We are currently spending a few days improving layout objects as the old ones are just too ugly. It might not be absolutely necessary before the release but we sort of fell into it, anyway it'll be done soon and had to be done at some point!
We've now got the ability to select up to 16 mappings per object, so for example we could have alphabet boards like this. Maybe a rectangle, with one letter per board.
- 1 board with letters A to M selectable
- 1 board with letters N to Z selectable
- 1 board with numbers 0 to 9 selectable
That only takes 3 object slots - not 36!
I suggest a plain (white by default) polystyrene rectangle that could stand on the ground or be floating. It could also have colours selectable.
Eric asked what size the board should be. Any ideas? I suppose not too big as you want to make words with them. But big enough to be seen from a reasonable distance.
EDIT: How about, similar size to the corner markers, but 1m high and 80cm wide, reasonable proportions for letters?