Putting aside the question of some YouTubers not doing enough research. On the subject of the perception of LFS as an old game:
Recently I did a little research and made some notes on the subject of changing LFS to 64-bit. That's not the subject of my point and it would barely affect LFS at first. There are some reasons to move to 64-bit at some point but one part of the process would be rebuilding all connected libraries as 64-bit, one of which might be the music player. But I don't even know where the source code for that is, probably available online but no doubt changed since the one we got a couple of decades ago.
It got me thinking, do we need the music player at all? Well... no, we don't really need an intro video, setupscreenloop.ogg and in-game radio system.
Today that thought came back to me, I wondered if the whole idea of an intro video is outdated. Some time over 20 years ago, that was the expected thing, an intro video when you started the game (probably rendered) and in-game music. But obviously people use other ways to play music now and I assume it's pretty rare to use the 'radio' in LFS.
On-point, I wondered if even the existence of the (not very good) intro replay made the game look outdated and it might be best to simply display the logo when loading and go straight in (to Welcome or Entry screen).