The online racing simulator
LFS is (almost) perfect as is, except for AI
Hi guys,

My opinion may be unpopular around here, but I love LFS as it is. I went to AC, RF2, AMS2 (which is great btw), but ive come full circle back to LFS.
It loads instantly, run on old machines, doesnt need TB of storage nor huge updates, and the physics are just perfect to me. I dont literally mean that they ARE perfect, just that to me, its what i want in a sim, predictable, fun to drive (im able to catch the slides most of the time), graphics are outstanding (regarding size vs gpu usage vs modern games), sound engine is top notch etc etc.
In one word, the perfect balance - to me.

Then, I know its an online sim, but i mostly race offline, and the AI is really really lacking.

So im afraid to lose what i love in LFS (with newer versions, tyre physics etc), and end up with just better gfx and a game that is closer in physics to most modern sims, losing its identity and strenghts...while what I miss is "just" a better AI (and i know its hard computer science Wink

Cheers and congrats to the small team for such a great sim !!!
#2 - cuni
Congrats on the 22nd birthday accountNa-na, have a look at our online weekly competitions, there are weekly recurring events covering mods, LFS standard cars and most are moderated.

The latest update on the Event Calendar makes it pretty easy to track down what's happening this week/month

I'm far from being the most knowledgeable LFS player across all running recurring events, I'll try to break it down where I had some great online races(moderated races, some Youtube/Twitch streamed with online commentary by SimBroadcasts):
  • Tuesday - The Race Green Wave day, either RTFR(30min race,same car for all with 1 hour open Q)/RTFRXL(75min race,same car for all with 1 hour open Q) or RandomCar (40+cars attributed randomly, open Q, 30min race)
  • Thursday - FragMaster GTi day, one-shot Qualification either/or both XFG or XRG
  • Friday - FragMaster Fox day, Single-seater one-shot Qualification 70min Race with pitstop(50% chance I might be wrong)
  • Saturday- MRC FBM day, Single-seater one-shot Qualification, 50min Race with pitstop
Note: Some races require a LFS website sign-up and most of these events have a dedicated Discord so be sure to join if you want memes and drama (and news Smile )

There are many other recurring events, these are just a few that have the 'same' old racers every time and where you can be guaranteed to have fun(without disregarding other organizers/teamsHeart )

Hope to see you on track
Attached images
#3 - Kova.
I mean, your opinion is understandable. But when the game is called "the online racing simulator", I think you are missing out on an opportunity.

Of course, online experience isn't always that great, more especially if you join any random server, but if you join any leagues that are properly hosted and managed, that will be greatly different.

I'm talking by my experience of both side, as a racer, and as a hoster since I joined LFS France in 2010 and then took the whole management by myself a few years laters, all I can notice is that we are a great group of friends in which it's always fun to be together racing into various leagues and championships Smile
Some drivers just want to have fun right here, right now after hard work etc...

For some of us leagues are far from fun because:
1. u need to wait for specific time,
2. u drive alone and don't race with anyone.