The online racing simulator
Nurburgring Nordschleife
(89 posts, started )
Quote from gaboteam :They already added new Track with S3 so that door must be open I think.

The difference is that Rockingham was modelled by Eric (within his workflow), based on the TLS data gathered from APR Services, who only delivered the point cloud.
Yea.. Without pinpoint precise data of the geometry of the entire track you'll end up with tracks like something similar to F1 2009 for Wii.

Unless you can pull something out of the bag, co-opping with the current dev team to make a track is definitely needed. You'll need the expertise from Eric, the methologies, as well as backing in the case the tracks you wish to make need licencing of the name/brand to put up in LFS. There's a reason there isn't a "Monza" or "Catalunya" on LFS yet...
Quote from gaboteam :whats wrong with you guys? no one can claim that its boring in any ways. it is one of the most dangerous track for racing out there. It is Hard, all kind corners and zones, ideal for testing as your car, as well as driver...its not Boring damn it, NO its not BORING for any kind racing and I hope some day I will take my car to Germany to pay 130euro for most boring 20 km in my life

until than, I hope I can practice in LFS

This is what I call OPINION. I have my own, and you have yours. And I still thinking that would be a boring track for normal races. Period.
Quote from iSp4rO :from seeing Assetto Corsa's servers, i dont think it will be boring fast. And if you are taling about drifting, then ofc all the noobs nowadays will go back to autocross because its easier.

Yea, but Assetto community is mostly built from racers, not like in LFS... at the moment 80% or more is cruise/drift.
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf : offtopic
Quote from lucaf :But you writed as it were a fact

that wasn't an expression of opinion, instead it was a claim.

Boring is an interesting phenomenon. People may find less boring to drive one short route many times, instead of one long route once. It may be the statistics that creates interest. On short track you get new laptimes more frequently. This or that, I wish gaboteam just ignore comments of the track being "boring", since LFS community is much more than the people on forum.

When I talk, so it's my opinion. I didnt mention that being boring is a fact and everybody needs to accept it. I gave my OPINION and left the thread free for people WHO DONT AGREE WITH ME to talk about, istead quoting posts FROM PEOPLE WHO DONT AGREE WITH ME and tell they are wrong.

Stop acting like a 12yo kid when someone tells you a different opinion. Maybe this community would be better if people like you do this.
Quote from Mikus1212 :How many days until racers will get bored with nordschleife? 3-4?

Impossible, that is LFS ^^ . Whenever you get bored, come back later and enjoy it again Omg omg omg

OP : thank you to propose such a thing Thumbs up
I fear you will have to wait for S3 "including user created contents allowed" until you implement this wonderful layout ... But if Scavier is interested into implementing this track in the normal licence (S3 or S4, do not care), I am in !! (did I mention so many times I will send them 1k€ if they do it Tongue ? )
Quote from TFalke55 :The difference is that Rockingham was modelled by Eric (within his workflow), based on the TLS data gathered from APR Services, who only delivered the point cloud.

wow that is pretty cool, I did not knew Smile compared to Laser scanning, modeling technique that I am going to use is joke, it's true. but I am still doing it and if anyone from LFS will be interested I will open to communicate and make 3D model of track as suitable for them as I can do...and I think Laser scanned data would be Triangulated mesh and heavy compared to normal modeling style, but very accurate of course. LFS

Quote from lucaf :I wish gaboteam just ignore comments of the track being "boring", since LFS community is much more than the people on forum.

I will from now, it was foolish from me to get involved in this, my bad Wave
Maybe people feel some things are too mainstream, regardless of actually being so or not.
I just would love to do 10 lap race @Nordschleife in xrg Smile
Nordschliefe in LFS,Yes!Thumbs up
Yes please, gaboteam what people say here isn't the consensus of the average LFS player/community (as much as people like to think it is) - so wouldn't base my decisions on what people say on this forum.

Nurburgring in LFS sounds freaking incredible, but wouldn't it be difficult to get rights/licenses to use it in LFS if the devs do agree?
Any track will be good for LFS, this game is just not keeping updating often as should, soo any improvments will be good in looby,cars,tracks.

Imho there is no reason interating in tyre psyhix and modeling stuff, this game look already good, for point with same tracks all years should change, imho ofc
Gaboteam, you are the man! Thank you for taking the initiative to do this, even if the devs won't\can't use it right now, maybe it can be used as an add-on later if a future update allows user-created tracks. (which would avoid licensing issues)

Although I have mentioned it before, I would happily pay for a proper nurburgring if licensing cost is an issue.

Do you happen to have any images you can share of your creation? I understand if you want to keep it on the down-low for now..
Quote from Lord_Verminaard :
Although I have mentioned it before, I would happily pay for a proper nurburgring if licensing cost is an issue.

I also would pay for Nurburgrin Nordschleife in advance Thumbs up
If there would be an extra package for the Nürburgring, GP-Track, Nordschleife, GP - Track and Nordschleife combined (which is driven in VLN Series and is used for the 24hr race) and that kind of stuff I would pay whatever that package is about to cost, because secretly this is the best sim ever. It just needs more improvements. I am quite sure that developers from other sims and I won´t mention them here have stolen your hole concept when you startet your project. It´s time to hit back!
I'll pay.
Bump. I am sure there are quite a few of us that would pay a bounty to the guy/team that gets this done!
I would definitely pay more money, $50, $100, $150 even depending on if we also get a croup C car in the style of og lfs. 👌
LFS Nurburgring NordschleifeLFS
Quote from RE Amemiya :I would definitely pay more money, $50, $100, $150 even depending on if we also get a croup C car in the style of og lfs. 👌

bumpy bump, I really want to see this happen! Imagine the racing/cruising! Also a good marketing point that'd bring more players to the game, 100%!
I started to dislike it completely after I heard they are going to edit the track for safety concerns.

Yeah, I get it... Not gonna resist at all... I just do not like it anymore.
Nordschleife boringgggg
hello fellow racers, hope you are all fine, making babies and drinking good wine. as for this thread, I am reviving it, but before I do that I have to say that there was little to no progress since my last post in this thread, I was busy doing other stuff and did not find time or motivation to continue doing it, sry but it's hard's been around 7 years since suggestion, imagine that wow. and since than, lot has changed. for example I've learned couple other 3D software that opened some doors for me which was closed before(we will get into it later) LFS, mods has been added, which sparked idea in me that even if "Nordschleife" can not be added officially due to bureaucracy, fees of simply lacking proper 3D models, it can be added as Mod as Map. imagine, if we can add cars, maybe down the line LFS will give us feature to be able users to add Tracks as well. this, this can be it where we shine, I hope so anyways. and it is crucial for me because in order me to improve map over time, I need to test drive on it. with methods I use, I simply can not make it perfect inside 3D software alone, I need testing ground, with cars driving on it. reporting, suggesting from users, so on...that is my motivation now, and I decided to restart making it, and I did.

now, shall we began?
I switched 3D software and start research from scratch, just verify and refresh my memory. surprise surprise, old project was crap, curves I pulled from wiki was complete garbage and height map I had, was not aligned properly on track. so I start hard labor and pulling images from google map, stitching them together until I had whole track perfectly aligned and start tracing road.

after I had whole track traced, than I used height map(best I could find in whole interweb) to make basic elevation changes. I spend lot of time and brain to properly align track on map, not as easy as someone might think, tricky, but I think I aligned it good for now.

and yes, we have elevation for whole surroundings as well

Next I pulled onboard video and used it to fine tune every turn, elevations, banking, curb locations, terrain overally, etc u name it. I have now video that it attached on camera in 3D that follows my road exacly as video goes, basicly I can see every part of the track am modeling in oboard video.

Next, I start adding details and pulled some drone video over famous turn "Karussell" and used new soft I learn to reconstruct correct 3D model of it(technique I used is Photogrammetry and it can be very accurate, just as accurate as Laser scanning if you have good footage), door I was talking aboutSmile

so, after many hours this is what it looks like at this moment. it is overall basic shape.

I am trying to be as accurate as I can be, using every pictures and videos I can find, any sort of date. all this new work has been done in matter of week, in my spare time. so far I have desire to continue working on it and will see as time goes. any feedback would be greatly appreciated, or if u have some sources of good pictures/video I can use.

I will keep posting updates as soon as I will have some noticeable progress, let the old gods and new gods be with us. cheers
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This is truly amazing, you are not alone with photogrammetry and creating a track with a height map, I have already tried to create my own version of the Chimay track. I have a few questions, I'm really interested in how you can get the scale correct with the height map. I know how to distort my mesh, but the scale is not correct relative to Z. You can recreate a Google Earth Pro copy from a photo or with Blender's GIS plugin. But with this method the route of the road is not correctly adjusted either ^^ The south of Belgium is entirely scanned by lidar, so I can create the Mariembourg Karting track, the Chimay & Mettet "Jules Tacheny" track . I'm thinking of 3 or 5 hill climbs near my house. I've had my project in mind for 5 years, it's crazy how connected we are all Smile

What the drone do you have? I've shared BeamNG screenshot, Terrain editor is funny to use

This can be useful : that's how some road is created... Covadis for autocad can be usefull to understand how ingeneer create roads.
Attached images
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Nurburgring Nordschleife
(89 posts, started )