Version 0.7F
(36 posts, started )
Version 0.7F
Hello Racers,

Introducing a variety of updates for Live for Speed and the LFS Editor!

Live for Speed 0.7F:

This year there is an increased emphasis on getting mods approved, so we have improved support for this process. On the mods screen, in addition to some new filters, you can spot approved mods more easily and there is a reminder in the garage if you use a mod but have not yet given it a rating.

Controller support now has increased input resolution and a better range adjustment system. There are some graphical optimisations and multiplayer improvements.

Please read the full list of changes: LFS 0.7F changelog page

LFS Editor 0.7F:

In older versions it could be tricky to produce realistic wheel rims. In reality wheel rims must follow standards to allow the use of tyres from different manufacturers. The updated editor helps you produce rims with realistic dimensions. Detailed rim guides are displayed in the rim editor and the spoke editor.

There are also various updates in the modeller, including a 3D line guide, a function to help align points and support for merging a subobject into another subobject.

Please read the full list of changes: LFS Editor 0.7F changelog page

Four ways to get version 0.7F :

1) AUTO UPDATER - If you already have version 0.5V or later :

- Click on "Multiplayer" then "List of Hosts" in LFS and choose a download mirror.

2) MANUAL PATCH 1 (1.8 MB) - If you already have version 0.7E or later :

- Click HERE and save the patch installer.
- You can run the patch installer from its download location or from your LFS folder.

3) MANUAL PATCH 2 (35 MB) - If you already have version 0.6R or later :

- Click HERE and save the patch installer.
- You can run the patch installer from its download location or from your LFS folder.
4) FULL VERSION (522 MB) - If you are new to LFS or making a fresh installation.

- Click HERE to visit the download page and get the full version installer.

- LFS Developers
(DazzaSazza) DELETED by Scawen : off topic, not related in any way to this update
Thanks! However, it seems like in Host Control Panel, you can't change version of your LFS host to 0.7F. Newest one for them is still 0.7E15 Smile
I can't find the download link for the LFS Editor patch Uhmm
When trying to unlock, I get an "Error creating file". Fresh install, nothing copied in from previous versions. I just tried to lock and unlock the previous (7E) version and everything worked as usual.
I tested a fresh install before release and it worked fine.

Maybe it's the location where you tried to install it? For example, I think there were problems when people tried to install into locations like "Program Files" so we recommend a plain folder on the hard drive like C:\LFS or maybe C:\GAMES\LFS_7F (if you want a separate installation).

Something you are fully in control of, not within the Windows directory structure. LFS is kind of old style, and isn't designed to fit in with the Windows way of doing things, with Program files in one place and user data in another (although I can understand there are reasons to do that).
no no, LFS is the most important so it always goes straight into C:\

Well, I hope someone else encounters the same problem so I can have my solution.
Quote from tankslacno :Thanks! However, it seems like in Host Control Panel, you can't change version of your LFS host to 0.7F.

You can now select host version 0.7F.

Quote from Justas7771 :no no, LFS is the most important so it always goes straight into C:\

It's quite puzzling. Do you have a data\misc folder in your new install? Is LFS successfully writing any other files, such as cfg.txt (should save a new copy when you exit LFS).

Sometimes, strange behaviour is related to anti virus software.
When I woke up: OMG NEW LFS UPDATE!!!!!p
When I saw what was updated: This was Soo underwhelming...
Yes, important updates for various technical reasons, but not exciting.
I did not have "misc" in my data folder (on the fresh install)! I copied it over from my Version E and it works. Very strange. Thank you for your help and I look forward to trying out the new version Thumbs up
Quote from Scawen :Yes, important updates for various technical reasons, but not exciting.

Yea, any insight on 0.7G? Updates on Dynamic Weather, Day to Night transitions? I'm pretty interested, and I think that would be really cool for online servers/events. Smile
Quote from MousemanLV :Get used to it.

Yea, maybe next update we'll have Dynamic weather or Day to Night transitions... hmmmm
No, I'm not interested in speculating about future versions at this time.

If you want to know about the future version, check out this page:

See at the bottom, there are a lot of links. That info should keep you going for a while. If you would like to discuss it, feel free to start a new thread on the forum, but don't talk about in on this thread, because it is off topic. Smile
A minor mistake in InSim.txt on line 1171 (new IS_IPB packet):
Quote : in_addr BanIPs [MAL_MAX_MODS]; // IP addresses, 0 to IPB_MAX_BANS (NumB)

It should be:
Quote : in_addr BanIPs [IPB_MAX_BANS]; // IP addresses, 0 to IPB_MAX_BANS (NumB)

Quote from Scawen :No, I'm not interested in speculating about future versions at this time...

It's not exciting anymore, but it was a little exciting to hear Smile
Quote from Scawen :No, I'm not interested in speculating about future versions at this time...

Ok, no problem! : )
Hi Scawen, thanks for the update! I have a question related to the new ISP_IPB packet: its size is 8 + numB * 4, and there's BanIPs [IPB_MAX_BANS], of type in_addr which is not documented. It seems quite logical that in_addr is size 4, and this makes me think that each of those bytes represents one part of an IPv4 address; does this mean that IPv6 addresses are not supported here?
Yes, in_addr is a standard structure containing a 4 byte integer representing an IPv4 IP address.

It can be used to prevent some players connecting to your host. They can only connect using IPv4 anyway so IPv6 is not needed.

I don't think this new packet will be useful for many people. I implemented it when I changed the way IP bans work as part of the recent updates to make hosts more resilient to attacks. You can set IP bans using the hosting pages, and that system now uses this new InSim packet to allow LFS to reject the connection, instead of setting firewall rules on the server.

I suggest that if you do want to use this packet to set IP bans, you should not use the IP ban system on the website. Choose one or the other.
In the IS_NCI packet, the IPAddress property is "unsigned". It's also a 4-byte integer so it should work the same, but is there a reason why it's not "in_addr" too?
No, that naming is inconsistent for no good reason. I think maybe when I did the IS_NCI packet, I thought of using the basic type 'unsigned' but no such thought came into my head when writing this packet recently and I just wrote it as a C programmer.

Despite the inconsistent appearance,
IS_NCI's unsigned IPAddress
IS_IPB's in_addr BanIPs

Have the same format and can be interpreted the same way.
Some people including me are getting the "Error creating file" error when trying to unlock a fresh LFS Editor 7F installation. I have tried installing it in C:\LFS.

This is the deb.log before I closed the editor:

Jul 30 19:52:52 LFS : 0.7F
Jul 30 19:52:52 timer resolution 499 microsec
Jul 30 19:52:52 read config
Jul 30 19:52:52 get command line
Jul 30 19:52:52 tables
Jul 30 19:52:52 preinit d3d
Jul 30 19:52:52 load font
Jul 30 19:52:52 -----
Jul 30 19:52:53 kb : Central Europe
Jul 30 19:52:53 initialisations
Jul 30 19:52:53 human system
Jul 30 19:52:53 helmet
Jul 30 19:52:53 controllers
Jul 30 19:52:53 start entry
Jul 30 19:52:53 end of initialisation

Someone else had that and there was no data\misc folder in the installation.

Although it's clearly there in the install file, and worked fine when I tested it... Confused
When I open the editor setup exe in 7-zip, the misc folder is missing.

Edit: I see it's not there in 7E installer either - I don't know if that's OK or not.

But when I compare the editor folders after installation, some folders are missing in 7F.
Attached images

Version 0.7F
(36 posts, started )