The online racing simulator
why does that turbo car spin?
(30 posts, started )
why does that turbo car spin?
hi there,

is it realistic that the turbo car in demo spin so much? i couldnt drive it properly, thanks.

and any suggestion or tips to drive it fast please ? thanks.
#2 - Jakg
Quote from TyresHot :hi there,

is it realistic that the turbo car in demo spin so much? i couldnt drive it properly, thanks.

and any suggestion or tips to drive it fast please ? thanks.

what setup and controller are you using?
urm, skill, dont rev mid corner, it just takes alot of time and setup to stop it spinning,

just one questions in lfs world should a demo racers stats come up, becasue i looked at yours but it came up that you never raced online?

try it
#5 - Vain
I compete in a league with "that turbo car", the XRT. And no, I didn't spin in the last three months with that car, so it doesn't spin often. But yes, it does have the tendency to oversteer.

Try the setup in the attachment. I got it from Bean0 and made myself an Aston Club setup from it. Bean0 said it actually was made as a BL GP setup so it should work well for your purpose.

My personal driving hint: Watch out for the turbo. No turbo boost = no power, turbo boost mid-corner = oversteer.

Attached files
XR GT TURBO_Bean0.set - 132 B - 311 views
#7 - Jakg
Race_S is the only good default setup

You have a Momo, use it, be gentle with the throttle

No, demo users stats don't show up on LFSW
that would be why oky dokey

bob smiths easy race setups are quite good
This is just an observation, but it seems odd to start a thread about a car that you're having trouble controlling, then ask for even more power over here
BTW I can can couch for Bob's "easy" sets, they really are very good (check the "Car Setups" sub-forum) :up:
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I used them once, and I've got nothing but three piece suites to say about them!
#11 - Gunn
There's no need to be deseatfull about it.
Chair up guys, the bloke only asked for help!

Race_S is decent, but won't get you exceedingly fast times...may be pretty stable, but not all out fast.
Dangit thisnameistaken! I know I made a typo but you didn't have to be a stool pigeon.
Ive tryed the XRT with Race_s and it gets to 5th really quick, i can only get about 80 out of it, meh, dont use it much anyway
I found it very hard to drive at first but eventually i got a decent setup and i hardly ever spin now. The secret for me is to be gentler with the car compared to some others that you can thrash round the corners with full speed on.
Quote from jaws99 :I found it very hard to drive at first but eventually i got a decent setup and i hardly ever spin now. The secret for me is to be gentler with the car compared to some others that you can thrash round the corners with full speed on.

As already said by many, don't think its like the XFG because the XRT looses its rear alot, se be gentle coming in and out of sharp and mild corners, its all in the throttle control. Try Bob Smith's Easy Race set's they are teh dogs dangly bits.
If you use one of the recent quick setups the XRT is a big bag of understeer, as they all use locked diffs. I simply hate them, and would much prefer a clutch pack diff, but I'll go to hell before I choose a slower setup because I prefer it. I'd much rather learn to live with understeer (and I'm getting better) than avoid it.
Quote from tristancliffe :If you use one of the recent quick setups the XRT is a big bag of understeer, as they all use locked diffs. I simply hate them, and would much prefer a clutch pack diff, but I'll go to hell before I choose a slower setup because I prefer it. I'd much rather learn to live with understeer (and I'm getting better) than avoid it.

I'm like you mate except for the fact that I don't mind driving a slightly slower set - after all, I'm a slightly slower driver

But I always use clutch pack diffs for RWD and locked for FWD. I find the RWDs just too much of a handful with a locked diff.
Heh, you're the opposite ot Tristan, I don't care about lap times, I set my cars up to handle well and are sweet to drive. By making the car exploitable, I can get it round the track in good time. People seem to have too much of a fascination about getting lap times as low as possible.
Quote from Bob Smith :Heh, you're the opposite ot Tristan, I don't care about lap times, I set my cars up to handle well and are sweet to drive. By making the car exploitable, I can get it round the track in good time. People seem to have too much of a fascination about getting lap times as low as possible.

Yeah people are way too obsessed about this whole "racing" thing
What happaned to competitorship? Its all 'GET OUT OF MY WAY, BLUE FLAG @#$& !!!111' and nothing to do with caring about the other drivers, as i remember it its meant to be more something like 'Oh right, I will just over take him when I get a chance to' and its all about the WR or getting that one bit faster, and people forget that there are other human beings racing with them rather then random cyborgs behind the wheels.
It's not soley about lap times. I'd much rather have a good race than set a good time. But it IS racing, and I'm not about to give myself a speed DISadvantage just because the car handles a bit nicer

For mess abouts (i.e. just playing rather than racing) I always use a nice handling/exploitable setup over a fast one
Quote from tristancliffe :If you use one of the recent quick setups the XRT is a big bag of understeer, as they all use locked diffs. I simply hate them, and would much prefer a clutch pack diff, but I'll go to hell before I choose a slower setup because I prefer it. I'd much rather learn to live with understeer (and I'm getting better) than avoid it.

Is this still something that is being exploited due to the current state of the physics? Or could a car like the XRT really be set up in real life to be quicker with a locked diff (given the full range of options you have for car setup in LFS)?
Absolutely no idea, but I'd imagine IRL it would be slower. I'd guess it's because a) LFS tyres deform a smidgen too luch perhaps b) the longitudinal slip curves are wrong in LFS (which is why locked brakes and wheelspin aren't quite as bad as they should be) or c) the lack of preload on clutch pack diffs in LFS means they are artifically slow and would in fact make locked diffs look rubbish if the clutches worked properly.

But I guarantee that it will be fixed one day!
Quote from tristancliffe :the longitudinal slip curves are wrong in LFS (which is why locked brakes and wheelspin aren't quite as bad as they should be)

think again
with a locked diff the unloaded insides are slipping ... if the longitudinal tyre behaviour gets less forgiving the insides will slide even easier an youll get less understeer with a locked diff

why does that turbo car spin?
(30 posts, started )