The online racing simulator
i dont know pi to 19 digits <_>
Quote : It annoys me that just because its on a computer, people call it geeky.

That is sooo geeky.
I never find it geeky when people are passionate about a hobby, as long as they still go out / have some sort of a life..

Many folks spend 4 hours a day watching telly. I find it far more enjoying to spend the time racing / designing pedals / wheels / shifters.. Perhaps thats geeky, it is for sure more intelligent and more fun!

Although not a big hit with the ladies.. So I've started playing drums for that. (which still has to pay off..)
geek |gi?k| noun informal

1 "an unfashionable or socially inept person. • [with adj. ]

a person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest :
a computer geek.

2 a carnival performer who does wild or disgusting acts.

DERIVATIVES geeky adjective ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from the related English dialect geck ‘fool,’ of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gek ‘mad, silly.

Oh my God it's true
Interesting to read the word "geek" is originated from the german word "Geck", which is rather seldomly used in normal conversation nowadays.

Here's the link to the LEO translation of "Geck" back to english.


@Jakg: I know how to start Mathematica and compute Pi up to thousands of digits.
I actually didnt know, such a word existed in the german language.
Really? So a "Geck" is basically someone that is dressed up like a clown IMHO. Or acting like one, something that one could call an "eitler Geck".
Quote from HorsePower :@Jakg: I know how to start Mathematica and compute Pi up to thousands of digits.

my pc could do 1 million digits of pi in about 40 seconds
Oh, ok, thx for explanation.

Never heard anyone use this word. Only "jeck".
Geck seems to intimate someone who is quite fashionable, albeit in a dandyish feminine kind of way. Maybe when the super well dressed effeminate style began to fade from popularity, geck/geek started taking on the tone it does today. ?
@zeugnimod: I wouldn't wonder if "jeck" and "geck" also have the same origin.

@Electrik Kar: That's exactly what I'm thinking.
Quote from HorsePower :Interesting to read the word "geek" is originated from the german word "Geck", which is rather seldomly used in normal conversation nowadays.

Uhm, it doesn't say it's origin comes from Geck, and it doesn't say either it comes from german. It comes from germanIC, after that it says it comes from the DUTCH word "gek", which is used in dutch as "crazy".
Quote from De Hongaar :Nofi of course but using terms like 10E+23 is pretty geeky.

ROLF, you got me, I'm a geek :drink:
Quote from Bob Smith :Hehe. Learning Pi is pretty geeky too but I try not to advertise that myself.

im an electric engineer ... the only number i care about is eulers
contrary to popular belief the e in e-technik (doesnt really work in english all that well) stands for eulers not electric
Quote from sgt.flippy :Uhm, it doesn't say it's origin comes from Geck, and it doesn't say either it comes from german. It comes from germanIC, after that it says it comes from the DUTCH word "gek", which is used in dutch as "crazy".

Since all european languages are originated in the same language (indo-european or whatever), obviously the dutch "gek" is just the same word as the old german or germanic "geck". And they also have the same meaning as far as I can see.

So who cares ... it's all the same.

@Shotglass: I've got something for you: exp(i*Pi) = -1.
Clearly one of the most remarkable formulae in science. Is this geeky or what?
Quote from HorsePower :I've got something for you: exp(i*Pi) = -1.
Clearly one of the most remarkable formulae in science. Is this geeky or what?

im bored by your 1st semster formula
btw for engineers its j ... i is a current
Quote from Shotglass :im bored by your 1st semster formula
btw for engineers its j ... i is a current

Geek! It's blasphemism to use j. It's the imaginary unit, not the jmaginary unit.

BTW: Theoretical Physicist here (pretty geeky, isn't it? :schwitz.
Quote from HorsePower :BTW: Theoretical Physicist here (pretty geeky, isn't it? :schwitz.

You meet all (can't find the word and thinks for half an hour) requirements.

But I'm not half as geeky as some of my colleagues are. In fact, in general theoretical physicists are quite normal people, thinking about strange things. I have a wife and a daughter ... does this mean I'm not 100% geeky?

I don't know. But who cares.
Quote from HorsePower :Geek! It's blasphemism to use j. It's the imaginary unit, not the jmaginary unit.

i is pretty boring anyway ... things get really interesting once you need field extensions to more than a mere 2 dimensions
Ok, now you ALL are getting real geeky!!!

Hmm, I haven't used any sort of formula since school. All I do now is produce expanded polypropylene and polyethylene foam. Such exitement there. I have geeky engineers to do all the formula stuff for me, hehe.
All my friends are gamers and muscians, so I don't get embarrassed about talking about LFS or whatever other hobbies with them. My girlfriend of 5 years is a computer nerd too so games don't bother her much outside of the fact that "I'm not paying attention" to her. We've got an oldschool NES and about 40 games that we sometimes play together, but she can't get into the "stupid 3d games."

When we first started dating I was a total Everquest geek in a high level raiding guild, so I don't think it can get much worse than that. I ended up quitting EQ to save the relationship lol Games become 10E23 * more than geeky when you change RL plans around raiding Rallos Zek and trying to get new swords with +10 to beastslaying and camping Vex Thall shards and crap Later I eventually got into World of Warcraft and ended up in the same guild that I was in in EQ and was at the end-game level there too before I spontaneously quit. My old lady was ok with WoW as long as I never played it at home... I got caught red-handed a couple times though.

As I'm not in a league or anything and just LFS in my spare time, I don't think it's too geeky, but that opinion would probably change if I found myself saying things like, "I don't know man, I'd love to hang out but I'm signed up for a race ... err... I mean I have plans, sorry!" I guess it wouldn't be that bad though, I mean I already make plans to play games with my friends i.e. "OK dude I'm heading home, I'll look you up in Day of Defeat in about half an hour," but I think it'd be different with a game that no one I know IRL plays. (I can't get anyone to play LFS; maybe because I couldn't bring myself to recommend it without investing in a wheel and stuff.)

But yeah, if I were single and trying to "woo" a pretty young lady, I don't think LFS, CS:S, or DoD:S would come up in conversation unless I already knew it would be "cool." Much better to talk about playing guitar and drums. Gamer/nerdy chicks FTW!
I never get to LFS. I'm busy explaining to people that a kart is not what their dad built for them to drive around the back yard in.