The online racing simulator
Car shine???
Hi everybody

I installed this pack and seems to look great. except of course for the shining problem.
For that i should change the "car shine" in the cfg.txt...


my cfg.txt in patch 0.6e has only ONE LINE saying "Start Windowed 0" and thats it!

I tried just to add car shine 0.30 in the next line and also to copy the cfg.txt from a 0.5z version but didn´t work :-(

Does anybody use this pack with 0.6e??

Can someone send me the link for Demo? I get Facebook stats app link >.>
This might be a bumping, I've been looking for a pack for a long time.
Can anyone re-upload this one?
(RicardoB10) DELETED by RicardoB10 : Dubble post :$
Great job! The demo version works great! Keep updating
(nacim) DELETED by nacim
nice Flame, thx
Instructions say, "run the installer" but don`t see one in the "FULL Extractable Version" ? after i unzipped it ??

OK downloaded the installer as well ? But if i goto player and look at uniforms, its says 2007. Shouldnt they have a newer date ?

(drifthuseyin) DELETED by drifthuseyin : edit
(drifthuseyin) DELETED by drifthuseyin : delete
I've attached zip archives of all the files in the first post, in case the download links get broken in the future.
Does this work properly with latest 0.7D versions? I got white interior textures with FZ250.

EDIT: nevermind, the file was 460px instead of 512px, so LFS reported an texture error, logically. I made new 512px noisy texture in PS and replaced it, all fine now.
is this still working?
Quote from Pelle79 :Does this work properly with latest 0.7D versions? I got white interior textures...

Hello, would you mind sharing the file, I would greatly appreciate it sice I don't know how to do it myself

PS, sorry for bumping the thread
Quote from ogisa66 :Hello, would you mind sharing the file, I would greatly appreciate it sice I...

Hi! Here's the file. Copy it to "LFS\data\dds"
Attached files - 682.8 KB - 104 views