginning to suspect an external app for this, actually. I have Teamspeak running, and it has a keygrabbing function for push-to-talk etc. Perhaps it's that? Ctrl+Shift isn't configured for anything, but I'll keep digging. That's 2 times I've found a non-existent bug since this patch release sorry!

Very strange I quit LFS to write I had the same problem with ctrl-shift and not being able to see peoples registered names in the replay. But, before I submitted I went to try again and its now working.

i have this problem in U19 and now on U20 too. (i don't know it was in U self too.. because i download all the time the new testpatch..)

I have 2 Nicks saved in LFS.

For Example:
My Nick is ":: Defender Bk"
and a other is "Newbie"
(Without " )

When i try it to change from Newbie back to the :: Defender Bk nick, then LFS say it doesnt goes with the message "Kann Nicknamen nicht teilen".(German Language.. lycos translation: nickname cannot divide)

But, when i'm connectet to a Server, then i can change it...

(Tryed the Search with divide and found nothing.. but i don't know how good the lycos translation is..)
Quote from abz1 :Very strange I quit LFS to write I had the same problem with ctrl-shift and not being able to see peoples registered names in the replay. But, before I submitted I went to try again and its now working.

I think thats the bug my team mate Chaos reported a while back, you have to click multiplayer first, then go back and it should work. (iirc)
Quote from Defi :Hello,

i have this problem in U19 and now on U20 too. (i don't know it was in U self too.. because i download all the time the new testpatch..)

I have 2 Nicks saved in LFS.

For Example:
My Nick is ":: Defender Bk"
and a other is "Newbie"
(Without " )

When i try it to change from Newbie back to the :: Defender Bk nick, then LFS say it doesnt goes with the message "Kann Nicknamen nicht teilen".(German Language.. lycos translation: nickname cannot divide)

But, when i'm connectet to a Server, then i can change it...

(Tryed the Search with divide and found nothing.. but i don't know how good the lycos translation is..)

It's 3a_nosharnm: "Can't have the same name as another player"
Not really translated to german well
Last night for some reason when a race would start I got a blank blue screen, the second time it happened I went to spectate and had the same blue screen. I could start from pitlane, but I wasn't able to grid. Exiting the sim and starting again solved the problem and it has not happened again. Otherwise the patch has worked great, love the starts now
problem with Finnish translation
When I go to pits to repair my car it says "Damage to etuoikea" when it is suppose to say "Vaurio etuoikea", or something like that. The patch is u20.
@Fubar_1: "Damage to" is a new translation string, and it seems that the Finnish translation hasn't been updated yet.
It has already been fixed couple days ago. You can dl the latest here if it bothers you
Not sure if its been mentioned, I just pressed reply without reading all of the posts.

On the gravel grass, on FOX in particular, if you put your foot down, you can get 199mph, or when the car is taking a lot of kerb you get a sudden boost of mph going up, even though you are simply going at the same speed when taking the kerb in the first place.
I dont know if it was mentioned before, so please forgive me.

It would be good, to read on what track you're racing. People always ask what track this is.
Maybe if you press "n" to see all the conections there should be a small tag with the trackname.

Quote from BigDave2967 :Not sure if its been mentioned, I just pressed reply without reading all of the posts.

That wasn't wise from you. That's a new feature, the real way of speed measurement.
Quote from detail :That wasn't wise from you. That's a new feature, the real way of speed measurement.

6 pages, I couldn't be arsed reading it all.
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