This post is part of one list from my notepad splitted into three separate topics:
LFS Suggestions
LFS Modeller Suggestions
LFS Editor Suggestions
1. Fix: Green dust at grass. C'mon. It's over 15 years of green dust. We got used to it, but can it be beige finally? 
some say it fixed in test patch.

2. Name list [T] function. Exchange cars when both users are in cars. Take over when one user is spectating.
3. Add: Remap buttons e.g headlights/indicators.
4. Add: "Hold" options for some functions. Would be useful for e-brake/indicators/emergency lights when using car parts at the rig (Function is ON as long as contact is CLOSED).
5. a) Fix: Replay timeline screws up when switch time/camera, also interacts with F9-F12 menus. Each time your cursor hovers over different replay time because of it. Annoying.
b) Fix: Replay timeline dedicated shift+F is annoying. Why not just move timeline under HUD and F9-F12 menus and leave as a part of the whole HUD with common shift+F?
6. Fix: Replay camera skips when change replay time at timeline. Annoying.
7. Fix: Left view instead of [Shift]+[L] (suspension), and front view instead of [F] (forces) are the least options I quickly need while setting my car in garage. Annoying. (BTW Thanx for free rotate option, really needed it for years. Still lack of it in lobby).
8. Fix: Colors mismatch 0.6 vs 0.7. (See screenshot below).
9. Add: You were kicked/were banned/lost connection as a different states instead of just lost connection.
10. Add: Save kick/ban/vote chat messages to MPRs. Some troll/crasher gangs abuse votes, and vote log neeeded for proof.
11. a)Add: Start replay button.
b) Replay lost when race restarts while you trying to find correct/unused name to save previous replay and you end up saving a short bit of new race. Any way to solve it?
12. a) Add: Flags/Names/Chat text transparency option. Chat spam blocks rearview mirror. Flags are important, but disturbing.
b) Add: Option to disable any INSIM text. Insim spam is irritating during race on some servers ran by 12 y.o. kids (AiAttack for example).
13. Save car/mod+skin/set choice for each user (driver) name.
14. Add: Shift+J from garage.
15. Fix: "Can't reset - could hit another car" is annoying and useless since it resets car at same place. What's the point if it not returns car back to track as it was in old versions?
16. FIX: Shift+U View is now limited by screen boundaries. Hard to turn camera 360+ degrees when cursor is off. In older versions there was an ability to look around unlimited.
17. Camera:
a) Add: Save custom cameras and choose amount and types of them in cameras set that you use.
b) Custom "View locks" for different view types. (e.g. 1st person "head" view and custom "locked action camera" view).
c) Custom rear views
d) Custom FOVS for different view types.
18. Fix - 3rd person view car Mirrors turns into dark chrome or shiny black instead of just black when inactive.
19. Add: F11 Car/Mod Name, Power, Torque, Mass, Weight distr. or Layout (FR/MR/RR/FF), Tyre size (F,R)
20. RMB digital values for colours.
21. Ctrl+RMB - Copy, Shift+RMB - Paste for whole set blocks as [Suspension], [Transmission] etc. So you can swap whole tranny from one set to another in couple clicks.
22. Fix: Any material properties other than 'constant shine' in helmet.sre leads to skip that part to HEL_DEFAULT. Can't use matt part of a new helmet.
XX. IMHO: Shift+U camera control felt much more convenient in some older version of LFS.
XX. IMHO: [space] play/pause logic in replays is dfferent in cinematic mode and shift+F mode. Confusing to have [space] work as a shift+F in shift+U mode. Space=Play/Pause at any modes is way better.
Server/event options:
23. Only steering wheel users allowed.
24. Only H-shifter users allowed.
(as I'd like to compete in equal circumstances in production class)
Note: I understand it can't be made by the finger click. I just shared some enhancements I would do if I could.