Ok, it is time for me to contribute to this thread.
I like mushrooms on my pizza

Seriously, spam isn't the reason I posted. Hmm, spam on pizza? EEEeeewwwww!
Kev, yeah, remember back in the CRC with the S2 demo? Me and you trying to figure out the rear wheel drives. Guess we figured them out to an extent, eh?
My contribution to your cause, look ahead, far ahead, as far as you can see. Subconciously, you will go where you look. Looking at the apex to hit the perfect apex won't get you very far, just to the apex. Look way up ahead, to the straight to where you want to be, not where you are going. This is how to hit the corners right. This is my number 2 rule when I'm on the track, and the one I probably break the most. (Number 1 of course is do everything I can not to take someone else out.)
Folks have seen me post this in other threads, especially the cockpit vs. wheel view threads. Folks like Forbin also know this from riding motorcycles. It is said when riding, if you want to avoid the pothole in the road, and you look at it to make sure you are going to miss it, 90% of the time you will hit it, exactly what you were trying not to do.
If you are looking through the corner out at where you want to be at exit, your car will go there with a perfect exit and lineup for the straight. Well then, how are you hitting the apex you ask? Well, way before you reach the corner, you are concentrating on that apex with looking far ahead before you are there. It takes some concentration to do this at first. On a motorcycle, it is easy for me as it has my full attention. In LFS or other PC racing, it isn't as easy for me as my mind will eventually wander, especially at the tracks I'm most comfortable with.
I type this not just for Kev, but this is also an excellent post for new racers as well as many of the other comments from folks. After all, Kev is usually faster than I am, why would I want to help him be even faster, hehe

Good Luck with the PB Kev.