The online racing simulator
Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )
illepall lol

Dont mean to be picky

But, didnt the UF1 and "the" team blitz have a red strip around the top of bonnet/doors/boot?
Quote from The General Lee :illepall lol

Dont mean to be picky

But, didnt the UF1 and "the" team blitz have a red strip around the top of bonnet/doors/boot?

The UF1 had a stripe on the bonnet.
I left it off these cars cause it looked stupid, but you can put it on yours if you're desperate

And Gronholm's name is Marcus not Markus
He loved to moan about his 307 "I hate this ******* Car". :P
if you say it looks silly..I will leave it

I stole it from another forum...with permission ofcourse.

But, he always did have a moan about his 307, and if he done bad, he would always start his answer with.... "Weeeeeeell.."
Check PM stew ^^
dont have photoshop.. ill download it in a sec tho
Why is it that I leave the team and now you all get yer arse's in gear?
beacuse now you have left, we can do more stuff :P
I'm trying my PC out as a test server to see how much lag I can get. And to see how long before my connection cuts out. So if anyone is out there come join me
ok, my Photoshop trial ended, so could i please have a XFG skin without any numbers on it..
i could REALLY do with the xfg skin today, one without numbers, would help loads, stcc thing tomrorow so yea..
Quote from (-Mark-) :i could REALLY do with the xfg skin today, one without numbers, would help loads, stcc thing tomrorow so yea..

gimme 10 minutes
OK it was more of 2 minutes
4 :P
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Ill join plz!
Welcome Alan!

Add [BlitZ] to the front of your name and, tell Stew what name & number you wnat on your car.

and Welcome again!

things are a little quiet at the moment, because we dont have a server *yet* an the next league race isnt for 3 weeks.
Always glad to help
I'm rofl :P
Quote from Stew2000 :Always glad to help
I'm rofl :P

Well, get yo' boney be-hind of da damn floor foo' and make diz brudda de coolest skin eva!!111ELEVEN11OMG1!!1

Only messing mate, if it is to much of sweat, I will do it...altough there is a quote lying around here somewhere saying you will do all the skins lol
Quote from The General Lee :I will do it...altough there is a quote lying around here somewhere saying you will do all the skins lol

You find it, then everyone can give me 2p

The good thing about our livery is that it doesn't take long to make
Quote from LFSn00b :Any1 fancy coming to drive in MoE with me?

MoE? What does that mean?
One nice and simple helmet.
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HEL_[BlitZ].psd - 927.5 KB - 253 views
I thought this team was about Banger racing, not Drifting.
Quote from Stew2000 :I thought this team was about Banger racing, not Drifting.

Same here lol
Can I re-join?

Team BlitZ
(358 posts, started )