That is a feature to allow sidecar outfits to be driven by only one wheel. I haven't heard of another type of vehicle with drive wheels not aligned, but would be interested to know about it.
Quote from Scawen :That is a feature to allow sidecar outfits to be driven by only one wheel. I...

Okay, in that case it works good Smile For example Tatra 87 had not aligned rear wheels, which enabled a very robust independent suspension without complicated joints (independent suspension was rare in 1930s). Of course, it is just a fun fact, not a request for a new functionality Smile
Quote from Scawen :That is a feature to allow sidecar outfits to be driven by only one wheel. I...

I think, and I would need to double check on that, that Renault 4L (although fwd) gas offset on rear axle to allow equal length trailer torsion bar suspension.
Again it is for anecdote with no need on current LFS...
Maybe not a bug per se but rather a default setting that I believe should change: when importing OBJ files, all triangles have a n.c.level of zero; I believe it should be medium by default instead.

Another one though: the point count can be wrong in some circumstances (not sure which, though). For instance, there is a maximum of 24 points on LOD3, but the editor can often show a higher number (50 in my case, even though selecting all LOD3 triangles and then their respective points will only select 22).
For what it's worth, as I was trying to mirror part of LOD3, the count went up to 55 points (for an unchanged 40 triangles), and then the editor was complaining I had more than 24 points.
In the modeller, when I select LOD3, the total number of output tris and points is different from the actual number of tris or points. You can see it in the screenshots where I select all tris and points. I think it should say 26 tris / 20 pts, but it says 36 tris / 46 pts. I don't know how those numbers are calculated.
Attached images
I don't think it's a bug, those higher numbers represent the output mesh.

Triangles should be relatively simple, I guess some of the ones you selected are mirrored, so the output number is more than you have selected.

Points are a bit more complicated and there will be multiple points where smoothing groups or mappings meet.

For instance a simple cube with one mapping would have 4 points per side, so there would be 24 points even through they are built on only 8 editor points. 3 points at each corner, which you can see if you turn on normals (nrm). Each output, game ready vertex can only belong to one mapping or have one normal.
Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense now.

I was going to add the number of triangles and points for each LFS car in the car infobox in LFS Manual (see the XF GTI manual page), but it's not as straightforward as it looked Big grin

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