I'm sorry Niall, I've decided I'm going to leave the team However, when everything is up and running properly, send me a pm and I'll come along for a laugh See all you [BlitZ]ers around...:weeping:
Because it works out cheaper. its £15 for 1 Server or £26 for 2, so, works out £2 cheaper for us both, and hopefully in 3 weeks, there should be a new promotion, that will allow it to be even more cheaper
I was wondering if you could make me the team skin for the xfg,would help me alot, as i need it for the STCC quailfication event, but leave out the numbers, ill add them myself ^^
Yeah......that's great that you'll save £2, but do you need 2 servers? You will end up using 1 of them and the other could sit empty and that way you'd waste £11. If cash in an issue why have 2 servers? Just have 1 and get your money's worth out of it!
The General Wants his own server, i want my own server, although i would own both, the general pays me as i pay for both servers, then ill just monitor and change his as he pleases.
It works out cheaper as we both want a server each, they will both get used