The online racing simulator
Quote from ndiw :i found another glitch, not sure for those who has 2 speakers. I put the throttle to floor.. then presses shift-r to restart race. the sound muted about 500msec before the race restarted.

That's intentional
Quote from ndiw :i found another glitch, not sure for those who has 2 speakers. I put the throttle to floor.. then presses shift-r to restart race. the sound muted about 500msec before the race restarted.

I have the same thing, but I thought it was a feature of the newer patches.
copy that..
The sound issue has to do with LFS now using DirectSound. DirectSound by default expands to all available channels. I guess you have to tell it that you only want sound in the two front speakers, by setting it in Windows or in the program itself.
Weird, I have always had 4-way speaker sound plus subwoofer and the center channel muted, I'm using a SoundBlaster Live 5.1.
It would be nice if a real 5 channel was implemented, and it would add so much immersion to the game.
I've moved the direct sound / 5 speakers surround sound discussion onto the cleanup thread.

Not because it was a bad conversation, and not because it was really off topic (this test patch does include sound improvements). However, I won't be doing any surround sound support for patch V, so I don't need that conversation in here now.

The remaining work on sound, in these compatible test patches up to patch V, will be on improving the engine sound, but still using the standard stereo system.

I move things to the cleanup thread to keep this thread right here as short as possble. It is my reference for bugs and issues found in the test patches.
Quote from Dumpy :New in U30: Using DFP, when I pause a single player game the force feedback persists for about one second after pressing the pause button. Or in other words, if I'm turning left and the force feedback is trying to turn the wheel back to the right and I pause the game, the wheel will continue trying to rotate back for about a second. In previous versions (I've used just about every test patch since U20) the wheel went completely limp instantly when pausing the game.

This doesn't affect me negatively at all, I just thought I'd point it out in case the behavior is unintentional, as I didn't notice anything in the patch notes about FF.

Thanks for all the great work!

I noticed same behaviour, using wheel Saitek R440

btw, often happens, that force feedback of my wheel is very strong and and it has weird behaviour. After I press SHIFT+C 2-3 times, it will start behave normally.
I dont know, whether is this problem connected with test patches, but I just wanted to let you know.
I too have noticed that recently, both with my momo and G25.
Quote from Scawen :The remaining work on sound, in these compatible test patches up to patch V, will be on improving the engine sound, but still using the standard stereo system.

By bringing this up I know I'm not practicing what I preach... But...

During those improvements on engine sound, would it be possible to:

A) Have a quieter version of the BOV sound (or something similar...) play as the turbocharger's RPM increases? This would be to simulate the sound of hundreds of F^3/MIN of air rushing into the engine.. It should be nowhere as loud as the BOV of course but it should build up a bit as more air is being pumped in. Simply needs to be relative to the volume of air the turbocharger is bringing in... Imagine the XRR, with it's turbo trying to maintain ~24 lbs of pressure at 6000 engine RPM ... Hehe, that should be seriously audible.

B) Possibly have the Turbocharger's "single tone whine" include some higher order harmonics on top of it's fundamental to make it sound like a turbine, rather than one sine wave?

However, I'm just grateful to have a sim that actually models turbochargers. I know the model isn't perfect yet but it's infinitely better than anything else, since everything else HAS nothing worth mentioning. I have an affinity for these amazing little devices (hence the name).

Please don't kill me
with me when i sometimes wanna play lfs, i lag every 5 sec...
this is by my wheels cuz without my wheel it doesnt happen. people told me its windows fault... this is annoying cuz then i have to unplug my wheel etc and then sometimes it still doesnt work, is this a bug at lfs or at windows??
btw my wheel is a logitec formula vibration feedback...

Quote from kiss me :with me when i sometimes wanna play lfs, i lag every 5 sec...
this is by my wheels cuz without my wheel it doesnt happen. people told me its windows fault... this is annoying cuz then i have to unplug my wheel etc and then sometimes it still doesnt work, is this a bug at lfs or at windows??
btw my wheel is a logitec formula vibration feedback...


Please make a post in the technical assistance or hardware discussion sections.
This thread is to discuss things which are definitely new in the test patch.
Updated lesson texts
I've made some minor changes to the german translation of the lesson texts. While working on it I noticed, that the on-screen messages are now placed under the finished textbox.

P.s. I've updated the help_Deutsch.txt as well.
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Since U30 two hard lock ups of lfs neccessitating a switch off via the button. I've been on the server for about 1/2 hour. No error messages. Not lag because everything is running as per normal. Rejoin the same server and continue for the rest of the evening. This also caused ventrilo to be discoed as well. Up till now no patch has caused me problems.
Quote from Doorman :Since U30 two hard lock ups of lfs neccessitating a switch off via the button. I've been on the server for about 1/2 hour. No error messages. Not lag because everything is running as per normal. Rejoin the same server and continue for the rest of the evening. This also caused ventrilo to be discoed as well. Up till now no patch has caused me problems.

That happened to me too. I started Lfs, the usual black screen appeared and everything locked up.
No black screen, in fact I was lying third and bang! Frozen picture
I have been getting this problem in u30, when I ful screen it, it turns black and the sound skips and then about 10 seconts everybody times out? But I love the restarts when it fades away and I LOVE that it doesnt have the 3 buzzing sounds when I disconnect, it used to drive me crazy. Good work tho.
Hallo, Scawen!

I just updated to U30 and I noticed, that the AI went stupid....

I very often practice overtaking offline. I setup a 5Lap race in Blackwood with a mixture of FXR, XBR and FZR. The Dificulty is AS and I start from the last Position. (AI using Players Setup is ON)

Before U30 the AI had Times about 1:12x and I am driving about 1:09x so when I start slow I have enough time to practice overtaking... But after installing U30 the fastes AI hast a 1:15x and the slowest has a 1:35:XX !! And the AI alway have bad crashes... So after the first Lap I have overtaken all AI-Cars because they are having accidents all the time...

Did you change anything on the AI behaviour?

On the older Patches it came to me that the AI is "learning" and is getting better after some races... but I did about 15 races with U30 but the AI is as bad as the firtst race...
To be on a positive note, I _think_ that starting on U30 I no longer have (very) low FPS around and towards the grid area (regardless of number of cars around). In fact, the FPS seems to be much more consistent (and high) across the entire track, which is a very good thing did anything change in this regard?

Cheers for the frequent paches and improvements
Just wanna say thanks scawen, after all it's the little things that are important seen any simbin stuff lately? makes me glad we have you guys

Any chance you could move the mirrors a bit for me though, cheers
it appears that send setup has vanished...

i'm on U30, the server is U20. This was in a 60min qualifying on a private server.
here's the screenshot...
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Got to try U30 for a couple hours today.

Firstly noticed the echoing BOV (better late than never). Pretty cool hearing it echo from both sides; if the wall on the right was closer you hear that echo a split second before the left side. Nice!

At one point though, LFS randomly minimised itself. I was driving along and BOOM. I thought it crash, but it just minimized. I was able to click LFS on the taskbar and resume, no harm done. I've never had any problem with LFS of any kind so I though I should mention it.
Quote from glyphon :it appears that send setup has vanished...

i'm on U30, the server is U20. This was in a 60min qualifying on a private server.
here's the screenshot...

Hmmm....I've been running U30 on my machine while racing on U20 server for a day or so, and never noticed it missing.

Is this a new option?
Scawen, you've changed the option for the compressed skins to "Uncompressed skins: Yes - No"

To be honest, I really think it made more sense as being "Compressed skins: Yes - No" for various reasons. Having the skins "compressed" or not is the main idea. And "Uncompressed" isn't spelled like that. It is un compressed, or un-compressed (Even then, that still isn't a real word). I just prefer it saying "compressed" because it is easier to read, and makes a whole lot more sense.
most software nowadays uses some form of tex compression as a default, so having an option to change this behaviour makes more sense. ("options" are normaly off. that is why they are called "options". "this car has A, B standard and C optional", which implies that "C" is "disabled, off" unless you specificaly ask for it.

that's just me though. :/
Quote from george_tsiros :most software nowadays uses some form of tex compression as a default, so having an option to change this behaviour makes more sense. ("options" are normaly off. that is why they are called "options". "this car has A, B standard and C optional", which implies that "C" is "disabled, off" unless you specificaly ask for it.

that's just me though. :/

I have no idea why you brought this up but, yes LFS has the option already, but my post is referring to the option that used to be titled "Use compressed skins" if I remember correctly. Now in the latest patch it is called "Uncompressed skins: No-Yes", and I just feel it should say "Compressed skins: No - Yes"
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