The online racing simulator
ITEK Racing Throws In The Towel
(135 posts, started )
Quote from AndroidXP :I'd say you should let it rest a bit and wait till you feel better.

Will a team created out of a broken heart last any longer? Leave it for now, clear your head, and then start a fresh team when you're feeling "fresh" again yourself. And then make sure to simply kick inactive members. It's not like they should never be able to join again, just keep the group trimmed to really active members, so you don't waste any time with trainings where 90% will "maybe" show up, but at the same time can't take any members because you're "full".

Yea your right...My head is all over the place at the moment. I will leave it for now.
i didnt mean the endurance in a racing terms! i ment as the team lasting out! and Yes MG almost went down the pan, but we tried hard to save it and because of this MG are now alot better for it with new members that are all pretty fast!

And alot of you did think you was the best! Oh we will kick your arse all the time, just like everyone else! MG are newer then itek ever has been!

AND while you say that was not a needed post, nor was the one from THE END about stupid virginity and CD ROMs which is completely childish!

I was only trying to help ITEK out, and trying to have some what of a laugh in this situation! So much for apreciation!

MG might well not be as fast as ITEK were, but we are getting there quickly and endering into leagues! Fast members joining and all the rest!

I only applied for ITEK as a second choice BEHIND MG, I was offered Leadership which i took over ITEK anytime...
Not again... ever heard of sarcasm?
Quote from jamesrowe :Im withdrawing any posts i make on this thread from now on, you get alot of gratitude, thats for sure!

Anyway, sad to see ITEK go down, was allways fun helping them out in team events, the support for each other in the team was great and for the outsiders like me. This was all down to the leadership of B11TME, a great team leader.
Quote from jamesrowe :And alot of you did think you was the best! Oh we will kick your arse all the time, just like everyone else! MG are newer then itek ever has been!

I'd like to see where you saw an ITEK member say "I am/we are the best". We always set realistic targets, beating MG was one of them. I am not saying MG are rubbish, just most, in not all of the ITEK members have alot more experience than your team.
If you have an issue with one of the ITEK members or the whole team, you know where to contact us privately, there is no need to turn this thread into an arguement.
you would be wrong to say that now that alot of MG are rubbish! when we was a new team we didnt have much targets to get in!!!
Now we do and alot have either been chucked out via inactivity or something or left!
Now we are alot better, you lot just underestimate us!
James this is going no were and this topic is not about who is better and who is not and for the record ITEK was only a month or 2 newer than MG. So give that a rest becuase its bad enough the team ending witout everyone starting fights over it. And no one said we were the best as cropsy said. Stupid this started of to be a sad moment for us ITEK drivers and ends up a fight over who is better lol...Jeez
Quote from th84 :
*smells T7R coming*


But alas, still not for you TH84

Very sad to Keith. You did give it your all, and cannot ask for more than that.


Quote from B11TME :James this is going no were and this topic is not about who is better and who is not and for the record ITEK was only a month or 2 newer than MG. So give that a rest becuase its bad enough the team ending witout everyone starting fights over it. And no one said we were the best as cropsy said. Stupid this started of to be a sad moment for us ITEK drivers and ends up a fight over who is better lol...Jeez

^^ what he said.

Give it up James, you are digging yourself a bigger hole!
Quote from Fordman ::ices_rofl

But alas, still not for you TH84

Very sad to Keith. You did give it your all, and cannot ask for more than that.



Thanks Pal...You know how much i put into ITEK as i have talked to you many times about the problems we had. Im really sad about it but life goes on and in search for a new team it will be.
Allways sad to see another team goes down.

Good luck in the future guys!
Quote from Fordman ::ices_rofl

But alas, still not for you TH84


Im way to sexy for you guy's anyway!

Im really gonna miss seeing those sick ITEK skin's..i always thought they were the best!

BTW, who the hell is MG anyway? :P
Quote from th84 ::banghead:

Im way to sexy for you guy's anyway!

Im really gonna miss seeing those sick ITEK skin's..i always thought they were the best!

BTW, who the hell is MG anyway? :P

shhh, you just have not seen us spamming the forum then illepall
Or going at a snails pace on track!
Or seen our totaly horrible looking skins...
Quote from jamesrowe :shhh, you just have not seen us spamming the forum then illepall
Or going at a snails pace on track!
Or seen our totaly horrible looking skins...

Oh yea, now i remember! illepall
MG is the team in STCC. You know, the ones with the random wheel calibrations and the team mate who can't drive (at least in all the replays I've seen).

P.S. Love you Jak
I apologise for this being completely off the ITEK throws in the towl - but nope only you who is spamming the forum james lol.

Edit : LOL at tristan.
illepall we aint starting this again ffs! Im getting really tired of LFS Forum and LFS in a whole!

Last time i went on LFS i could drive!
Quote from jamesrowe :illepall we aint starting this again ffs! Im getting really tired of LFS Forum and LFS in a whole!

Last time i went on LFS i could drive!

Then stop posting. Simple as that.
yeah dude, whats with the whole kick someone when their down thing you've got going on here. you really expect some of the ITEK members to join MG after the way you have talked to some of them?

grow up
Quote from tristancliffe :MG is the team in STCC. You know, the ones with the random wheel calibrations

see - it isn't my fault - all my rubbish driving is because of my wheel? want me to pwn? get me a G25!

Quote :P.S. Love you Jak

love you too!
Quote from dadge :yeah dude, whats with the whole kick someone when their down thing you've got going on here. you really expect some of the ITEK members to join MG after the way you have talked to some of them?

grow up

What the :s i dont expect any of the ITEK guys to join MG and some would not be welcome now!

I was never kicking anyone when they was down, if you read before hand, i was trying to get them happier! but The End had to go and be one of those Twats as refered to earlier and start it all illepall
Quote from jamesrowe :What the :s i dont expect any of the ITEK guys to join MG and some would not be welcome now!

I was never kicking anyone when they was down, if you read before hand, i was trying to get them happier! but The End had to go and be one of those Twats as refered to earlier and start it all illepall

Comon m8 lets just leave this...This is not going anywere.

Go HERE if you wanna post Negative !
End of discussion


ITEK Racing Throws In The Towel
(135 posts, started )