The online racing simulator
Didn't read the whole thread but practising a lot at LX4 SO4 (LXCC first combo) it's not that easy. The time is quite good. But you must know one thing. The WR is super duper duper fast. That time is just amazing. And i've seen Alles break his own WR in race by almost half a second. I have NO idea how that guy manages to be so fast I'm lucky he's my teammate for LXCC
#27 - J.B.
Quote from Clownpaint :
I try to drive like that, but it's hard to focus sometimes when I've got people coming in and asking me questions and traffic outside making lots of noise.

Yes, yes! The wretched creatures! And don't get me started on cats...

Interesting thread BTW.
just accept there are people better, faster and sexier than you.

makes life easier and gives you more time to enjoy pizza.
Mmmm pizza :yummy:
Ok, it is time for me to contribute to this thread.

I like mushrooms on my pizza !!!

Seriously, spam isn't the reason I posted. Hmm, spam on pizza? EEEeeewwwww!

Kev, yeah, remember back in the CRC with the S2 demo? Me and you trying to figure out the rear wheel drives. Guess we figured them out to an extent, eh?

My contribution to your cause, look ahead, far ahead, as far as you can see. Subconciously, you will go where you look. Looking at the apex to hit the perfect apex won't get you very far, just to the apex. Look way up ahead, to the straight to where you want to be, not where you are going. This is how to hit the corners right. This is my number 2 rule when I'm on the track, and the one I probably break the most. (Number 1 of course is do everything I can not to take someone else out.)

Folks have seen me post this in other threads, especially the cockpit vs. wheel view threads. Folks like Forbin also know this from riding motorcycles. It is said when riding, if you want to avoid the pothole in the road, and you look at it to make sure you are going to miss it, 90% of the time you will hit it, exactly what you were trying not to do.

If you are looking through the corner out at where you want to be at exit, your car will go there with a perfect exit and lineup for the straight. Well then, how are you hitting the apex you ask? Well, way before you reach the corner, you are concentrating on that apex with looking far ahead before you are there. It takes some concentration to do this at first. On a motorcycle, it is easy for me as it has my full attention. In LFS or other PC racing, it isn't as easy for me as my mind will eventually wander, especially at the tracks I'm most comfortable with.

I type this not just for Kev, but this is also an excellent post for new racers as well as many of the other comments from folks. After all, Kev is usually faster than I am, why would I want to help him be even faster, hehe .

Good Luck with the PB Kev.
Quote from mrodgers : Folks like Forbin also know this from riding motorcycles. It is said when riding, if you want to avoid the pothole in the road, and you look at it to make sure you are going to miss it, 90% of the time you will hit it, exactly what you were trying not to do.

Wow, funny, all the pot holes i've hit are the ones that I DIDN'T see, the ones I saw I drove around....illepall I fail to see your logic and Kev has been playing LFS for to long IMO for him just to change where he looks in order to get round a corner.

Anyway, Glad to see your aiming for a hard WR Kev, I had a go of Biggies set round here and it is very slippery and locks up alot, a set you really gotta get used to and as he said, slide the car into the corner which to get a full lap doing this is pretty hard, especcially round south city.

So I had a go at my own set I made a long time ago and made it a bit better and easier to drive so if you want Kev you can have a go of this.

Ps. I had a 50.35 with it but splits for a 49 something before I gave up.

Good luck.
Attached files
LX4_so long test 2.set - 132 B - 1397 views
Yeah, I'm completely useless with Biggie's setup too. The brake settings were insane () and the fronts wouldn't go up to temp from normal driving either
OK, I'm not specifically quick. But this is what has helped me:

Quote from thisnameistaken :I do already blip the throttle with my heel when downshifting (although I think I was getting a bit lazy with it in that replay), but I think what Jean Luc Pickard was suggesting was holding a little bit of throttle constantly while braking to stabilise the car (I guess it puts load the diff? Is that what the benefit is? Anyone?). But that would be pretty hard to do with one foot.

I'm not real slick with the mechanics, but it helps me, a left foot braker. I think it has to do with keeping the car level at turn in. The car dives less. The rear steps out less. Stays more tucked and ready for throttle application.

That being said, the most interesting thing to me in this thread is that many people mentioned not overbraking. Coming off the brakes earlier and coasting at the limit to apex. I certainly overbrake. Also, if that's the goal, maybe right foot braking is less of an issue. A little more rear rebound and off you go. Remember that right - right second gear section of Monza in GPL? That was where everyone lost time. The setup to the second right was sooooo critical. Took me years to get just the right entry speed and balance. I guess all corners are like that to some extent.

Getting to the right side of your head is also very, very important. After all the practice with techniques and balance and lines you should feel it coming naturally. Like some part of your consciousness turns off. I know I'm in the 'zone' when everything slows down. I quit struggling and each move flows effortlessly from the last and into the next. The whole lap is a continuous motion. Inhale whilst braking, exhale whilst throttling. Looking far ahead is both a prerequisite and symptom of being in that state. When I'm in the zone, turn in and throttle amount are all I am aware of. It's fuzzy and mushy and I surge in a rhythmic pulse dictated by the track. (Whatever that means.)

Two bits for you - Some magazine people sat someone (Stirling Moss?) down in a hotel by a track (Watkins Glen?). He sat in a chair and did four imaginary laps at the track after the day's sessions. He held an imaginary wheel and made noises with his mouth. Feet going like crazy he did 4 or 5 laps within 4/10ths of his actual lap times. It's all in the head, eh?

Ayrton Senna used to quote one of his early karting coaches. "Have you ever entered a corner and thought, 'Oh no, this time I have done it. I've gone in too fast and I am going to go off.' But some how you make it through? That is quick."

He amazed me and the world when he drove like that. Because he really did. Remember Shoey at Hungaroring in 1998? Chasing after Hill for 20 laps at the ragged edge to catch him in the pits? Everyone was up in arms saying what a brilliant drive it was. Only four years had passed and they couldn't seem to remember that Senna drove that way as a matter of course.

With Mansell right on his ass.
Quote from Bawbag :Wow, funny, all the pot holes i've hit are the ones that I DIDN'T see, the ones I saw I drove around....illepall I fail to see your logic and Kev has been playing LFS for to long IMO for him just to change where he looks in order to get round a corner.

nah m8. it's good advice and it's often given to ski and bike racers. look where you want to go, not where you don't want to go. when things are happening too fast to think simple strategies like this are actually very helpful.
Yea, The way I understood it was you were never to look at the object your are avoiding, but I understand your supposed to LOOK at it then look at where you wanna go.

On another note, I generally don't think about what I want to be doing next, as by the time you think about it the LX will have spun on you, all I think about really is braking points, the rest just happens, no time to think, just reactions...I think anyway.
Quote from Primoz :The WR is super duper duper fast. That time is just amazing.

I can agree that 1:49.650 is fast, but nowhere near super duper. There is at least 1 second in reserve for this combo, patch Q WR was 1:48.8 smth IIRC. Of course I can't do it, I'm happy if I can do 1:50 again, but that doesn't mean that others can't.
In ski and snowboard instruction we say "look at the hole". Keeps people alive and with working limbs. Really. Really. In ski and snowbaord and skateboard racing, we are always looking ahead as many gates/cones as possible. It's a steadfast rule.

It's simple with speed. At 60mph, if you are looking 3 feet in front of you, how much time do you have to prepare for what's coming up? Look 200 feet ahead and your chances of reacting in time are much better. Someone mentioned anticipation. Steering and braking and throttling *before* you get into trouble. Looking ahead goes a long way down that road.
Meh, improved to 1:50.27

But those darn 1:49 don't want to fall :mad:
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
My two small denominations of currency:

I'm not really a fast driver, so maybe this is poor advice. But if I had to single out one thing as being all-important in racing, it's the way you stop braking when entering a corner. It's that moment that controls everything else in the corner. IMHO, the perfect racing line follows naturally from the perfect brake release. When you start braking is trivial--late braking vs. (reasonably) early braking is a matter of milliseconds for lap times--but if you stop braking at the wrong time, or do it too suddenly or slowly, it screws up the entire corner, and no amount of throttle and steering control will help you.
four lousy hundredths. :banghead:

Oh and Kev, this set feels a lot better (based on Bawbag's set but I changed it quite a bit). It's more stable and you can drift it even more safely than you could my old set.
Attached files
biggie_SO4_LX4_14903.spr - 58.5 KB - 638 views
LX4_solong3.set - 132 B - 1373 views
#42 - Goop
I'm learning heel-toe atm, too... and I'm pretty shite at it I've always left-foot braked, so it's a matter of reteaching my muscles/reflexes I s'pose. One thing I'm trying, that you may have use for... once you start to master a combination, look for places where you can left-foot brake. This of course frees up your right foot to ride/dab the accelerator under brakes (tho I hope to get better at doing this with right-foot braking).

I'm not real fast either, but I find if I visualize the perfect entry, line and exit-speed for the following corner, I tend to do quite a bit better

Good luck anyhow :cyclops:
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
(Michael Denham) DELETED by Michael Denham
#43 - th84
Quote :Help Kev Get a World Record!

Dont you dare go out and get fast on me kev, I dont wanna be the only one that still suck's!

Good luck dude!! (sorry I have no advice or anything usefull for you, as I said.. I suck)
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
drink tabasco. it will make u super hot on the track.
Quote from thisnameistaken :...
One run got me a 1:50.74,

And beaten
(I used biggie's 2nd set. If I am really diligent today I might get a high 1:49 for you)

EDI: or maybe not..
Attached files
Hyperactive_SO4_LX4_15045.spr - 38.9 KB - 631 views
@Kev: Okay, so I've had some fun today doing an analysis of our two laps. It's really interesting to fathom where the difference in laptime comes from, but I think I've learned something from that too.

The result can be viewed here:

Kev/biggie lap comparison and analysis

(oh and, please don't let yourself be distracted by the domain, I often use my domain + webspace for some entirely unrelated stuff )

I hope it gives you some insight into what you're doing wrong. Notice how often I've diagnosed you with "running-wide-itis", so you might wanna change your driving style or setup (I tend to work it out with my setups ) a bit to become ultimately faster. It seems to me there's too much understeer in your old set and that you could go much faster with a more responsive set.

However, feel free to draw your own conclusions. This is just MY interpretation/analysis, you might see things differently.
Nice presentation you got there! Got to try this combo myself and see what happens :P
Quote from Blackout :Nice presentation you got there! Got to try this combo myself and see what happens :P




Whaat? It's not like I was trying to take all the cookies and milk of the world is it? Don't worry
Quote from Blackout :Whaat? It's not like I was trying to take all the cookies and milk of the world is it? Don't worry

Uh... I was implying a crash... of course I was being terribly serious.

Btw. I don't mind you taking my cookies, you can also have all the milk you want