I doubt it. If the LX8 was as fast as the F08 on the straights, which would be a seriously mega-mega-mega-fast "7", then there would be a fair of slowing down to do for that final corner without the wings to help out
I think they should "can" the LX8, and just make a proper 4 cylinder racing 7, and do it properly. Find the specs of the CSR260 race-cars and copy them, and the exterior changes too.
The LX8 would be more powerful than to be the RWD competition for the UFR and XFR, right? Guess it would make its own class like the UF1.
However it may be, I want it badly
Codie, enough with bumping all of the LX8 threads. If you have nothing important to bring up, then don't bring it up, if there is something that hasn't been pointed out before, then bring it up in a new thread, these threads are extremely dated and physics were totally different back then. Comparisons then can't even be considered comparisons to the physics now.