We really need something to stôp all the jerks on the server. There isn't a race without a racer making stupid things.
First think I'm thinking of, is a replay save option from the last 10sec. which you can provide right away to the others on trhe server. Like this everybody can watch the situation after the race and can vote for a ban the driver. Most of the time u get not enoght votes because not everybody can see what did happen. The driver get's baned and disqualified. This should stay if the racer leaf's the server.
What about a function that when a car hits another car with a certain force, he gets an panalty. The mode should go back to the causer of the mess.
Also maybe a statistic where others can see how often gets somebody gets baned and kicked which you can after see at somebodys driver name (like stars and stuff). Maybe an option where the host of a server can choose that drigvers under a certain ban/kick status can't join. That meight maybe help to keep the racing attitude up.
Those are the things I'm thinking of right now.
I keep thinking
First think I'm thinking of, is a replay save option from the last 10sec. which you can provide right away to the others on trhe server. Like this everybody can watch the situation after the race and can vote for a ban the driver. Most of the time u get not enoght votes because not everybody can see what did happen. The driver get's baned and disqualified. This should stay if the racer leaf's the server.
What about a function that when a car hits another car with a certain force, he gets an panalty. The mode should go back to the causer of the mess.
Also maybe a statistic where others can see how often gets somebody gets baned and kicked which you can after see at somebodys driver name (like stars and stuff). Maybe an option where the host of a server can choose that drigvers under a certain ban/kick status can't join. That meight maybe help to keep the racing attitude up.
Those are the things I'm thinking of right now.
I keep thinking