i didnt mean the endurance in a racing terms! i ment as the team lasting out! and Yes MG almost went down the pan, but we tried hard to save it and because of this MG are now alot better for it with new members that are all pretty fast!
And alot of you did think you was the best! Oh we will kick your arse all the time, just like everyone else! MG are newer then itek ever has been!
AND while you say that was not a needed post, nor was the one from THE END about stupid virginity and CD ROMs which is completely childish!
I was only trying to help ITEK out, and trying to have some what of a laugh in this situation! So much for apreciation!
MG might well not be as fast as ITEK were, but we are getting there quickly and endering into leagues! Fast members joining and all the rest!
I only applied for ITEK as a second choice BEHIND MG, I was offered Leadership which i took over ITEK anytime...