Is it possible to have a "command line" mode of viewer.exe (or another dedicated exe file) to generate an image of the car with skin.
For example:
c:\LFS\Viewer>viewer.exe -model XFG -skin GumKing2022 -view L -background blue
(-view = generated 2d view and -background to choose a colour, sky as in the viewer or transparent background)
To obtain this kind of views (in 4 separate files with -view = L / F / R or T and -background grey):

For example:
c:\LFS\Viewer>viewer.exe -model XFG -skin GumKing2022 -view L -background blue
(-view = generated 2d view and -background to choose a colour, sky as in the viewer or transparent background)
To obtain this kind of views (in 4 separate files with -view = L / F / R or T and -background grey):