Ahh! I have come to love Russell Brand of late. I was quite angry with him over "Manuelgate", but that's a long time ago and I think he's broadly redeemed himself since then (and I think a path to redemption is essential, which is why I oppose "cancel culture").
I don't think I align with him politically (yet, but he may come around!

) but I think he's embarked on a wonderful journey of discovery. I don't think he's said as much but it seems to me that Brand is a fallibilist (https://iep.utm.edu/fallibil/). I appreciate that about him. Hold strong opinions, but lightly - be willing to quickly let go of them if they turn out to be wrong.
Regarding the 2nd video, I'm watching now. I don't really know enough about anarchism (like most anarchists I know) except where it intersects with libertarian philosophies, and I'm certainly not a libertarian.
WRT arms sales I think it's essential to distinguish between a private company which manufactures weapons, a government which licences the company, the civil servants who benefit from cronyism, and the citizenry who neither have any say nor reap any benefit (and typically have scant knowledge of the sale). None of it is excusable or justifiable, IMHO. Being solutions-focused, I have no idea where to start.