Poll : What type of controller do you play LFS with?

Wheel (FFB)
Wheel (spring)
Well atm I am using my old and badly worn Logitech Formula Force GP
But the G-25 is ordered, payed for and on it's way... can't wait to get my greasy paws on it
Quote from DFS_MadFred :Well atm I am using my old and badly worn Logitech Formula Force GP
But the G-25 is ordered, payed for and on it's way... can't wait to get my greasy paws on it

Holy crap- I have a Formula Force GP (Driving force original), a Black Momo Racing, and a DFP.. You are taking a gargantuan step up going from your wheel to the G25.. You are going to be blown away.
I generally play with a keyboard and mouse, but I've got a Logitech Formula FFB wheel, but this only comes out once in a while. Also thinking of getting a gamepad for rF as k/b is dire for that game.
are the PS2 stlye controlers any good? like can u control throttle with the X button or only the 'joystick'?
Quote from DjeMz :are the PS2 stlye controlers any good? like can u control throttle with the X button or only the 'joystick'?

You can control with any of the 12 buttons or sticks.
I use the sticks, left stick for steer and right stick for gas & brake
The downside is no vibration.
But it works well.
is there no vibration because LFS is not compadible?
yeh i have seen them ps2 to pc converters lying around but they seem to be the same price as buying a new controler
Quote from DjeMz :are the PS2 stlye controlers any good? like can u control throttle with the X button or only the 'joystick'?


Yeh- its awesome. I managed to make my PS2 PAD with standard XP drivers make my car even PIT / LEAVE PITS / CHANGE VIEW / CHANGE CAR FOCUS / F1 - F4 keys /
ALL if which (BTW) un-changable in LFS.

ie: View = "V" key (cant modify this in LFS)

But I managed to Assign View(V) it to the TRIANGLE button. I used a fantastic free program called JOYTOKEY (on google)
http://www.electracode.com/4/j ... y%20English%20Version.htm
You can assign any joystick press to any keyboard/mouse function. It would probably also work with steering wheels and Joysticks. You might get a program such as this when you purcahse a USB PS2 style joypad. If you dont - use it - its free.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Wheel (spring) here.

I have a dfp but atm. it feels just too odd for me to use it. And after 7 years of driving with my MS wheel it means that any change won't be an easy one. But I'll try harder when I have modded the dfp
is force feedback a must? or will traditional spring do the job?

ps i cant get a wheel/pedal just let; nursing broken leg!
I've got a Thrustmaster dual trigger. A ps2-like controler with xbox-like triggers. Excelent brake and throttle control with the split axis.

Highly recommended for anyone who doesn't have the money, space nor relationship to have a wheel. (al apply on me).
Quote from DjeMz :is force feedback a must? or will traditional spring do the job?

ps i cant get a wheel/pedal just let; nursing broken leg!

If you've never used a wheel for a racing sim, then you would be amazed at an old center sprung style wheel. You will be flippin out at how awesome it is. You will be having a blast thinking it is sooooo cool that it is like driving.

Move on to a force feedback wheel after playing with that center sprung wheel and it's those thoughts all over again x100. Now you start to feel the car. You don't go by visual cues that the back end is swinging out. You go by what the wheel is doing. You feel understeer and over steer. You feel the brakes locking up. You get so much more feedback using an FF wheel over a center sprung wheel it is ridiculous.

If you don't yet have a wheel, don't even think about a non-force feedback wheel. If you would ever upgrade in the future, you will be kicking yourself for not getting force feedback to begin with.
LFS Tools
I thought it would be interesting to see what people use for LFS, for example i use a keyboard :dunce:.....
I use a joystick but the option isn't available. So, I marked "other".

Someday when I get rich enough I'll buy a wheel.
Ans there are some Mouse-driver, too
g25 ftw!!
I'm usually driving with my G25. Except when I'm on travel, keyboard is more practicable then, but also some secs slower.
#71 - Jakg
was using a G25, but since it died i'm back on my Momo
I thought this poll was about the best or most used tools/mods for LFS. It's not, so I'm unable to pay my tribute to Kegetys (and others). I'll pay my tribute to some hardware manufacturers, then:
- Logitech for G25
- Enermax for the wonderfully stylish and precise Aurora keyboard
More could be named, but it's not related to controllers.
Sorry guys i am a newbie and am unaware of the steering options people use
I am now saving up for a steering wheel... but ive not decided which one to go for