The online racing simulator
skinned car generator (via viewer.exe in command line mode ?)
Is it possible to have a "command line" mode of viewer.exe (or another dedicated exe file) to generate an image of the car with skin.

For example:
c:\LFS\Viewer>viewer.exe -model XFG -skin GumKing2022 -view L -background blue
(-view = generated 2d view and -background to choose a colour, sky as in the viewer or transparent background)

To obtain this kind of views (in 4 separate files with -view = L / F / R or T and -background grey):
I like this idea. Will help with creating spotters guides etc too. And broadcast graphics.
The grid images you generated with Nanex for 24H Anna were gorgeous. This feature would have helped speedup the process!
Yes, it would automate and save a lot of time for this kind of display:

Same gain for SimBroadCasts I imagine.

(I think it's one of the missing elements that brought Lazy to an end, even if not the most important one, to have the top view of any mod for the radar).

For my part, I've half-automated the process. I select the right car with the right skin in the garage, then the rest is automatic (capture, remove the background to replace it with transparency, then crop).
#6 - Racon
There was an 3D skin-viewer on the website at one point (can't find it now, I guess it's removed?). It only allowed you to view your own skins, but maybe that could be re-purposed to create these images for any skin.

If this function was on the LFS website instead of commandline it would be more accessible, it could in theory be used to automatically generate an illustrated live list of people on a server as they come and go.
I can't remember where I got the viewer.exe.
You're right about the online mode, it can be pretty cool too (although if I had to do it live in my tool without even having to prepare the images first, I'd prefer it not to be online). But I don't know how much server-side computing/generation "power" that would require (and would then probably be a paid option).
#9 - Racon
Nice one Rony, that's it... I was looking in the skins section Face -> palm

Quote from KingOfIce :I can't remember where I got the viewer.exe.
You're right about the online mode, it can be pretty cool too (although if I had to do it live in my tool without even having to prepare the images first, I'd prefer it not to be online). But I don't know how much server-side computing/generation "power" that would require (and would then probably be a paid option).

Having looked again, it's canvas and only for cars (maybe there is some preparation to be done before it is usable, who knows how much work that would be). Still, it might be possible to hook it up, and if it were a paid API thing as you suggest it could be pretty useful without being a strain.
Quote from KingOfIce :Yes, it would automate and save a lot of time for this kind of display:

Same gain for SimBroadCasts I imagine.

(I think it's one of the missing elements that brought Lazy to an end, even if not the most important one, to have the top view of any mod for the radar).

For my part, I've half-automated the process. I select the right car with the right skin in the garage, then the rest is automatic (capture, remove the background to replace it with transparency, then crop).

The starting grid was also looking amazing.