I've been playing rFactor for 2 days now, and unless I'm missing something ( which is possible ) I can't get any reasonable control of the cars.
The brakes don't make sense no matter what I do, I'm always slowing down way too soon, or skidding thru the turn, with no in between.
The steering is similar, although not as bad.
I've done a lot of tweaking to the controls and the setups and can't seem to get it to feel just 'good' ( as opposed to great).
In LFS, I know where the car is going to go, I can look down the road, and imagine how I want the car to get where I'm looking, and that's where it goes. I can modulate the brakes and I know what's going to happen, and I can maintain speeds with the gas or brakes, or hustle the car in mid corner, etc.
I don't get that feel whatsoever in rFactor. I seem to be fighting to have the car not go where it shouldn't go, and that's a huge difference (in comparison, I do think nkpro felt pretty good, and I could control those
cars - just not on-line

I don't know, I'd been driving the Fo8 at FE Gold for the previous week, and was really pusing it to my limits. I got back in it today for comparison, and I could barely drive a lap. I was unwillingly anticipating fighting the car as I had been in rFactor. It quickly got better after some laps.
As I say, I could be missing something ( please prove me right, I welcome it ), but LFS seems FAR superior. Maybe the two just can't be compared ?
Many of the rFactor mods are cool, the karts for example, and the real world tracks are something I miss from previous sims - but not even so much the 'real world-ness', just the huge variety of turns.
If there is a weak spot for LFS, I think the tracks are a bit too 'samey'.
Yes they are different, but there are a lot of high speed turns, broken up by extreme tight turns. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying there aren't tracks I like a lot, but I'm looking forward to new tracks as much as anything in the future.
Granted it's a beta S2, and the bottom line is how it feels to drive, which I love. I'm certain there is much to come, too.