yes, duplicate posts are a waste of time (right Hyper?

). Which brings me to my point. See what is hotlapping? Saving time whenever and wherever you can. I mean sure you can chill and do some hotlaps for fun but thats another thing. If youre succuessful this way. respect but i think most of the drivers just want a quick hotlap without any tire heating procedures. Tires are the most important factor in LFS to get a good time, beside skills and driving technique(s) and so on. I kind of have some splitted thoughts on that.
There are hotlappers that enjoys the driving itselfs and the hole hotlap thing, they maybe improve less then everyone else because they have alot of time to spend.
And, on the other side there are people that only looking foward, as i said above, for the single hotlap. To get there as fast as possible without any damage and with nearly optimal tire temperatures (for the hole lap, which also means the tires are mostly a bit or more above optimum at some combos at the beginning of the hotlap) is the second goal of that and not very easy at some combos.
So finally a hotlap mode that somehow fits for everybody is the idea i have and what i can see from other peoples postings as well.
I really like to spin at the oval sometimes to get the tires hot but that can be also very annoying and most of the time the reason i leave the hotlap mode. At curcuit tracks, its more diffecult to heat the tires and those who can do it or simple had a lucky run, are in the advantage without having more skills, better equipment or a totally godlike driving technique.