I'm surprised this thread is still going.
Still, I tend to get burnt out on LFS - more from shear over exposure than any inherent problems with the game.
For the last few months I've only been playing other racing games.
I've tried rFactor, GTR2, and netkarpro ( in anticipation of the fix for multiplayer) extensively. To a lesser degree I've played DR too.
Today, I did 5 laps in LFS in 4 different cars at westhill. I have to say, LFS
is simply superior, in my lame ass white boy opinion. I can say that as a long time LFS fan who's put extensive effort into the other current games. Of course, it's all opinion, none-the-less. But I've read a lot of people saying 'you just haven't tried it' or done this or that, so having the spare cash and time, I certainly did try this or that.
LFS has an enimic (sp?) engine sound, and lacks variety in tracks - these are pretty much given, I think, amongst fanboys and bashers alike. But these things don't add up to a hill of beans in the face of the overall package ( an alpha package, too boot).
Anyway, for the other games. Netkarpro is not awful, although I can only play as single player. It feels pretty good, but I can't see anything about it that I would say makes for better racing than LFS. Maybe more tracks, cars, and working multiplayer will be good, but frankly, for me it's LFS but not as good, so, I'll wait and see what comes of it. I open to having my opinion change, but it can only be changed by the game, itself.
GTR2 is fun. Simply fun. It's not in competition with LFS, although the ASS physics mod is an improvement, imo. You can't rule out fun in a video game. I think it will remain a diversion for when I'm burnt out on LFS. Or until LFS introduces some mid-engine sports cars. But I don't feel the need to keep going back to it day after day the way I do when I'm bitten by the LFS bug.
rFactor - Still don't get it. Tried all the mods, tried the ini files offered, tried everything. Great variety of tracks, cars, etc, but I've never found myself gritting my teeth trying to catch a few hundreths of a second as I do in LFS. I do grit my teeth alot wondering why the car is doing what it's doing.
DR - not very interested in the car that's offered, but anxious to see where they go with it.
As for online play, the others worked for me ( not netkar ), but the racing was never as good...I get the usual 'you should join a league' stuff, but I don't want to, or feel you need to to get a decent race. Of course, you can't rule out the amount of time I've already put into LFS, the people I've met, the situations I've learned to handle a hundred times with bad drivers. Still, the online community in LFS racing is generally much more pleasant and satisfying.
Add in how little time is wasted waiting for various elements to load, how easy it is to see results in minor tweaks of settings, how intuitive it is to mod your car skin, etc....how great and transparent the online interface is, and so on...and how immersive the game is as a result of focusing on the simple art of driving....welll...shinier graphics and user mods would probably be a nice addition to LFS, but alone they don't present any kind of threat to it.
I proclaim LFS as reigning universal champ.
I can't help it if my opinion is also fact.
It's just a pleasant coinkedink