The online racing simulator
LFS is (almost) perfect as is, except for AI
Hi guys,

My opinion may be unpopular around here, but I love LFS as it is. I went to AC, RF2, AMS2 (which is great btw), but ive come full circle back to LFS.
It loads instantly, run on old machines, doesnt need TB of storage nor huge updates, and the physics are just perfect to me. I dont literally mean that they ARE perfect, just that to me, its what i want in a sim, predictable, fun to drive (im able to catch the slides most of the time), graphics are outstanding (regarding size vs gpu usage vs modern games), sound engine is top notch etc etc.
In one word, the perfect balance - to me.

Then, I know its an online sim, but i mostly race offline, and the AI is really really lacking.

So im afraid to lose what i love in LFS (with newer versions, tyre physics etc), and end up with just better gfx and a game that is closer in physics to most modern sims, losing its identity and strenghts...while what I miss is "just" a better AI (and i know its hard computer science Wink

Cheers and congrats to the small team for such a great sim !!!
(cuni) DELETED by cuni : Lack of medication
#2 - Kova.
I mean, your opinion is understandable. But when the game is called "the online racing simulator", I think you are missing out on an opportunity.

Of course, online experience isn't always that great, more especially if you join any random server, but if you join any leagues that are properly hosted and managed, that will be greatly different.

I'm talking by my experience of both side, as a racer, and as a hoster since I joined LFS France in 2010 and then took the whole management by myself a few years laters, all I can notice is that we are a great group of friends in which it's always fun to be together racing into various leagues and championships Smile
Some drivers just want to have fun right here, right now after hard work etc...

For some of us leagues are far from fun because:
1. u need to wait for specific time,
2. u drive alone and don't race with anyone.
Thanks for your input guys.
Racing online is not an option to me, just like @versiu said.
I have little free time (job, kids etc), so theres no way I can let other people decide when I should play Wink
Plus, when i tried online racing i was mostly alone anyway, as I was either too quick for the (very) bad drivers behind me, or too slow for the ones in front of me Tongue
So a good, tweakable and adaptative AI as all I need.
Then, i guess, LFS is not the game for me, but the shame is, again, to me its perfection, and the sim i have most fun with, even with its flawed AI

Quote from emodel :So a good, tweakable and adaptative AI as all I need.
Then, i guess, LFS is not the game for me, but the shame is, again, to me its perfection, and the sim i have most fun with, even with its flawed AI

Speaking of that, seeing as you have an S3 license you could use LFS Editor to increase power, reduce drag or add wider tyres to the AI cars possibly letting them have a bit better pace compared to player. It's sort of a bubblegum fix, pretty much have to give them more speed in the straights for them to gain the time back lost on corners.

They don't take the corners really well, i guess the AI is programmed to regain traction or not to go over it by any means, so they can't utilise any form of tyre slip, it is eliminated instantly instead.
How about this - let AI drive some car and you put air restriction in your. That way, you can fine tune AI to your pace.
Quote from emodel :
Plus, when i tried online racing i was mostly alone anyway, as I was either too quick for the (very) bad drivers behind me, or too slow for the ones in front of me Tongue


yeah, that usually happens when racing Tilt
#8 - BeNoM
Agreed with the OP, would be awesome if we had a BeamNG-style AI system

Yeah, just use a deep learning neural network with about 1 billion neurons and it will beat Gabor every time. Just one tiny problem, to run it in real-time you'll have to use a quantum computer with at least 1k qubits.

Jokes aside, optimizing such AI is a huge task that goes outside of LFS itself. Compromises have to be made and the right combination of different techniques, maybe even including small neural networks could be a thing, but all this is in the far future of LFS.
Now that the latest test patch provides ways to control AI cars via InSim, anyone can try and create better AI system as a challenge Big grin Although even Scawen said it's probably not suitable for creating competitive racing AI because of the input data delays and density necessary for quick reactions.
#11 - V_Ro
Quote from versiu :Some drivers just want to have fun right here, right now after hard work etc.....

I think the same as you.

Simply the time that one invests in the LFS to enjoy, one lives in one's own way.
I hope the developers take into account a future improvement...
Also thanking the developers for my part, the improvements of the AI ​​cars in recent years, which for me has been another step
Quote from Flame CZE :Now that the [url=]latest test...

This guys, we need community to utilize those inSim features and see what AI's can do.
#13 - cuni
Quote from nikopdr :use LFS Editor to increase power, reduce drag or add wider tires to the AI cars, possibly letting them have a bit better pace compared to player

So I have trying to figure this one out (increase tire patch to provide faster lap times).

However, results are inconclusive :
  • AI 1-5 wider tires
  • 6-10 normal tires
  • starting order was 1-10
  • Both on default setup

I have no clue if the parameters I changed are anywhere sort of realistic, or even if they hinder instead of helping, so....

Let me know

EDIT: Currently running 100 laps with Michelin Pilot Sport 5 tires and Race setup (from Mantas). Had to increase ride height on the wide_tire setup because suspension was going red easily. 7 Laps in .25 faster.
Attached images
Well, I'd say that within margin of error your experiment is a succses. The problem is that AI's are not driving the car anywhere near the limit of tyre grip. That is why you see little to no difference in laptimes. If you play with engine settings that may yield better diversity.
Quote from BeNoM :Agreed with the OP, would be awesome if we had a BeamNG-style AI system...

bro what you on about, beamns ai follows path it draws for it and utterly gets confused doing so. Beamng ai shit.
You gotta be confused, cause is just software similar to that car manufacturers use to make automated driving, safety features, etc. That is not, it's ai is dog water.