The online racing simulator
Mods System Bug Reports
(157 posts, started )
That's a known issue when a mod is unpublished, but actually the ratings are not lost, they reappear when a new rating is made, as I have now done on your mod.

EDIT: This should now be fixed, though this is a difficult fix to verify, as I would have to catch a mod, that had visible ratings before being unpublished, that has been unpublished, then fixed by its author, and catch it to see that it still has visible ratings before anyone updates the ratings again. So for this one I'm just assuming the fix should work.
Curious if this is a bug or something purposeful, when a texture is placed on a triangle that passes through the axis center, it always seems to go crazy. once i move it left/right or divide it so it's separated at the middle it seems to fix it. I've battled this in the past and its annoying as I dont want to subdivide constantly to keep textures clean and nice. In the picture is the exact same mapping applied to one set of triangles separated in the middle, and one set of triangle that passes through the axis center.
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I can't really see from your image but it sounds like the auto mirroring system for mappings. It's the system that allows, for example, a small mapping to be applied to some triangles on one side of the object and then the related triangles on the other side will receive a flip of that same mapping (optionally with a different cutout).

That system can't work if a "reflectable" mapping is applied to a triangle that itself is on two sides of the object.

So you need to either:

- continue to use a reflectable mapping, then use triangles that are on one side or the other but not both. I think this can be done by using the yellow central points and triangle mirroring.


- continue to use triangles that cross from one side to the other but make sure the mapping is not reflectable. A mapping is marked as reflectable if all its points are on one side or the other. So maybe in your case you need to move the mapping near the centre so it straddles the centre line.

Hope that helps although it's possible I've misunderstood the situation.
Quote from Scawen :I can't really see from your image but it sounds like the auto mirroring system...

Oh, I understand perfectly, yes, that seems to be the issue. The second option was a quicker fix, thank you very much!
I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I'm missing something, but I don't understand why I get such a difference between LFS Editor and LFS when it comes to "overlay or plain" textures (metal: 90%, 0.70 roughness). Shot attached in the post.
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I can't really see what's going on there but maybe it's because roughness isn't supported in the public version of LFS. The new LFS engine is more advanced with material settings. The editor is a cut down of the development version of LFS.
Quote from Scawen :I can't really see what's going on there but maybe it's because roughness isn't supported in the public version of LFS. The new LFS engine is more advanced with material settings. The editor is a cut down of the development version of LFS.

I can confirm it worked, 0 roughness made everything visible. Thank you.
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Hello, i made an animated blinkers for my nsx, and each blinkers' subobjects are rotator subobjects.
My problem is when i go over 5m away from the car(i measured the distance with free cam) the animated blinkers are disappearing, this happening in game too, so is there any way i can sort this out or this is just how rotators works for better performance?

Here is the video about the problem:
i think this is LOD detail reduction, in game go to options > graphic > user LOD and move slider. Subobiect is too small and its not rendered anymore.
Quote from Draggo :i think this is LOD detail reduction, in game go to options > graphic > user LOD and move slider.

It was already max but i want players to be able to see it from further away, i guess i can't do anything about it. Thanks for help though.
When submitting new mod and validating name, nothing is happening when clicking on the blue 'Validate Name'.. The request returns an internal server error.
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image (3).png
Screenshot 2024-04-29 192820.jpg
Thanks, that was an oversight by me in a recent change. It should work now.
Trying to update a mod:

and I get a server error, although the website seems to be working, same with online for me, just when I try to update that mod, I get the cloudflare error.
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Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 3.47.20 PM.jpeg
Please can you describe exactly at which point in the process that goes wrong for you? And what you did before that, on the submission page.

I see various mods have been updated before and after your post. I've just tested a submission on a private test mod and it worked. So I'll need a very specific and exact description from you, to present to Victor.

I notice I introduced a small bug in the submission page - the old 'private' and 'team' access were available to select. I've fixed that now but mentioning in case you tries to select an invalid access mode. Only "custom" and "public" should be available.

EDIT: Also, if it's easy to do, please try submitting the update again. As I know Victor has been adjusting some settings, it's possible that you encountered a problem that has already been fixed.
Quote from Scawen :Please can you describe exactly at which point in the process that goes wrong...

For sure, this is happening while trying to update a published car:
  1. I just export an existing updated mod from the editor using the using the "EXPORT mod for UPLOAD" button
  2. Go to the mod page to upload the latest file (7z format)
  3. Put in a comment, then just hit submit, takes a bit to load
  4. Then the cloudflare error page shows up
I'm in Ontario, Canada if that helps if it's a load balancer type of thing.

I did try originally on my personal car, SLX180 CLUTCH, then this morning I tried the SLX180 DRIFT and same error.
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Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 11.04.18 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 11.06.13 AM.png
Same for me, Yesterday i've updated a custom access mod and all was ok but 1 hour later i've tried to update a published mod ( and i've got the same error as openclutch. Today tried again but same cloudflare page appears
What size 7z are you trying to upload? Can you give a rough estimate of the time taken between starting the upload, and the timeout error? I read about some different CloudFlare timeouts such as 15 seconds and 100 seconds.
Im not at home now but in my case around 6,98mb, and it took maybe 100 secs ye.

Edit: The exact size is 7mb, I tried again now and it took 105 seconds from when I hit the publish button until I was redirected to this error page.
Just gave it another go, same timeout for me, 105 seconds. Tried uploading a 6.7MB 7z mod file.

What has happened: after continual DDoS attacks recently, we had to get protected by CloudFlare.

So far that seems fine for everything but this upload timeout. I've notified Victor but I think there is no solution he could do quickly.

Obviously this needs a fix but we'll need a bit of time.
(turbofan) DELETED by Scawen : ok, thanks
(RealistAdam) DELETED by Scawen : off topic posts not related in any way to mods
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : off topic posts not related in any way to mods
(RealistAdam) DELETED by Scawen : off topic posts not related in any way to mods
Np, so it happens just on some random mods right? cuz I've updated another one and all was fine.

Also can you tell us here when Víctor tries or applies some fix so we can test if we're able to update again? Thanks
I suppose it just depends on if the upload takes less than 100 seconds or not. When it worked OK for you, how long did the upload take?

I am trying to understand if one of these may be the case:
1) Your uploads always take a long time, and sometimes that happens to hit the 100 second limit.
2) Your uploads usually are quite fast but something can go wrong that makes it takes a long time and eventually fail.
Normally it takes like 1 min to upload an update. In this case I've added 1 default skin so it increased the size. I can do a test with a less size update if you want
Thanks, I don't think we need another test at this point. I guess it's just about the size and how the connection happens to be at the time.
Quote from Scawen :I suppose it just depends on if the upload takes less than 100 seconds or not...

For me, it's always been quite slow (Canada, 1.5gbps download with 1gbps upload, gigabit switching, using ethernet to upload), taking multiple of minutes to finish uploading the updated mod file.

I did do some more testing as I wait for a fix, as I have nothing else to do lol.

I tried multiple browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and they all had the same error in uploading.

I did have a friend be able to upload in the US, they were able to use firefox and get a few updates through.

I also tried using a vpn to hit a different load balancer.
  • Canada - 105 sec timeout
  • US - 105 sec timeout
  • UK - was able to update multiple of my mods only coming in at 45 seconds to upload
So for now, my work around is using a vpn to the UK to update my mods. Makes sense on why some mods are able to update but not from my region. Not sure why the Canada (Toronto) load balancer is so slow getting back to

Did some research into options:
  1. Cloudflare enterprise you can increase the timeout to a custom amount, however looks like at least 10x the cost of the standard plan (doesn't make sense to do this)
  2. Increase the throughput from load balancers to, could include the processing of the files as well, to get below the 105 timeout
  3. Refactor code to call back a keep alive connection packet back to the client to not have cloudflare detect a timeout. Could go further to launching a background task, with live updates on progress on the client side, likely much more work for this.
Hope this helps!

Mods System Bug Reports
(157 posts, started )