The online racing simulator
Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )
i would like to join.. my team didnt go so well so i decided to give it up
Mark, I added you to the Interested List

Add [BlitZ] to the start of your name and Welcome to Team [BlitZ]
Whicj skin we using then?
Quote from The General Lee :Stew, any chance of you making us a skin also. then we can put it to the vote

I never got an email when you replied. but I'll give it a go when I find a small space of time.
Simplicity itself
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i like it. Are you putting the numbers on?
Quote from LFSn00b :You stole my stripes :<

Well, if we take part @ the ORL, the roof must be white.

I just repainted my Garfield skin. And the number spots will stay blank for others to put there own numbers on.
Ive made a quick one, ill post it, needs numbers and stuff tho

Sorry for bad preview pic
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Can I join in? Surely team colours should be the same as the original Blitz! banger team the likes that Shane Brown used to race under (Yellow/Purple)???

Just a thought.....Unless anyone fancies racing in white with red spots lol?

Anyone got a copy of the original BLITZ! banger mag? How about lifting the logo from the cover and putting it into the skin? Examples are on that well known auction site.........
Quote from Hog700 :Can I join in? Surely team colours should be the same as the original Blitz! banger team the likes that Shane Brown used to race under (Yellow/Purple)???

Thats a good point, I have a VCR around here somewhere of Shane Brown doing a caravan race with Blitz!

We need to keep the roof white and we also need the UF1's to look quite tidy, not imaculate, but tidy...cos its junior rods, not bangers. but the full contact cars, need to look like bangers


I have spent ages tryinf to find a pic of Shanes car..anyone else find any?

Welcome Hog700, dont forget to add [BlitZ] to the start of your name
Quote :

Champion Grade (Checkered and National Flag Roofs)

Super Star Grade (Red Roof + Flashing Lights)

Star Grade (Red Roof)

A Grade (Blue Roof)

B Grade (Yellow Roof)

C Grade (White Roof)

Quote :
the grades in which drivers are graded are as follows (This means your cars texture MUST be modified to have the roof colour)

White Roof (C Grade - Everyone will begin as C Graded)
Yellow Roof (B Grade)
Blue Roof (A Grade)
Red Roof (Star Grade)
Red Roof + Flashing Lights (Super Star Grade)
Chequered (Previous Season Points Champion)
National Flag (Thats Your countries national Flag) Last Season ORC Champion)

All the colours above, MUST BE PRESENT on your cars roof.

Its the rules of the oval circuit and this league.

Everyone please make sure you have read the rules before Thursdays race.
maybe a darksih blue instead of purple and it would look ok
Erm...well, if we are gonna go with the "original" Blitz colour scheme, then it wont match
I need some pratice to skin cars and if u guys don't me i'll make a skin for u guys

PM me if you're interested

The plan I had was, anyone who wants to make a skin, they can, LFSn00b, Stew and DrftMstr, then we can out it to the vote on our forums

So, everyone happy with the scheme in the above pics?

Skin info:
Same colour scheme as THESE PICS.
Numbers on side, like in above pics.
White roof (will change later in time) [The very top of the roof must be white, the "window columns must be red, like in the pictures]
Bonnet, must say Team Blitz on it.

If any members or skinners have anymore ideas, then please post them

can i have number 7 please?
Any ideas what the font for the numbers is?

and I'm 52. (there is a section in the forum for numbers )
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Me again.

The number font file is in the zip's.
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Very Nice Stew

Wouldn't 52 Be Better Than 052?

And Are You Gonna Be Able To Edit The Skins For When Poeple Join Or People Get Moved Up A Grade Etc.
Quote from The General Lee :Very Nice Stew

Wouldn't 52 Be Better Than 052?

And Are You Gonna Be Able To Edit The Skins For When Poeple Join Or People Get Moved Up A Grade Etc.

In my personal opinion I like 052.
and I'll be happy to change the numbers/roof colour for people who can't do skinning.

Even though the way the .psp file is set out, it is fairly easy to change
(I use Paint Shop Pro X. none of that fancy Photoshop for me )

btw.. I'm on msn most of the day - 9:00am -> 11:00pm gmt
Quote from LFSn00b :Well, you could make me number 87 on that, and also a GTR UF. Thanks.

And I thought you knew how to skin

I can change your name to anything. as long as its short
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LFSn00b_[BlitZ] - 815.4 KB - 166 views

Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )