Kev's raised a good point - their doom may not be imminent but record companies will one day face quite stiff competition from, well, anyone! Digital home recording software/hardware has become so very popular that it's hardly even necessary to pay for studio time to record an EP or demo or even full length album anymore. Two bands I was in recorded EPs in 2000/2001, just in our guitarists' basements, using stuff we borrowed as well as some pro software and a HDD mixer. We released them indepenently and the costs were all covered by the band members. We didn't make any profits from the sales but the point is we got 12-ish songs out to the public without giving any cash to some fcuk in a suit and the end product, while not sounding like Radiohead, was of a very high quality. Both EPs debuted at No.1 on the local charts (not as cool as it sounds, Adelaide's a small town - but we beat our "enemies", so it was satisfying, muahaha). I won't say it was cheap, but the money we spent on it wouldn't buy the left tyre on Donald Trump's limousine.
This was a few years ago now, and home recording is a rapidly evolving industry. You can now fit all you need in a suitcase: laptop, good software, a couple of mikes and a pre-amp or two (my other guitarist is doing exactly that when he comes here from London next year to finish our old project). Thanks to new hardware/software & the web it's possible to write & record a high-quality album and get it out there & sold as soon as it's done, without involving middle men or any of the industry bastards. It's possible to start your own label in your basement! As the home industry picks up and gear gets cheaper and easier to use, record companies are going to have to adjust how they operate (some already are) out of necessity. The options available to musicians who want to release their material are ten times that of a decade ago, and a hundred times that of 20 years ago. Big record companies may not go tits up just yet, but they will have to face the fact that they're not going to have the total control over the industry that they've enjoyed since they came into being decades ago.
FYI, some links to my band's stuff. All home-made (except FTA).
Roger the Band (characters by me

) I'll upload the tunes somewhere. Or you can buy a CD lol

Mothdust mp3s
1 2 3 4
ekranoplan (me and my PC

From The Ashes (recorded professionally but cheaply

) Download yer ass off!
[/shamless frickin plug!]
Back to the topic I guess *sigh*
If you like the hard stuff - Fear Factory's second and third albums -
Demanufacture and
Obsolete - are absolutely kickarse :up:
I'll always plug The Mars Volta too - mad as hell progressive guitar madness, 16 minute songs, vocals by someone who can only be described as an alien (this band is the brainchild of Cedric (vocals) & Omar (guitars) from At The Drive-In). They're touring Oz in March, got my ticket!

Metallica: get their first five albums (up to the Black album). Those records contain their best stuff ever, hands down. I saw them in 1993, at the height of their awesomeness - thankfully before "Load" came out so I didn't have to hear that crap :up: