I watched the qualification session and also have to agree that the "blocking" penalty is ridiculous. Alonso was well ahead of Massa, which was obvious from the on-board shots, and he was certainly not lagging and forcing Massa to slow because he was rushing to the start/finish so he could do his last hot lap. Renault's telemetry shows that Massa never got within 93 meters of him.

illepall I don't know about conspiracy theories, but it's certainly a very poor ruling on the officials' part. After Massa's pole/win at Turkey he said he wanted to do anything he could to help M. Schumaker get his (final) championship -- What a shame if the team is resorting to "tactics" like this to get the win. Do they think Michael's driving can't do it?

I don't; he's a fantastic driver and I'm going to be sorry to see him leave the car. I think it would be awesome if he does win the championship in his last year, but not if the team is doing silly crap like whining about "blocking" and such.
Stupid me forgot to rewind the tape for my recording of the GP2/F1/GT this morning, so I missed it all! :slap: From what I've seen of the highlights though looks like I missed an interesting race. Too bad for Alonso's motor

I would have liked to see him claw his way to the front despite starting way back there; though I guess it was probably a combination between running the new spec and presumably not tested as thoroughly engine and pushing it as hard as he must have been to get up to... what was it, 3rd?
Congratulations to Mr. Kubica; maybe Scawen's already gotten the Patch V BF1 to him or something?