The online racing simulator
All Rounder Championship Round 8
ZFRL All Rounder Championship Round 8
Monday 5.8.2024 17:15 UTC

What: Eighth round of the ZFRL All Rounder Championship presented by Sim Broadcasts
When: Monday 5th of August. 30 min qualifying will start at 17:15 UTC, 21 lap race starts at 18:00 UTC
Where: Kyoto GP Long at our server ZFRL•Events

This is our second round in Kyoto, this time we will be using a standard LFS car with slicks. A classic GTR combo of FZ50 GTR around 21 laps of Kyoto GP long awaits ahead next monday. Come and join us in a week! If you are unable to attend, remember that the race will be livestreamed by Sim Broadcasts on their Twitch and Youtube channels.

For event related discussions and up-to date announcements please join our Discord channel.

We will use the Rules of Clean Racing with the following clarifications and additions:
O-1: substantial overlap = front axle must be at least half-way alongside
O-2: a cars witdth of space on raceable surface is considered enough
L-3: lapping car has to make an overtaking move, lapped car may not defend in any way
P-2: no more than 2 wheels allowed to cross the pit exit line

To be allowed to race, you must submit a valid laptime during the qualifying or have previously scored at least one point in our events before. This is to keep random late joiners from prolonging the race start as we have to keep our schedule because of the live broadcasts from every race. For additional protection against late joiners and server hoppers, the password is set to race after end of qualifying.

Track limits are defined by raceable surfaces that include everything except grass and walls. At least 2 wheels must be on a raceable surface at all times.

Any incident reports should be posted in this thread or in our discord server. The deadline for reports is 24 hours after the race start.

Our links:
All Rounder Championship standings and statistics
Zafiralis Discord channel
Instagram @zafiralisgg
Attached images
All Rounder Championship Round 8 Unofficial results
All Rounder Championship round 8 unofficial results



If you would like to report an incident, you can post it either here or on our discord server.
Deadline for reports is 18:00 UTC tomorrow, 24h form race start.

Stay tuned for official results and race report.
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zfrl_arc_8_r.mpr - 11.3 MB - 18 views
zfrl_arc_8_q.mpr - 8.9 MB - 21 views
All Rounder Championship Round 8 recap
All Rounder Championship Round 8 recap

The results posted above are confirmed as official

For our third slick tyre race in the series we had a classic GTR combo of FZR on Kyoto GP Long for 21 laps. This attracted 16 drivers who set a laptime in qualifying plus a few more late joiners who were allowed to start from the back due to them being well known competitors who have previously scored points in our events.

The fastest time in qualifying was set by the current standings leader Thehemuli. He was joined in the front row by MadJester, while the other Zafiralis driver Motimoukari took the third grid position. The next four starting positions were conquered by Race Green: Nosle was fourth, Rony fifth, Maciek sixth and Lorenzo seventh.

The start was surprisingly clean, other than a few cars going wide on to the grass at turn 3. Motimoukari was one of them and he fell back to fifth. There was also a very slight contact between three cars in turn 4, which resulted in S. Martin having a costly visit to the gravel making him lose his chances of a good finishing position. On lap 3 there was more drama as Motimoukari and Gábor both went wide at the same corner at the same time resulting in race ending damage for the S1dus driver and further loss of positions for Motimoukari. After a few laps it looked like it was going to be a three way battle for the win: Thehemuli was leading with Nosle and Rony following close. They all led the race at some point, but there was a fourth competitor for the win: uNite started from the back of the grid but was constantly gaining and caught up the leading trio by the halfway mark of the race. He even managed to briefly take the lead from Nosle on the start of the last lap before going wide in the first turn, gifting the lead back. uNite gave it a go again on the run up to the finish line but fell just 0,02s short making Nosle our sixth different winner in 8 rounds. Thehemuli was third, while Maciek was fourth following a mistake on the last lap by Rony which dropped him to fifth. Other cars to cross the finish line were MadJester in seventh, jsk in eight and T. Soini in ninth position.

We still have one round remaining in Kyoto, which will feature a track suitable for dirt tyres. More info on that will be posted later. If we take a look at the quarterly standings, we can see that two drivers are very close to each other in the top positions. uNite leads Rony by just a single point. Thehemuli and Maciek are tied for third eight points behind the leader. After round 9 we will see who gets to decide the venue for the final three races in our first edition of All Rounder Championship.

At the end of the season the top 5 points scoring drivers will be awarded monetary prizes totaling to 150€.
It looks like Thehemuli is getting away in the standings, but drivers from second to seventh are all within 22 points, so the fight from the top 5 positions should be close until the end. Full championship points, quarterly points and statistics can be found here.

There are still 4 more rounds to go in the series, so if you are interested be sure to join us every first Monday of the month with varying tracks, cars and racing surfaces!

Full race statistics here
Championship standings and statistics

If you have any feedback regarding the event, you can contact us either here on this thread, or on our discord server.

Our links:
Zafiralis Discord channel
Instagram @zafiralisgg
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All Rounder Championship Round 9
ZFRL All Rounder Championship Round 9
Monday 2.9.2024 17:15 UTC

What: Ninth round of the ZFRL All Rounder Championship presented by Sim Broadcasts
When: Monday 2nd of September. 30 min qualifying will start at 17:15 UTC, 27 lap race starts at 18:00 UTC
Where: Kyoto National Rallycross at our server ZFRL•Events

It is time for our final Kyoto round of the season. As Kyoto ring does not feature an official layout suitable for dirt tyre racing, we had to come up with something special. We will be racing around the infield section of Kyoto National circuit while mostly avoiding the tarmac. This layout was kindly provided to us by Jam 616, big thanks to him and PiranMOTO! We will use a car that should be familiar to every racer: the RB4 GT, a popular TBO class car for rallycross. Come and join us next monday for the race! If you are unable to attend, remember that the race will be livestreamed by Sim Broadcasts on their Twitch and Youtube channels.

For event related discussions and up-to date announcements please join our Discord channel.

We will use the Rules of Clean Racing with the following clarifications and additions:
O-1: substantial overlap = front axle must be at least half-way alongside
O-2: a cars witdth of space on raceable surface is considered enough
L-3: lapping car has to make an overtaking move, lapped car may not defend in any way
P-2: no more than 2 wheels allowed to cross the pit exit line

To be allowed to race, you must submit a valid laptime during the qualifying or have previously scored at least one point in our events before. This is to keep random late joiners from prolonging the race start as we have to keep our schedule because of the live broadcasts from every race. For additional protection against late joiners and server hoppers, the password is set to race after end of qualifying.

Any incident reports should be posted in this thread or in our discord server. The deadline for reports is 24 hours after the race start.

Our links:
All Rounder Championship standings and statistics
Zafiralis Discord channel
Instagram @zafiralisgg
Attached images
All Rounder Championship Round 9 Unofficial results
All Rounder Championship round 9 unofficial results



If you would like to report an incident, you can post it either here or on our discord server.
Deadline for reports is 18:00 UTC tomorrow, 24h form race start.

Stay tuned for official results and race report.

Race broadcast VOD on Youtube:

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ZFRL All Rounder Championship
(30 posts, started )