The online racing simulator
Quote from biggie :Hard to say really... it mostly depends on the setup and the popularity of the combo. I spend 50-80% of my time tweaking setups to my liking, so most of the time is spent not doing actual "hot laps" because I can't/don't want to focus on my driving yet.
I haven't spent much time on most of my current WRs though, maybe up to 20-60 minutes each. Given I have a good set from the start and the combo is not that popular, it sometimes takes me 15-20 minutes only (like FE1 XRT).
There are a few more pushed WRs on which I spent much more time. But it's hard to make a generalization.

Wow. I managed to get a WR once (for about a day), and I took about 6 hours.

You must have some real serious talent (but we already knew that).

EDIT: Discovered this thread again today. Wow, a lot of time has passed since I was struggling to beat Kev. :P Had another shot with the old patch again today, lap attached.
Attached files
DaveWS_SO4_LX4_14899.spr - 115.1 KB - 408 views
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Hi Kev,
Well it took me the same amount of time since you started this.

I'm 0:00:02 off the WR @ SO1R w XRR.

I'm driving the big fat XRR, but you inspired me to knock off WR's..I hold SO3R and i'm so close to SO1R I can taste it.

Good luck with your quest.

like the sig AeoIus

hey i've become quotable
Brilliant tread!

You were talking about adding more camber before... What I'ld like to know (for a long time) is, what is the main difference between adding more camber and lowering tyre pressure? They both seem to add more grip, they both seem to add more heat to the tire, so where should you draw the line between more camber/less pressure?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :Exodus made an interesting point to me the other day: I was surprised that he was running twice as much camber as me, but the insides of his tyres were running cooler than mine. He pointed out that reducing camber reduces available grip in the turns, which can cause wheels to slip and generate more heat. My setup was certainly doing that. So while too much camber can cause the insides to cook because only a small part of the tyre is doing most of the work of accelerating and braking, too little camber can cook the whole tyre during cornering.

... what I said

Quote from biggie :You should really try my new set again. Because of your low pressures and your relatively low camber settings, the tires deform quite a lot during cornering. You should aim for keeping the contact patch even during the corner. Imo, you're clearly running too little camber. More camber helps you deal with extreme situations a little when the car is "tilted" even more because of clipping a curb. You can think of driving over inside curbs as adding "more positive camber to the outside wheels".

Oh and how's your progress coming? If you're feeling stuck you might wanna come back to this thread and ask for counseling
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
After driving other combos for a bit , return to your SO4 LX4 hotlaps because its often the case that you can be faster there after some time away, I find this alot.

I think the brain gets some time to assimilate all the info from the times before, and is able to apply it upon return with greater effect, or some theroy like that


Don't give up Kev!

Took me absolutely ages to get me a WR back in the days but once I got one it made being generally faster and getting more WR's a hellova lot easier.

But racing online is the fun poop so don't waste your time doing silly hotlapping. (Yes, i am being serious!)

I suppose you could try some other combos, maybe long rev which is quite fun, or maybe even some LX6 combos around Aston as South City is particularly hard to keep a valid lap and be fast.

Good luck though, with whatever you go for.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Blackout :To OCC tonight again, eh?

OCC tonight? I'm in, even if you don't want me there
Quote from Hyperactive :OCC tonight? I'm in, even if you don't want me there

Okay, we dont want you there lets say in two hours.

(Reverse pchygology, don't tell Hyper)
I have a question. Sorry if it was asked and answered already in this thread. When I load my pb replay and wr replay into Analyze for Speed it says "Could not load a track for Fern Bay!" What should I do to make it work?
Make sure you have the SMX files from here
Well I have them... but what am I suppose to do with those SMX files? (Im a noob )
"Create a "smx" folder inside your "lfs\data" folder and place the contents of this zip file in that folder."

If you are using WinZip, open the archive, press extract, and extract it to 'wherever lfs is\data\smx'. It should make the directory for you.
Thanks! It works now
I would reccommend driving the same car for a while, but change combos, just get used to one car so deep, that You feel it's like Your own body when sitting in the car If You can handle the car, then You can drive whatever lines with it eventually.
After You've mastered the car, pick another car, drive for a while, for months maybe, then after You have mastered the cars on a very long period You can adopt to them quicker laters, cause You have them somewhere deep in Your brains from that long period of how the cars drive and the speed comes back quick. So finally You are fast in all cars and need just a few laps to adopt

I use to drive only FXO at S1 beginning times, lately I'm a bit inactive, today when driving the gti I was going the WR pace , but I dunno, it felt like I could get them so barely, then after I had done more combos on Fe Later , I was driving Black rev then in the end, I started to feel the car so great in the end, at Gold rev chicane it felt so natural to go trough, the car had become so familiar again to me after all those laps, I went back to Gold rev and it felt easyer to improve that WR too , than the lap I had before

It's all about the feeling , You have to try and go over the edge etc, You have to find out how the car drives in all kinds of different situations
I noticed one thing; you have to had a lot of time speend on that track you driving, not whit that car, whit all cars. It is good to have some practice at same track whit more different car becouse, you can do same things whit different cars. I don't know do you anderstend this but I men that you can enter some corner like noone doing whit that car, but someone do whit other, that is goood . I see too that all aliens are in LFS since 2003. They have so much practice time. biggie sad that he need 20 minuts for one combo for PB. Man he have 100+ hours of practice there allredy. I am in LFS (demo) )since 0.5K version that is May 2005. I was suck a noob, mine nick was Nicky. In Apri 2006 I made new acount N I K I and then is just relesd 0.5U version, new fisics. I was driving only BL1/XRT and you can see am so good there. In summer I worded for money and bought wheel (Logitech MOMO Racing) and drive again demo. In October 2006 I bought S2 and Im glad that I finilly did it. Now Im drivng for MHR chart. I thing it is great thing becouse it have all tracks and all cars. You can see what is good for you and what is not! I was driving all combinations on crack and now I doing all again on Licence. My atempt is to brage Sracer, Misko, Prezsi, BlackMan times. Palich is too good. I have all times completed on SO tracks. And they are good. But there was one big problem whit this. I have newer drive anything like SO in demo. Blackwood is like AS and KY, eaven WE is look like BL in some parts but SO is nothig like BL. You must enter corners diferently thatn in other track, can't do so much trail braking, corner speeds are so low, 80 km/h, 110 are in other tracks. FE is lot like SO so I'll drive now in FE for MHR chart. I alrady tred FXO on FE2 and I got, 1:17.85. Not bad, but I can do 1:17.3x whit mine sector. If I do 1:17.6x I'll be glad. I need 2-3 hours for sometrack to lern it and make some time 101.xx% WR. After 5-10 hours I'm bored and got some good time, 100.5x-100.9x% ). Is that good, or I need to much time??? (100.5x and faster are Alien times?)

What view are you folk using. I am looking from cocpit like real car and when Im in depp contetration I dont see virtual pedals I dont see little map track FPS, time counting or any gadgets, but I look only on road, but then I see split and Im dead. When I see some inposible split like; secound split was 51.6x and I just made 51.4x and only 4 corners to go and have new PB, I make terible misteke (Why God why??). Why split times destroy mine contetration???

One more thing. biggie or someone else was tolking about car filing! That is mega important man!!! When you feel the car that is so good, you don't think how much brake pessure you'll give, how much turn or when to hit the gass (gas whit double ss lookin bether) you just do right and you got perfect time but thern come spits and contetration goes down

I think that you Kev should try Aston combinations (Grand Prix is so interesting). That track SO is not so good for begining, (I know you are not beginer, but you beginig whit WR break downs ). AS, KY, BL and WE are track. FE is like carting track and SO is city track and you need diferent tehniqe there! And it is good thing that you decide to drive RWD cars, thay are much bether and much more funy to drive then FWD (God how I hate understeer!). Try to drive XRT, it is the best RWD car (FZR is best GTR, FO8 best formula and XRG best slow car, I'm not in to LX cars, it's fun but I like more normal car ). Try to do Aston Grand Prix /XRT. It is cca 3 min lap, but it has all man, all! Slow cormens, fast cornes, herpins, chicanes all. It is so good track for incresing driving skill. If you are bored to dive 3 min lap then drive whit GTR car (XRR, FZR are makin lap in 2:40 not so much fust, then try F08, it makes lap in 2:30. AS5 is something like SPA Francoshumps in LFS

I think MRT5 will kill mine MHR times, , grrr I hate that car!

Demn NFS:Carbon is out and I think I must play that s**t. I'm so in Tuning, but mine driving skills are going wrong when I play Arcades
Anyway of to FE2/FXO (must do that 1:17.6x) and be in top 25 (be bether then Misko and Sracer)

Oh man what a long post, sorry about it
There you go, I got a new PB, 1:17.69 (101.40% of WR). It is loking bad when you say like that, but see Prezsi, Sracer and Misko times, they are RWD fans like me and have times like me . So I was doing a practice for a hour or so and go to eat, when I come back after 5 minuts I got a new PB (Whis full stumeck is easyer to drive, you dont think on food LOL). This is still not my best posible time, but I pleased whit this one, I'm on 23 spon and I think that is good, anyway top 10 here is inposible so what a practice for anyway. Dude biggie is RWD driver too but he hold WR here, can't understand that, man how do that?
Good luck I remember when about 2 years ago i first played with lfs demo, and was doing awfully, was seconds from wr for months. Then i realised that maybe having a good setup is important so i asked from a guy who was very close to wr and he gave me his setup. My times slowly improved and finally i got the the fastest time with clutch pack (that was the time when some demo racers realised that locked diff is faster then clutch pack in lfs). So setup is very important, don't be afraid to drive some fast setup, after all, even if you you are not doing that well with it you will be faster since the setup is faster. After a while, you will get used to these faster stups too. What i did next was searching for a good wr, with the setup uploaded to teaminferno and tried doing everyhing like in the wr (driving technique, heating up tire like in the wr). That was So classic with the fox for me. Thx Biohazard.
Quote from robgo :Good luck I remember when about 2 years ago i first played with lfs demo, and was doing awfully, was seconds from wr for months. Then i realised that maybe having a good setup is important so i asked from a guy who was very close to wr and he gave me his setup. My times slowly improved and finally i got the the fastest time with clutch pack (that was the time when some demo racers realised that locked diff is faster then clutch pack in lfs). So setup is very important, don't be afraid to drive some fast setup, after all, even if you you are not doing that well with it you will be faster since the setup is faster. After a while, you will get used to these faster stups too. What i did next was searching for a good wr, with the setup uploaded to teaminferno and tried doing everyhing like in the wr (driving technique, heating up tire like in the wr). That was So classic with the fox for me. Thx Biohazard.

same thing here, rodgo maybe we are not Aliens but we know what to practice, and we are good at that, nice WR at AS3 FZR (very powerful)

SO Im saying that coping someones driving tehniq is not bad thing but there is always some your specials moves at the drive

Kepp on practice becous practice makes perfect
Thx! One of the reasons i copied the driving technique because Biohazard was left foot breaking (pushing the gas pedal while lifting up break pedal) in the first corner, and i wasn't familiar with that yet. The other was that i wanted to know what is needed to come around that corner so fast. Now left foot breaking is natural for me, i use it when needed. And of course i checked how fast i did the first corner in analise for speed till i couldn't do it as fast as in the wr. I use analise for speed regularly, it was a big help for getting the wr at as nat+fzr.
Check out this screen shot showing just how hard Biggie pushes that poor LX4 at SO4
Attached images
Nice shot!

Ineresting to see that the tyre deformation looks very realistic. Even though the suspension is obviously compressed and the right hand wheel is in the air, it doesn't look excessive... gotta love LFS
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Check out this screen shot showing just how hard Biggie pushes that poor LX4 at SO4

Demn whit that biggie, is he from Eart or what illepall

He is from Mars

Just joking