The online racing simulator
Quote from bayanofmansorofisky :I think i have what seems to be a bug or idk
It's like this : if i go on single player mode i can see mod list and download and drive..
But when online its a different story.. When i join a server with mods i can see players driving mod vehicles around while spectating but when i pit and get into garage to drive a mod it starts downloading all mods over again although they are downloaded alredy as players are using them and i can see it.. But neither i can select a mod from mod list nor from installed list.. It just keeps trying to download it but never actually do. I am not sure whats wrong here

This issue is still there for me, after the patch W46 i was able to play with mods for a little while but next the errors showed up again wich are: couldn't request mod image / MOD timeout / mod image alredy being requested and along with the same problems mentioned in the quoted message above.
I tried deleting all mods files and re-download them but that didn't help. I might not have the best internet speed here (at all) but after the patches my ping is better and is between 90 to 150 in most times. Idk if anyone else is still facing these issues
Scawen when you are using 0 tire pressure (used in topfueldragster) and the tire pops due to heat limits, instead of continuing with a popped tire, you are sent into retirement.
(martin18) DELETED by martin18
I have a question. Will we have some access to online stats driving with mods? i mean currently PB are recorded, that should be accessible somehow in lfsworld. That's not a must but I like to see my stats from time to time...

1.selecting faces moves the light

maybe add checkboxes like
- fix light
I'm not sure it's related specifically to mods, but top fuel dragster apparently generates huge forces on the front wheels after some damage, and this makes the vehicle spin infinitely.

(edit: moved the spr here)
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perpetuum.spr - 9.9 KB - 179 views
First of all sorry for the translation

Front lift and lowering may come for the bike
Custom bike limit multiplier can be added for mouse and keyboard
With the bike, the steering wheel turns backwards at 7 km / h speed limit, it applies to all, it should be fixed
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Ekran Alıntısı.PNG
Quote from Eclipsed :It's not really a mods system bug,but still related to test patch - in options,driver settings there is no option to select auto clutch for H-shifter anymore like it used to be in version V. The option arrives only when I'm on track with a car. When in server there is button clutch protection,I cannot join. When the protection is disabled,only then I can join (clutch is selected correctly on auto on the setting now available),then I can enable the protection again,but every time I rejoin,the protection kicks in again and in options the option is not there anymore.

I would like to remind about this missing option in drivers settings in the test patches. It still leaves the option open to misuse the so called Button clutch - use button for clutch,which [dis]engages clutch much faster than automatic clutch or axis clutch. Also I wonder why it was removed and available only when on track with car?
OK, this system was changed because it relied on knowing which type of shifter a car has before that car is loaded. But that doesn't work with the mods.

I can't remember everything about this but I do remember grappling with it for a while. And I changed it to the current system which seemed to work fine.

Would it be possible for the server with button clutch protection, to wait until you are in your car before deciding if you are cheating or not?

I must admit I don't fully understand the problem, but what I can say is it's not easy to go back to the old system. The thing is that these help options do depend on which car you are driving, so that's why they wait until you are in your car.
Quote from Scawen :Would it be possible for the server with button clutch protection, to wait until you are in your car before deciding if you are cheating or not?

I have to admit,I don't know fully how the check works - it's an Airio setting (SetupButtonAllow=false) which worked well before this patch. Unfortunatelly it's an insim which isn't being maintained for several years already,but surprisingly works with all the updates and additions of LFS (just having few problems with new hexadecimal names).
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : no longer needed
"Could Not Open File : DATA/KNW/"
I've been having this error for a long time, could anyone teach me how to fix this? its really annoying sometimes...
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What do you do that makes that happen? Looks like you are in the garage screen with a mod selected, but for some reason LFS is spamming you about a knw file?

EDIT: I can see this can happen if you keep pressing '4' in game while driving a mod. The game then tries to load the racing line (AI knw file) which is simply not available for the mod. Anyway some people have used a solution, by copying existing AI path names in the data\knw folder to correspond with the Skin ID of the mod you are using.
Big cars spawn and Box flip
I've found two bugs.
The first one happens with longer cars on the dragstrip. For example if i'm using the Topfuel after going into the box, when i'm spawned in the track the wheels are partially inside the wall Smile

The other bug happens in the box with the downforcer car.
If i select the "low df" setup then switch to "high df" the car does a frontflip Big grin

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Quote from Atthis :The first one happens with longer cars on the dragstrip. For example if i'm using the Topfuel after going into the box, when i'm spawned in the track the wheels are partially inside the wall

That's not really a bug - the car spawn points were made for standard LFS cars,so the much longer car does not fit there. If you're a server admin,open the layout build mode with shift+U and place new "pit start points" so the longer cars get spawn correctly. If you're not server admin,suggest to one to do it.
Not sure if that counts as bug report,but I see a limitation of 3 liter engine displacement for Formula class cars. Not sure why the limitation is there as there have been plenty of single seater cars with bigger engines,most prominent would be the 3.5 liter F1 cars in early 90ies and first generation of IRL cars which had 4 liter V8s.
I noticed that adding a restriction to an electric car doesn't update the power-weight ratio, though the power is reduced.
(Lucas McFly) DELETED by Lucas McFly
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
Some texts on the Car mods screen are not translatable:

Car types (formula, touring car etc.)
Visibility (public, custom (?) etc.)
Quote :Various translations have been updated

can't translate:
- LA configurations
- prevent clipping at audio section in options
- statistic labels at Misc section in options (Sleep, Phys, Draw, HUD, Flip, Pred)

and still can't translate Rokingham configurations

is this a master server messages? (play single mode)
- Everything is OK
- Downloaded the latest version : CAMMERA 730 TURBO~001
- You have the latest version : CAMMERA 730 TURBO~001
Moved the alpha texture sorting advice to the Technical Assistance thread as it's not a bug. Textures with transparency always need to be sorted so that the further away transparent surfaces are drawn before the nearer ones. It's not a bug - it's just one of the graphical issues that artists and programmers have to deal with in game development.
Not a bug,but just a line that's forgotten - for electric cars in F12 menu it still stands "Fuel to add in pitstop". Same in garage under strategy - "Fuel load at start".
When graphics LOD is on medium, bikes in 200-300 metres are displayed as just 2 wheels with nothing between them. Don't have an LFS on current PC to show, but many users have this issue. All 3 published bikes are affected.
Not really a bug, but when looking back in a bike, you see this. Maybe just hide own body in back view?
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Quote from detail :Not really a bug, but when looking back in a bike, you see this. Maybe just hide own body in back view?

Speaking of back view, i think back view shouldn't be based on center of vechicle but probably be set in editor as a different view position of some sort. An example is bikes but also single seaters that just show the wall behind the driver.
Again, on the subject of bikes, some "bug" are present.
In box, in steering option parrallel steer slider is still avaiable.
In tyres setting the asymmetric option is still avaiable.
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Another bug is the fact that cars now move completely when changing ride height in box for some resason, not only mods but also official lfs cars (not shown in video).
not sure if this was a "problem" in the regular release.
but now with these mods when im going very speed in a f1 car or something. the draw distance seems short (the models also dont load properly untill you get close enough.)
and same for the nametags, a few times now i ran over a poor biker cause i didnt see him or to late.

could there be a setting for either draw distance (be it for the car or nametag ) and/or the size of the nametags.

Mods System Bug Reports
(158 posts, started )